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New NPC factions... - Asymptotic - 03-01-2007

I've always wondered...

if one were to add an entirely new faction, including NPCs; small, insignificant systems; etc.; would it be allowed/possible? It would consist of a band of pirates named the Xiongnu, a Chinese terrorist group who opposed the Coalition in Sol and managed to construct sleeper ships as well.

(The real-world parallel is the Xiongnu of the Mongolian Plain/Caucus mountains who caused trouble for the Chinese, the Indians, and the Romans under the name of the Xiongnu/Hsiung-Nu, the Hunas, and the Huns, respectively named.)

Ship ideas:
Crossbow (V Heavy Fighter)
It looks like a crossbow. The pulled-back strings are actually just cables, and where the bolt would normally be cranked back to is where the guns are mounted. Probably a battery of 6 Class 10's. No cruise disruptor/torpedo mount. This ship is for heavy support, not cruise disruptors. Very difficult handling, but lots of firepower.
Fang (Heavy Fighter)
The cockpit is shaped like a tooth, the engines are directly behind it, and there is a curved bar extension going out to the right and the left where the weapons are mounted. 4 Class 10 mounts. CD/T mount enabled, a slightly weaker power core and hull. Decent handling.
Junk (Light Fighter)
It looks a little bit like a hydrofoil - there are two "plates" facing diagonal-downwards left and right, shaped artistically, of course, and attached to a central cockpit. The weapons are mounted underneath the cockpit inside the protection of the plates. Probably 3 Class 10 mounts. CD/T mount enabled, with a Light fighter appropriate power core and not too much armor (it's supposed to be light and manuverable, yet deadly.)

New NPC factions... - Dab - 03-01-2007

It is possible, though you would need Igiss' approval. Basically, you should just give him all the ideas about it, so he can do it himself. Making it alot easier..

New NPC factions... - Asymptotic - 03-01-2007

That's what I was planning. Thanks for your input, man! I'll talk to him about it.

On a related note, would it be RP-safe to Discoverate that there were a multitude of Chinese sleeper ships which stumbled upon the Border Worlds of Sirius?

New NPC factions... - Craines - 03-01-2007

I believe that all oriental-esque countries are shown as the Kusari. I'm not sure, but that's my understanding.

Also, you signature says Xiongnu (Chinese) pirate faction. Xiongnu were the Mongolians, who were a bane to China for a few dynasties. I can see how you could say that the Xiongnu are a Kusari pirate faction, but it could be the target for criticism.

Nonetheless, look forward to killing massive amounts of these people in New Tokyo! :P

Hope this helped.

New NPC factions... - Asymptotic - 03-01-2007

I know a little bit about pre-Sirius fluff... it was basically Latinos, Americans, Germans (one assumes the French were annexed into "Rheinland"), and the Japanese against the Chinese, Russians and other Far Eastern powers.

The vanilla FL fluff says that only the Alliance sent sleeper ships and the four Houses that exist are the ones who survived. (Kusari is JAPANESE ONLY!)

What if there were a terrorist faction opposing the Coalition who constructed its own sleeper ships, albeit smaller, and they landed in the border worlds?

Also, on the Xiongnu: You're close on the "Mongolians" guess; they were both nomadic foreigners who threatened and encroached on China's borders. However, the Xiongnu originated not from modern Mongolia but from the Caucus mountains (they were known by the Romans as the Huns and by the Indians as the Hunas). The regional names that they were known by differ, but the idea is the same.

China and Japan have been (relatively) bitter enemies ever since Japan invaded in the early 20th century, especially in the Rape of Nanking. Thus it would be most reasonable if the Xiongnu faction finds its roots in the Barrier systems (very similar to the mountains from which they originated on Earth.)

Phew, ^long^.

New NPC factions... - Qunitinius~Verginix - 03-01-2007

I think mabey a New Faction off beside the Tau systems would be cool. there is alot of empty space there and it could be filled up. How about not making another sleeper ship faction, but make a Break-off faction. Like the mollies accctually Got Dublin seperated or something and also had some colonies in the back. Or mabey even like Rheinland Grew too large and half broke off into some independand factions.

Verginix Out

New NPC factions... - Asymptotic - 03-01-2007

Except for... I want to make a Chinese faction.

New NPC factions... - Virus - 03-01-2007

Chinese were part of the Coalition. They sent no sleeper ships. After the Alliance Sleeper ships left the Sol System, it was completely annihilated by the Nomads.

New NPC factions... - onca - 03-01-2007

' Wrote:... After the Alliance Sleeper ships left the Sol System, it was completely annihilated by the Nomads.

:shok:news to me.... source?

New NPC factions... - Koolmo - 03-01-2007

extended intro movie... i dunno where it is