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Fuschian Melencholoy - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-12-2009

375 days had passed since she last saw her knight in shining armor.....375. In all of those days, she still couldn't understand why he had made the choices he made. Why...why would he make the time they were supposed to spend together almost non-existent? Was it something she said? How she dressed? What she did? It got to the point where she had to ask his number 3 or 4 times a month because of the intense secrecy the Bounty Hunters Guild, or more precisely, the Bounty Hunters Guild Core had implemented on all of their members. She became depressed, she stopped wailing through crowds of phone operators and mountains of ship frequencies every week in order to keep up with him. For the first time in her life she began a regular domestic lifestyle. Working in an office building was an easy job to find, considering how many tower over the streets of Manhattan.

Even in the nineteen years of her life this is actually the closest she's ever been to a normal life...unless you count outcast-controlled slavery as normal in Sirius. Without a scratch out or inside her today, you'd never know that she was someone's mop and broom once before. No, her owner wouldn't dare lay a finger on her, not sweet little Fuschia. Of course the reason for this wasn't out of her master kindness, but simply, an investment. His pet was both lucky and unlucky enough to entice even the most difficult or stern of men, great amounts of wealth could find it's way from pimps into one's pocket if they had so much as pointed them in the direction of profitable ass. After dealing with a rich and well known brothel owner, she promptly found her way onto a frigate headed to to one of her new master's whorehouses.

But just hours before her delivery a police raid on the convoy was ordered, Marshall Lance, a Freelancer at the time, was paid to assist in the raid. Unfortunately, Marshall found himself stuck behind a wall of litigation and paperwork. However a somewhat generous and crooked lieutenant decided he proposed he take and cash in some of the contraband as reward, foolishly he accepted, initially he was planning to take a few ponds of synthetic Mary and cash it in at Rochester base. However, that's when he saw her, their eyes met, locked in place. He knew instantly what she was, and what she had always been...all her life. With her current level of knowledge of the outside world, not to mention her looks, she would find herself in the situation she almost ended up in. He take her as his reward, trying not to look like a complete lecher in the process. He said a few words to her in order to keep her calm and not worry about what was to happen "You have good taste buddy" one of the officers chuckled. Rolling his eyes in disgust he turned away with his "prize".

He was planning to take her under his wing and probably help her start her life over...her life as a free woman. He began to show her around and introduce her to things her former life never had, and allowed her to learn everything she needed to survive in this world. His tours around the cities and station became more like dates rather than tutorials. It's like this they became involved and became closer as the days rolled by, until eventually they became as close as a man and woman could be. The content and love found by these was all they needed, of course that was before he found the spoils of the bounty hunter's guild core. He assured her on this opportunity with promises of fortune, and spoils with his income...but that was before he realized this was a war not a simple treasure hunt. He was away for months at a time, often without communications to the civilized world. Another 3 months had passed since the last time he could visit her, 3 years had already passed since she was rescued from that hell, she had began to feel as if she was talking to an annoying relative, her "knight in shinning armor" had now become a stray dog instead, chasing his tail in the middle of a desert.

While sitting in that cozy little box of an office she was getting used to, she considered the option of reuniting with him instead of waiting for him to reunite with her She thought maybe if he couldn't be with her down on earth, then, perhaps she could join him up there. With the last few credits she had saved over the last few months, she decided to refit Marshall's old Bomber, the very same he used to save her in that raid, before he had changed to one of the Guild's more advanced models, per requirement of the guild. In a way it was a guardian angel of sorts for her, and with it's help perhaps she can find and join her lover. But first she would need both some hands-on training and a continuous form of income. Freelancing provided both...

And so began her journey from across the universe back into her love's arms.

Fuschian Melencholoy - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 12-25-2009

30 Days after she began her search...........

It was a regularly busy day above the skies of Manhattan. She was patrolling the system for possible leads and work. All the while thinking about her lost love. She looked down at the broach Marshall bought for her on the anniversary of the day he unintentionally saved her. It was with three pearls connecting the three jade bands.
To the average young lady, it was a beautiful gift symbolizing the love and adoration from someone special, and a year ago it was just that, first the first time she finally had someone who appreciated her as a person and no longer as a possession or investment, it was a symbol of her freedom from her past.

Most people who are either taken as young children born into the Outcast slave trade are doomed from birth. Their minds shattered long before they even begin and thus can never endure beyond that reality. The three most loyal things throughout Sirius history are a dog, a Kusarian warrior and a Maltese house slave. Called the Hijastros Maldito by their less appreciated slave counter parts are trapped and haunted by the persona of servitude that was forced upon them. Fuschia with different, not because she had underlying will power or because she had a dream that propelled her from her captors, but simply because she had him, he who saved her from her slavers and once again from the stagnant mind injected into her from birth.

But now it was a painful reminder of what she had lost to deep space, and what she had to find in the black of it all.......

Fuschian Melencholoy - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 12-25-2009

When she was about nineteen, she was in the dining room of her master's estate in the center of his cardimine estate. Merely dusting off and sweeping as she had always been these last few years. when she over heard her master speaking with a sharply dressed middle-aged gentleman lounging. he was dressed and in a burgundy suit with a long black overcoat and black gloves. Next to him was an attractive woman about the same age as Fuschia, leaning on his shoulder and rubbing against his forearm. From the other room she made eye contact with Fuschia, she saw the the agony, the pain, and fear she had of this man she was comforting, it only took Fuschia a moment to realize that she and the woman were the same, no even, the woman was destroyed completely and beyond peace of the heart. After a few more moments, the man stood up and shook hands with her master. The three then began walking towards Fuschia, the man tipped his hat and gave her an uneasy smirk as he walked towards the door, her master then patted her on the back of her head and chuckled as he followed the man out the door, the young wiped a tear from her cheek as she gave one last look at Fuschia before hurrying to catch up to her master.

That night her master sent her to to get her prepare for what he had planned for her, she wash washed from head to toe, her hair, nail were redone. He also purchased her some new clothing. She found out later why exactly he did all of this when the the sharply dressed man returned. She was escorted in to the living room where he and her master were waiting. He stood before taking her hand and circling her she could feel his moist breath on her neck as he looked down her shirt with excitement, she spun around in worry and looked at her master. He shrugged and then stood up and gave her a pat on the forearm, the gentleman then wrapped his arm over her should as he tugged her away. She kept looking over her shoulder With a look of fear and confusion, he just waved and smirked "Just business Princess" he mutter with a big smile. Fuschia's eyes swelled out with tears as she was helped in to one of the cargo hold of the Gentleman's Borderworld's transport. took a seat near the window and rested her head between her legs and put her hand over her head. Muffled sobbing were heard by the rest of the passengers and crew.

As she starred into the gleam of her bracelet, she thought of the pattern of stars out of the dirty window of the dimly lit cargo bay of the slave liner she was lying in a few years before, she remembered the great flash of light that blinded her followed by the rumbling that shattered the floor beneath her, as everything went black. She woke a few hours later in the main bridge of the liner. She sipped a cup of hot chocolate one of the officers had given her as they rounded up the rest of the crew and slaves aboard. She turned around in the direction of yelling and whining she heard from what sounded like a young man, apparently yelling over his payment.

After a moment the officer next to her escorted her to the next room, then she saw him. They couldn't take their eyes off of one another. Observing the chemistry between the two, the officer, with a smirk, decided to bargain with the young boy. As the two walked away the young woman asked, "may I ask the name of my new master?" "It's Marshall Lance" "I am honored to serve you Master Lance" she said softly. "Eh...just Marshal...o...k?" he replied "Hey what's your name?" He asked. "Fuschia, Fuschia Lance". she said with a smile "Uhhh....When did we get married?" responded with a nervous chuckle.