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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Printable Version

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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Ackarion - 08-12-2009

Such as the Smuggler ID it has a ship limit to 3600 cargo but allows a 4300 cargo Pirate Train.

Well, could we do the same for Independent Trader ID.?

Independent ID has limit of 3,800 cargos. Could it be allowed an exception to a 5k Adv. Train only?

The Adv. Train has no affiliation to any house, so this ship would be accepted across Sirius. So why not give it a permission limitation to the Trader ID. In addition, this would open up more routes for traders to bring items across houses and further to the outer systems.

I dont see any harm rp wise; and does not really give a advantage or disadvantage.

Q: Allow the Independent Trader ID a 5k Adv. Train (ONLY)

Please take the poll and share your thoughts on the topic.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Benjamin - 08-12-2009

being independent, in my experience, is basically used as an excuse to try and get out of piracy, and fly whatever route makes the most money with no other regards. As a pirate, pirating independent traders is the most boring part of the job. As a lawful or trader, seeing an independent trader leads nowhere. He's just a faceless guy making money.
Letting them have 5ks would basically kill the few people struggling to roleplay corporations, and it would kill the people who actually roleplay their pirates.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-12-2009

Generic IDs were specifically reduced in cargo limits to boost the incentives of joining a corporation. By adding the advanced train to the list, you can make your neutral-ish independent trader on equal or better footing than a corporation, as you have the same cargo hold but more access to profitable routes.

The smuggler ID has the pirate train, yes, but the pirate train can be denied access to bases by house authorities (it's a very suspicious vessel). Advanced trains on independent trader ids would have no major disadvantages.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - swift - 08-12-2009

Those limits were instated so that there'd be more RP trading around, less powertrading, and to encourage factionalized (Not player factions, but NPC factions) trade.
If an independent trader who can go anywhere he pleases have as good or better cargo than trading corporations, where'd be the point?

Sorry, no dice.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - 11of10 - 08-12-2009

One thing bugs me: Why is it limited to 3800 when the largest ship they can fly is 3600? Hopes for a new transporter?

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

Ben and I rather disagree on this point, though last time we discussed it I "won" by virtue of him deciding he had more important things to do at 5am. Like sleeping.

I play an independant trader. I could make more money running house routes but I choose to play the game a different way.

In recent days, I've helped the the SOB save a dying comrade, argued political philosophy with the AFA and BD, been 'been enlightened" as to the corporate practices of BMM... The list goes on, and will no doubt continue to do so.

I also have a trader, soon to be got rid of, that runs precisely one route. This route would be in RP for 3 corporations. It makes 29mil an hour @ 5k, considerably more than my indy routes would make with the same size transport. I hate it. Playing it is a grind. Playing my indy is not.

The current system seems to serve only to push supposed independents into Zoner Guard IDs.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - reavengitair - 08-12-2009

A independant trader with a 5k cargo train will kill discovery... well... kinda...

Sorry, no. We already have zoner powertraders (not that they are bad, they bring activity) which people complain about.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Colonel.Tigh - 08-12-2009

great idea, lets have the silent ATrains back, how say, "I am neutral" and trade artifacts and cardemine, so we wont have all the Zoner Whales flying around, doing the same.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Marcus Lindberg - 08-12-2009

I think other people have said what I already want to...It would encourage powertrading

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Beagle23 - 08-12-2009

Why would you want something as boring as an Advanced Train when you could have a MASTODON?

It's like a battletrader.