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The "Huntress" - Printable Version

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The "Huntress" - Malaclypse 666 - 03-01-2007

Indeed, that's what those bloody great wing extensions look like.. A GI-issue P-3 tin opener.

I sez, lose the wing extensions. The ship would still be balanced as to wing and hull.

Move the 1 & 2 turret slots to the lower light nacelles to give coverage to the rear and down.

Then, you might have a keeper.

Pair o Digms,

The "Huntress" - Igiss - 03-01-2007

Guess you are talking about Huntress here. Well. First of all, I don't know how to do this. Second, and most important, I have no right to change models that other people made without their direct & express consent. I may have the permission to include a model into the mod, but permission to modify a model is a completely different thing.

The "Huntress" - AlexPaladinStorm - 03-01-2007

Could you point me to the utilities and pertinent files to access and modify the Homeworld-based ships, Igiss? I'd like to take a crack at adjusting their geometry (and maybe their textures, if I feel up to that:wacko:) and such so they fit in a bit better in the Sirius Sector. At the least, I want my Acolyte to look like an Acolyte. And maybe fix the camera, because it's too bloody close on the ship.:blink:

(seeing as those ships are owned by Relic Entertainment, and the Acolyte's already been funked with, I'd like to screw it up even more)

The "Huntress" - Yngen - 03-01-2007

Are the non-vanilla models taken directly from their original games? Or are these built from pictures and toys?

The "Huntress" - AlexPaladinStorm - 03-02-2007

Huh... I suppose that's a good question. I'm fairly sure the Homeworld ones were imported somehow. But whoever imported the Acolyte totally messed with where the thing's main guns were. I liked it as it was. Somebody decided to reposition two of the polygonal segments so it looks really... well, I just don't like it. And I'd like the chance to modify it so I can be proud of it's appearance. If somebody complains, they can deal with me. But I'm probably the right kind of Homeworld fan to be messing with it - I appreciate the original ships, but I also am not an uber-fanatic to the point of going, "IT MUST STAY TRUE TO THE ORIGINAL ART!!!!11111oneone11eleven" ...

This is FreeLancer, and we must make concessions for this fact when bringing in hull designs from other universes.

EDIT: If you're curious about the Acolyte, here's the Homeworld Shipyards entry on this Kiith Somtaaw classic:

[Image: acolyte2.gif]

The "Huntress" - Nightfall - 03-02-2007

@Yngen: imported or not. well, depends, to directly import a ship into freelancer, it has to be converted to a format FL can read, on the other hand it can be 'drawn' in a 3D modeling program and from there exported to the specific format.

@StormHawke: forums and see the modeling part you can start making one from scratch if you want, you got all the info there.

The "Huntress" - Yngen - 03-02-2007

back to the Huntress: its not a P-3 Mal, its the Reman Warbird 'Scimitar' from Startrek Nemesis. Not sure if Igiss was aware of this or not. The design departed quite a bit frim typical star trek hulls, but it is one nonetheless.

One of these days I'm going to sit down and learn how to model...

The "Huntress" - Malaclypse 666 - 03-03-2007

' Wrote:back to the Huntress: its not a P-3 Mal, its the Reman Warbird 'Scimitar' from Startrek Nemesis. Not sure if Igiss was aware of this or not. The design departed quite a bit frim typical star trek hulls, but it is one nonetheless.

One of these days I'm going to sit down and learn how to model...

Right, we've all got time for that. And work down at the Gospel Mission.

Knew it smacked of that universe.. remember it now.

still needs a big hacksaw.

The "Huntress" - AlexPaladinStorm - 03-03-2007

' Wrote:@StormHawke: forums and see the modeling part you can start making one from scratch if you want, you got all the info there.
Well, I can just get to work modelling it from 3DS Max if I wanted.

Though I want to be able to import the model currently used in Discovery into Milkshape, before I try and make it from scratch. Most of the work's basically done for me, after all. I just have to make the geometry of the model more complicated, and put the 'launcher' arms out in the 'deployed' stance - because I like that one better than the Acolyte's folded-up stance. The ship is animated in Homeworld: Cataclysm, and deploys out those big tubes (as seen in the images off Homeworld Shipyards - both stances are shown in the various images) when entering combat. Normally, those 'tubes' are used for missiles, so the Acolyte can function as a sort of bomber. In Cataclysm, those launchers are one-shot tubes, and the fighter has to head back to dock to reload them.

Whoever made the model used in FreeLancer put both of the missile tubes on the same side and made it into the 'torpedo' ... it makes it look stupid. The original model had a very burly, muscled feel with those big 'arms' off the sides. Looked like a real brawler. The version in FreeLancer... isn't nearly as intimidating.

EDIT: Oh... to continue on the thought on importing the one from the mod: I can't seem to get any CMP importer to work with Milkshape. I've gotten the Exporters to work fine enough, but the Importer either needs to be compiled (as is in one instance), or it causes Milkshape to crash while it starts up.

The "Huntress" - AlexPaladinStorm - 03-03-2007

Okay. I got everything to work, finally. Took me a bit to figure out (:crazy:).

Anyway... I now see why the Acolyte imported into FreeLancer is so... stupid. It's because the actual model file for the Acolyte actually looks about the same as what's seen in the Discovery mod.:blink:

As I said before, the ship is animated, and likely each part that moves independently is handled separately, and combined together to form the model seen in Homeworld gameplay using some external file separate from the Homeworld PEO format file that defines the model's geometry. (Unfortunately, FreeLancer does not support animated models, to my knowledge, and the ship will have to remain in one of its two stances - Flight, and Combat. I've been intending to use the Combat stance, as it looks the most interesting).

This is annoying, but easy enough to fix with patience. Obviously, the person who ported the model originally didn't have patience and just slapped it together with little regard.

I, on the other hand, will do the Acolyte justice. Excuse me, it's going to take a bit to try and undo the damage this guy did...:wacko::angry2:

EDIT: Also, I could start a new topic for the Acolyte - and possibly the other Homeworld ships. This is kinda my own tangent (I kinda tend to do that in things) and I'm not even touching on the thread's intended topic.