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Apology to the Zoner Players - Printable Version

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Apology to the Zoner Players - Zeltak - 08-13-2009

Well to my knowledge (from receiving both in-game and forum PM's many in a very hostile tone) it seems too many of you Zoner-dedicated players have received this bounty or my idea in the wrong way. Believing this is some personal agenda I have against Zoners. It was actually just an idea of mine to first start a Bounty, catching your attention and then move it into a more "personal character" level.

It seems it has just spawned too much outside-of-roleplay disputes and anger, which is not something I enjoy so therefore I'm going to kill the character, as well as the idea itself, and drop the bounty.

And I also apologize to any player who took this idea the wrong way and was in any way offended.

Apology to the Zoner Players - bluntpencil2001 - 08-13-2009


You've pissed me off now!

Giving up on RP because people cry sucks.:(

Apology to the Zoner Players - Zeltak - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:BOOOO!

You've pissed me off now!

Giving up on RP because people cry sucks.:(

I can't be bothered interacting in a hate-war, when the hate is not spawned from Role-Play.

Apology to the Zoner Players - bluntpencil2001 - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:I can't be bothered interacting in a hate-war, when the hate is not spawned from Role-Play.
Yeah, there's a lot of angry cry babies around.

I had someone curse and swear at me, then get banned, just because he got shot a little. I get shot all the time and I don't go mental. LOL

Apology to the Zoner Players - Markam - 08-13-2009

I'm going to have to say.

This is pretty damned weak from the zoners half, if you cant handle such a little thing as a bounty without raging. You should really be ashamed for stamping over someone else with hate PM's both in and out of game and character.

You wonder why this sort of thing spawns in the first place, when you are so hostile to anyone who dares oppose you, I'll take this post to give a mini-kudos to the Nomads for putting up with you as your main enemy, props to them.

Take a step back from the game, take it a lot more lightly and quit the constant forum whines. After getting quite harshly treated by zoners myself, I did not feel the need to make a forum thread out of character whining about zoners, I instead made a light hearted InRP post (and my first bounty claim ever).

It's just a game, I can die.
It's just a forum, I can not whine.

Apology to the Zoner Players - Benjamin - 08-13-2009

Yeah, I think basically every zoner player I had respect for has lost it this week.

To continue mini-kudos vein - kudos to any zoner player who took this in their stride or reacted purely with roleplay. Holliday made a few frustrated comments but basically lead the way for dealing with this in roleplay while the bulk of people were throwing the toys out of their powertrading prams.

Apology to the Zoner Players - bluntpencil2001 - 08-13-2009

The first line of defence of the Zoners:


And it worked! Crying and hatemail made Sina lay off. Shame on you for using OORP whinging to gain in RP.

Apology to the Zoner Players - Thurgret - 08-13-2009

The guy posted an apology. He'd annoyed a lot of people. He didn't want to.

Why do a few of you feel it necessary to proceed to flame those people? bluntpencil in particular. Does he enjoy being abrasive?

Apology to the Zoner Players - bluntpencil2001 - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:The guy posted an apology. He'd annoyed a lot of people. He didn't want to.

Why do some of you feel it necessary to proceed to flame those people? bluntpencil in particular. Does he enjoy being abrasive?
My QCP gunboat is named 'QCP|Abrasive'!

No joke!

Apology to the Zoner Players - Eppy - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:The guy posted an apology. He'd annoyed a lot of people. He didn't want to.

Why do some of you feel it necessary to proceed to flame those people? bluntpencil in particular. Does he enjoy being abrasive?

As a matter of fact he does, and he also happens to be right.