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Five Commandments of the Order - Printable Version

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Five Commandments of the Order - Tenacity - 08-14-2009

I - Thou Shalt not Capwhore

If your intent when joining The Order is to fly a capital ship, stop. Develop your character, begin in a fighter or bomber, and make yourself well enough known and respected to not be absolutely hated the moment you step up to a Capship.
Further, have some self control once you take that step. Having a capship does not automatically make you holier than everyone in something smaller than you, and thinking it does will likely get you zerged by bombers. Know your rank, know your place, and keep in character.
Finally, before purchasing your capship, ASK the High Command and/or leaders of the Primary Fleet. No, we cannot stop you from getting the ship, but getting one when it is clearly noticed by these groups that you are not ready for the responsibility is likely going to make you a prime target for them.

As an addendum, if you want an Order Light Carrier, stop right now and join a different faction. Right now the number of carriers operating in the order outnumbers every gunboat, destroyer, and battleship combined. The Carrier is intended to be a rare, special-purpose craft, not the vanguard of our fleet.

II - Thou Shalt not Raid New York

The Order is a life-saving organization, our purpose is to protect humanity, even the bits of it that we loathe and hate, from nonhuman threats. It is not our job to police the galaxy, and it is not our job to try and overthrow the Liberty government.
Raids against new york, unless they are against a known infested target, or a nomad invasion force, are the furthest from in-RP action you will ever get.

III - Thou Shalt not PvPwhore

Going along with the above, our ONLY enemies are the Nomads, Phantoms, and Wilde. All other targets are of secondary concern. We dont patrol the galaxy looking for navy or bhg characters to blow out of the sky - I dont give a damn if it says they're your enemy, they arent targets to be actively sought after.
Aside from planned events, it is generally good etiquette to refrain from attacking any non-alien target unless they attack you first, or attack one of our allies (corsairs/zoners exclusively). You dont need to swarm that lone BH destroyer in delta with ten carriers just because he's there - if he leaves you alone, you do the same.

IV - Thou Shalt listen to Superiors

However much you may hate or deny the fact that the Primary fleet (Order|) and High Command run things around here, and despite what conventional server rules may state, they are the law.
The Order is a military organization, if you cannot handle taking orders from more experienced members of that organization, then you need to find another faction. Recruits and low-ranks aside, most members of the Order Primary fleet and High Command know what they're doing, and they generally take the course of action that is most beneficial for the Order as a whole. Refusing to follow orders given to you by these people will almost always result in something bad happening, and while it may only effect you - it will more than likely effect the entire affiliation.

V - Thou Shalt not go out of Character

I dont care how friendly we are to one another, I'm tired of seeing 10 Order players shooting at each other in Toledo orbit while talking out of character and lolwutting in system or local chat. These are sanctionable offenses, and are not becoming of an order pilot. If you want to dick around, go to Omicron 100, and keep your messages in group chat.

Follow these simple requests and perhaps the Order will once again change from the hellhole it is now back to the respected group it was during 4.84.

Dont follow these requests, and I will shove a nuke so far up your rear end that geiger counters will go off when you cough.

Five Commandments of the Order - Exsiled_one - 08-14-2009

rule 6 gamma isnt a parking space for Order?

Five Commandments of the Order - Tenacity - 08-14-2009

' Wrote:rule 6 gamma isnt a parking space for Order?

hm... havent noticed much of this myself, though I do have a fighter parked on crete right now =P

Five Commandments of the Order - sean24 - 08-14-2009

*fairy claps* well done Tenacity.

Five Commandments of the Order - globalplayer-svk - 08-14-2009

' Wrote:rule 6 gamma isnt a parking space for Order?

I am working on solving this...
*looking on my dread*

Five Commandments of the Order - Birdtalon - 08-14-2009


EDIT: There shouldn't be a problem with training in Minor; but as you say, when people say "Hey, want PvP" thats when it should stop.

Sending them to 100 is just pushing it aside, not stopping it. I think the Order as a whole needs to
  1. Improve its Cap Rp - Yes, i see carriers/battleships that appear to have no crew
  2. Crackdown on the OORP
  3. As you said, stop going to hunt the navy.
If i remember rightly, yesterday saw Corsiars entereing Liberty with 3+ BS. There were Order indies aswell which makes us look bad.

Five Commandments of the Order - Exsiled_one - 08-14-2009

You need to control your players more. I don't care if it's boring down there, I haven't seen a nomad in gamma in a while. So they really have nothing to do there. Go to kappa. Lurk.

Five Commandments of the Order - Cyberanson - 08-14-2009

There should be some compendium, which includes such guidelines for nearly all factions. Well done, Tenacity!

Five Commandments of the Order - Turkish - 08-14-2009

I feel drawn to purchase an Osiris now.

Five Commandments of the Order - Shagohad - 08-14-2009

I hate seeing the Order come to New York and say, "Person, you are believed to be infected with Nomads. Prepare to die."

Hopefully, that person will see this and stop it.

Can you write a version for the Corsairs and Outcasts now?