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Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-19-2009

Ok so...

We can't use BH GB's

Zoner GB's are ok in RP, but they are useless. If anyone can win in a Zoner GB, I'd like to know how.

OC GB's are likely also OK in RP, but we wouldnt be caught dead (or maybe we would) in lawful systems.

What do we have?

I am no end upset that we are in this position. The Merc ID says we can use GB's. Yay. Might as well give me the keys to a Ferrari I can't afford.

We have been using BH GB's since 2007. BEFORE the existence of S/D BHG, BHG-Core and all you other latecomers. But I guess that's just "old stock" equipment now.

What GB's?

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Guest - 08-19-2009

Outcast gunboats would be your best bet, but of course that would mean you can't get caught in house space with them.

Perhaps just limit your gunboats to outside house space (minus Bretonia for obvious reason, although I don't know if the MM would know about the "under table" deals the Bretonian goverment has with the Outcasts.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - bluntpencil2001 - 08-19-2009

That's what you get for going independent of the BHG, becoming an independent merc force, really.

Unfortunate, but you do have benefits from this, such as more varied employment.

Good with the bad and all that.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - reavengitair - 08-19-2009

Certainly not Outcast, there are too many of them already. Not bretonian or liberty either...

Theres not really much of an option except Zoner.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:I don't know if the MM would know about the "under table" deals the Bretonian goverment has with the Outcasts.

We ARE the "under table" deals the Bretonian goverment has with the Outcasts.


Mafic is our GB?

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Guest - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:We ARE the "under table" deals the Bretonian goverment has with the Outcasts.


There we go then.

Of course, you'll have to make a deal with the Dons for them. Go on a killing spree, instead of claiming the bounties, ask for a few gunboats.

Of course, that'll only mean you'll have a small number of gunboats, but do you really need that many?

P.S: Of course, I just realised I say "of course" a lot. :$

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Thurgret - 08-19-2009

Kusari explorer? It has trouble doing so much as turning around, but it's a gunboat...

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Markam - 08-19-2009

The order gunboat? I'd say IMG too, but I think that one is uh.. heh, well I dont think it's going to be a long term purchase.

Outcast gunship is pretty much the most common gunship about, and if you go into liberty with it I think you'll get shot, or you'll make some poor LN fella break down in tears.

I'm afraid you're a bit short of options, polish up your VHF and bomber skills I guess.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Zig - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:There we go then.

Of course, you'll have to make a deal with the Dons for them. Go on a killing spree, instead of claiming the bounties, ask for a few gunboats.

Of course, that'll only mean you'll have a small number of gunboats, but do you really need that many?

P.S: Of course, I just realised I say "of course" a lot. :$

Congratulations! You'll finally be able to make use of that exclusive contract of yours with the 101st, which, frankly, has always struck me as a complete ripoff on your behalf prior to this. I'm excited for you guys.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - swift - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:The order gunboat? I'd say IMG too, but I think that one is uh.. heh, well I dont think it's going to be a long term purchase.
Just chiming in to give my opinion that that one'd be a big no.. If you need me to separate a few minutes of my life to explain why in detail, feel free to ask, but I'd like it if we'd save all of us a smidgen of time.
Apart from the other ones, I'll just name the one of the IMG Gunboat being restricted to only IMG and Colonial IDs. And the MM work for neither, hunt one, and work closely with an enemy of the other.