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(Semi) Serious suggestion - Printable Version

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(Semi) Serious suggestion - Janus - 08-19-2009

I saw a lot of complaints about power trading when I was here in .84, I'm seeing a lot now in .85. I'm aware that steps were taken to try and cut down on it, but the impression I'm gettting is what's actually happened is the Zoner Guard ID has gotten a bad rep. (See Dab's thread on fixing it, amongst other topics). People are also worried that if ZG ID gets a nerf, their faction will be the next one to get abused.

So, an alternative. Instead of fighting a losing war against it, because to my mind as long as there are battleships and cap8 armor it's going to happen, just seperate it out from the factions entirely. Hence, a powertrader ID

Quote:This player is a player who can

Trade. That's it. Period. Nothing else.
This player may not be pirated OR
If this player is stopped by pirates he is required to pay a tax of 1000 credits per unit of cargo size.
Is never considered to be trading OORP when flying a "Power-train"

May fly - Transport, Large Transport, Train, Heavy Train, Advanced Train, "Power train."

Add a new base hidden in Penn somewhere that sells the ID and the "Power train." This would be a cut price A-train, say 100mil credits or less. In bright neon colors.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - darthbeck - 08-19-2009

this should be moved to flood. please.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - cmfalconer - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:this should be moved to flood. please.

I thought you left?

Anyway...the problem with this is it adds no RP value to the mod. Yes, same as the powertraders, but this is like giving them a license and a pat-on-the-back for bad behavior.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Zeltak - 08-19-2009

You might as well give them an Admin Shield.

Because... I mean that's basically what the player gets.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - X-Lancer - 08-19-2009

right...5million credits for each pirate? let's not use this sucks

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Janus - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:this should be moved to flood. please.

The reason I didn't post it in Flood, despite the the possible outward appearance of the OP is this (which is admittedly a personal opinion)

Nerfing one ID after another isn't going to stop powertrading, they'll just gravitate to whatever the current best ID?tag for the purpose is.

Which will then give that ID/tag a "powertrading" rep, leading to a whole new round of griefing threads.

That's the point I was trying to get across.

I'm well aware that this is an RP server, and I'd honestly love to see the back of powertraders, lolpirates, lolcaps and the rest. My question is, can it be done, and if if not, don't the legitimate RPers deserve some protection from being labelled powertraders due to the actions of those that just don't care?

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Varyag - 08-19-2009

Really, this would go well with the "Capwhore" ID.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - johnpeter - 08-19-2009

Because there is no roleplay value to this. You must pick a corporation so people know how to deal with you. And while I'm not totally against this... (5milorsanktion) ...I don't think it's a good idea.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Bear - 08-21-2009

heh, I lol'd then read it again. I think it could do with a little tweaking and a different name but it could work.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - chovynz - 08-21-2009

I agree.

I think it could save some grief. If a person has an ID like this,
THEY choose to get it. It's self-discrimination.

It tells the other person(s) they run into, that they aren't interested in RP.
That they are interested in silent trading.
It should not exempt them from being pirated.


It becomes the 'other persons' choice to either ignore them, or try to have them interact, or to attempt RP/piracy/ignorance.

I think an idea like this could work quite well actually. It may even reduce the sanction reports, as it still 'communicates' their intent.
Maybe they aren't ready to RP? Maybe they are learning?
Maybe they are lazy? Now, you will know, instead of having to guess, and be disappointed.

No RP value? I disagree with that. You can make anything have RP value if you think hard enough.

Obviously the words "Powertrader ID" might not be appropriate, but it might work as is.