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Cruiser PvP Questions - NiCAD - 08-21-2009

I've recently acquired a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser, and am having a very rough time getting used to the PvP entailed therein. I had a few questions to ask the knowledgeable folks of Discovery about PvP in cruisers.

1. I've noticed that my Reinforced cruise disruptor has never successfully disrupted a fighter or bomber. EVER. I've tried this at least ten times, to no avail, even when they were clearly in range. Is the Reinforced disruptor ineffective against small craft, or have I just had a horrible run of bad luck?

2. The missile turrets. I have two Liberty Missile Turrets on my cruiser, and between the two of them I've gotten exactly one kill in PvP. A stationary fighter. The missile turrets are mounted on each side of the cruiser body, meaning they should have a full firing range of the upper hemisphere of the ship's view area. However, even when ships are only a kilometer away, and in front of me to boot, firing missiles at them often results in the missiles literally curving away from the fighters projected path the moment they're fired! I realize that missiles are intended to be unreliable; otherwise they would be highly imbalanced. However, the inaccuracy I've been experiencing with them seems very ridiculous.

3. The remainder of my loadout, save for two light mortars, consists of your typical LN Cruiser turrets. These I have had the most trouble with of all. During battles, I am generally able to land approximately two salvos with these throughout the entire fight. Mind you, I've been relying solely on the leader reticle that shows up for hostile targets to hit the enemy ships, so this might cause problems. However, shouldn't the leader reticle be accurate? I've never encountered problems with it before, not even in a battleship. What am I doing wrong here?

Don't get me wrong, the RP opportunities provided by the cruiser have been tremendously fun, but it's a bit frustrating to see a 300 million credit ship light up the screen without even being able to fight back. Is there any way to make PvP in cruisers work against fighters/bombers?

Oh, I also play from the West coast of the USA, so the 200 ping might interfere a bit as well.

Cruiser PvP Questions - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-21-2009 - this will help you out.

Missiles are for anti cap purposes. Regarding turret usage, it's a skill you'll learn with more experience. Fight in conneticut, or on the battlefields to learn better ways for you to aim and hit with the cruiser turrets.

Cruiser PvP Questions - NiCAD - 08-21-2009

' Wrote: - this will help you out.

Missiles are for anti cap purposes. Regarding turret usage, it's a skill you'll learn with more experience. Fight in conneticut, or on the battlefields to learn better ways for you to aim and hit with the cruiser turrets.

Ah, the missiles are for capships . . . I should have suspected as much, what with the massive damage.

Thanks for the help!

Cruiser PvP Questions - NiCAD - 08-21-2009

Yeah, those Solaris really did the trick.

Thanks for the help!:D

Cruiser PvP Questions - reavengitair - 08-21-2009


I don't think that the LABC is designed for anti-fighter.

Cruiser PvP Questions - TheMillers - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:I realize that missiles are intended to be unreliable; otherwise they would be highly imbalanced. However, the inaccuracy I've been experiencing with them seems very ridiculous.

There is a reason they are named missiles, and not hitiles...;)

Cruiser PvP Questions - tansytansey - 08-21-2009

Hum, were you that LNS BC that the LR- killed in California the other day? LNS Challenger?

Cruiser missiles aren't designed to be anti-fighter, they're anti-cap I think. Only GB missiles are designed to be anti-fighter, and they suck as well.

The best bet would be to try targeting other cruisers/battleships rather than fighters or bombers. Get Gunboat or Fighter escorts to take out the fighters/bombers, because the Battlecrusier is not designed to kill them. The Battlecruiser can be soloed by a single Rogue Barghest.

Cruiser PvP Questions - reavengitair - 08-21-2009

LNS Challenger...

Well if you're using Solaris turrets, let me tell you that they arn't that good...

Missiles, reguardless of what people say... CAN hit fighters, and when they do, you will see very pretty explosions.

I use them for anti-fighter. Sometimes, just one lucky shot ends the battle really quickly.

Cruiser PvP Questions - tansytansey - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:Missiles, reguardless of what people say... CAN hit fighters, and when they do, you will see very pretty explosions.
Yeah, and I can hit fighters with a SNAC too. Wasn't designed to, but I can do it.

Cruiser PvP Questions - NiCAD - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:Hum, were you that LNS BC that the LR- killed in California the other day? LNS Challenger?

Cruiser missiles aren't designed to be anti-fighter, they're anti-cap I think. Only GB missiles are designed to be anti-fighter, and they suck as well.

The best bet would be to try targeting other cruisers/battleships rather than fighters or bombers. Get Gunboat or Fighter escorts to take out the fighters/bombers, because the Battlecrusier is not designed to kill them. The Battlecruiser can be soloed by a single Rogue Barghest.

Haha, yes, that was me. It turns out that Solaris turrets solved my fighter targeting problem, as the muzzle velocity is so insanely high that it's very hard to consistently miss. As to escorts, I try to find as many fighter pilots as I can, but the Liberty Navy seems full of capital ships, and seriously lacking in fighter support.