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The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-10-2007

Chapter I

Xeno history
This group was originally comprised of heavy manufacturing and mining workers within Colorado and Texas. Many of their ancestors
also worked in the research station, which was a good employer for generations. But Liberty increasingly made money from its
information technology licensing and Trade Lane associated monopolies rather than hard, manufactured goods. Over time most of the
blue-collar workers became unemployed and were pushed to the economic fringe of Liberty society. As the Liberty rich moved to Colorado to escape the paradise lost in California, the Xenos were displaced to a small base in the mined out Silverton Asteroid Field. Once there the Xenos launched sporadic raids focused against foreign shippers.

Whenever they were captured they were sent to Huntsville prison in Texas, where cross-fertilization with other inmates only helped
to swell their ranks. Xenos also hate the foreigner Outcasts that feed the habits of Liberty's morally corrupt rich. For this
reason, most of those declared NCR for drug crimes are placed aboard the Sugarland to keep the two groups separate.

Because of the Xeno preference for other Houses' ships, Universal Shipping has actually benefited from the attacks and has lobbied the government to take it easy on them. It is rumored that some of their attacks on foreign shipping were not Xenos, but actually mercenaries hired by Universal to harass the competition.

There are two additional Xeno bases in the Independent World systems of Hudson and Kepler. Here the Xenos have been able to operate more freely, with only occasional Liberty Navy patrols and Bounty Hunters to secure the areas. They make hit-and-run attacks into Texas frequently, especially to attack the Junker base at Beaumont and confront Outcasts.

The Xenos were one of the poorest of all the criminal factions, so they had little resources to buy better ships and weapons.
Until now.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-10-2007

Chapter II

The Path of Prospector

New dawn is upon Xeno people. There were only few of them, but under corrupt Liberty government more and more automated and robotic work force was used, leaving numerous people without the job, their families with out the basic necessities of life. Government called this progress.

Among many, there was one. One who organized twenty of his former coworkers and their families. Together they left in search of a better life. They sold all their property bought one small and rusty Rhino freighter. In hope of better life ahead, and in search of new prospects they christened new ship "The Prospector".
But luck wasn't on their side. Soon after they entered California system and group of five Liberty Rouges attacked small freighter. They tried to run, but fighters were faster. In terrible fight freighter was badly damaged and there were seven casualties. Five dead and two badly wounded. By pure luck freighter managed to escape. While cooling liquid was leaking, life support failed. Small freighter stumbled upon uncharted jump hole, in their desperation they jumped thru. System was empty. They were lost.
Time was running short. Oxygen deficiency only increased panic among passengers. Pilot needed to act fast, so he did. He programed ships nav computer to systematically search empty system hoping they will find another jump hole. After two more hours of searching oxygen ran out and people lost consciousness. Ship guided by nav computer continued on its way.

Pilot of the small freighter called Prospector woke up in small white room surrounded by few other people also in their beds. He was only one awake. He tried to stand up but he was to weak.
Nurse entering the room

- Ah, sir you are awake.

- Yes. Where am i?....Who, who are you?

- Stay calm sir, you are safe now. You and most of your crew are safe. Unfortunately few were find dead on your ship.

- My friends...Who are you?!

- You are on Ouray base. In sick bay. This is Xeno base.

- XENO!!!...a terrorist base?....

- You will find that things aren't so black and white sir..calm down...soon you will know everything.


Days have passed. Pilot and his crew got better every day. But their movement was limited to sick bay only. Finally, one day one man, dressed in black entered the room where pilot layed.

- Greetings stranger. My name is William Patrick and i am commander of this station.

- Greetings sir. My name is Richard York. I wish to thank you. We all are in debt to you. But i cant not to wonder....why did you rescue us?...I never heard anything good about Xenos...

- Dear sir, - said Patrick while laughing - many things about us are not true, but i will leave you to get opinion of up on your own...then we will talk about Xenos...until then do you wish to know how u end up here?

- Yes, that would be good. We were wondering about that for days now.

- is quite simple...Our patrols found your ship drifting in space close to Ontario Jump hole, how it got there we really don't know. As you probably know it was heavily damaged and without life support. Our pilots dispatched distress call and few more of our fighters showed up. Each of them took few of your passengers on board and brought them here.
Here they received medical attention and they all are well now.

- I wish to thank you and your pilots...

Nurse entered the room

- Sir it is time for your last shoot, tomorrow you will be released from hospital

Nurse gave the shoot to York and in moments he fell a sleep.


The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-10-2007

Chapter III

Money makes world turn

The ship, small freighter "Prospector" was lost. Unfortunately Xenos couldn't rescue it and weeks after York was ready to fly back for it he found only ships wreck.

- The Junkers were here....

Richard York, man who originated from planet Manhattan, once had a job as Captain of Universal trade ship.
Once a captain, replaced by some artificial intelligence nav computer, now a man without a place to call home, and ship to fly away, decided to join Xenos.
Soon, he has become faithful consultant of William Patrick...base commander. Together they they made a plan to make Xenos stronger. One hundred of Xeno pilots from whole Sirius were called to Ouray base where they received their part of greater plan.
They were separated into small flight squads of five fighters, each with specific mission and target. Targets were from whole Sirius very distant from one another. This whole plane needed to be carried in complete secrecy. Third day 20 squads deployed on their missions.

- This is big day for Xenos, thanky you for this York - Patrick said

- There will be even bigged days if plan works, - said York - now we only need to wait.

Six months later, most of the squads returned to Ouray and only last one was expected.

- This is it, - Patrick said - we have contact with last squad...inbound in 3 mins...

- Good, now for the second part of plan....Prepare my ship....Now excuse me William, it is time for me to get ready...

- Is everything aboard? - York asked

- Yes. Everything is on board...All missions were success and all items are here. - Patrick responded

- I will be on my way then...wish me luck.


In front of Alcatraz depot...Starblazer with Xeno markings surrounded by 10 Rogue Hyena fighters...but still, nobody fires...

- This is Alcatraz depot, state your intentions here or be destroyed

- This is Xeno vessel, captain Richard York on board...i come in not fire...i ask to speak with base commander...i have proposal that he wont deny...

Moments passed with no reply. Then suddenly:

- This is Howard Boone. I am base commander....what kind of proposal the scum of the Sirius can have for me...

- Let me dock and i will explain.

- Granted. But when you dock, you will be put in the air lock and if i don't like what i hear...well, then you can imagine what will happen...


Nobody really knows what about they spoke of or what items were on board Yorks ship. Only thing that is known for sure is that Yorks small Starblazer never undocked from Alcatraz...However, later that day, covered by ion storm one Rogue gunboat has left and set its course to unknown...

- Welcome back my friend, - Patrick said to York - I still cant believe that you made it back. Not only back, but with that ship. I had my doubts about our plan, i must be honest.

- Me to. I had my share of fear to. But you know every man has a price. Our only job was to find out what was Boones...Even if we are enemies, we share same goal. If you put that goal in right perspective and offer nice compensation for any problem caused man can achieve a lot. I told you; Money turns the world, and nobody is immune to it.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-10-2007

Chapter IV

The christening

Docking bay 4, Ouray base.
Patrick approaches the podium and starts the speech.

-.........and after all that effort that was put into this mission i have decided to give first command over our new ship to captain Richard York.

- I wish to thank everybody who helped us in our goal. All of this was kept as secret up to this moment. Now it is time to show the Sirius, and especially Liberty government that Xenos are not to be taken likely. In memory of my fallen comrades i present to you new addition to growing Xeno fleet, another, better and improved Prospector gunboat.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-10-2007

How the time passed Richard York got his nickname by the ship he commanded. Prospector, name that fooled many people in believing that it is freighter or mining ship. After first few days of training his crew, York took his new ship to New York for the first attack on Liberty targets. Navy was surprised and York knew how to take advantage from this. Many navy pilots died. Resistance of Liberty navy was very weak and that was very strange. York was very pleased with his crew and how they acted during the attack.
[Image: sigsberty%20kill.jpg]

Days have passed, and Patrick was away to Kusari space. There were rumors of some kind new drug that can be bought in Honshu. Xenos need money, so Patrick went to explore possibilities there. Prospector was on dock in Ouray base waiting for the news. When they came, they weren't what York was expecting. Kusari navy intercepted Patrick and his companions. After short fight they were killed. Entire staff aboard Ouray was in desperation. They lost commander, and second in command, York, was nowhere to be found....docking bay was empty and Prospector was gone.

Revenge was dreadful, Prospector passed thru three systems pillaging and killing everything in sight.
[Image: kusari%20kill.jpg]
Finally, in Honshu, Kusary Navy Forces with help of SinTech and IND managed to organize counter attack. Greatly over powered by two cruisers, frigate and two fighters, with heavily damaged ship, York ordered retreat. Currently, Prospector is in dock waiting for money to come in for its repairs.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-11-2007

While new commander of Ouray station was elected, York went to test strength of South Alliance in California system. He took his personal fighter. Prospector was still under repairs.

Upon arrival in California SA immediately asked for his intentions. Naturally, he didn't answer, and even if he did it is doubtful that they would like the answer. It was easy to find two SA fighters above planet Mojave. York engage them on sight. Two fighters fought well, but they were easily outmaneuvered by Yorks light Phantom fighter. One of two SA pilots was flying heavy fighter and York focused his attacks on him. Heavy fighter sustained heavy damage but pilot didn't give up. Although York was flying very good, he couldn't avoid every missile and mine they fired upon him...after long fight, in heavily damaged ship too, York retreated out of California.

Back in Colorado, good news awaited York. Prospector was repaired and ready for flight, and what better way to test repairs then fly the ship into new battle. So it was back to California.
There was pretty colorful crowd; some SA, RM and few civilians. SA began hunt on Prospector the moment it arrived. Hunt wasn't very long cause York wanted fight. Prospector attacked RM gunboat, but when its shileds were down RM gunboat retreated from battle, supposedly for restocking. During the fight one lonely Junker joined the fight but he was destroyed by SA heavy fighter. Since RM gunboat was nowhere to be found, York turned his weapons onto SA fighters. One was destroyed and other escaped the battle.
Soon after last SA pilot left RM gunboat returned. York fired upon RM again but it ran again. There was short pursuit and Prospector got closer to RM gunboat. Unfortunately, so did SA frigate. Both, RM and SA attacked. Again, small rouge gunboat proved to be very maneuverable and most of enemies shoots were dodged. After tiering and long fight SA vessel retreated out of battle. York, tired of battle was glad that hard fight was over. He set course to Colorado into nav computer and went to his cabin to rest for a while.

Conclusion was; California was much better protected then New York.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-11-2007

Chapter V

Unexpected news
Although Yorks Phantom fighter managed to bring him back to Ouray after hard fight in California it was beyond repair and York needed new ship. Some rumors said that Sheffield Station is unprotected and it will be easy to board if attacked. Same rumors said that Bounty hunters keep captured pirate fighters there.
York didn't waste time. Prospector was en route only one hour after intell was received. Rumors were right. Prospectors guns managed to rip apart one dock bay doors and York himself entered the station. Pirate fighters were docked at dock bay two but doors were locked by security code. Captured guard, one of few left on station, said that station commander has the needed code. Guard, under threat of life, led the way to command center. All people in command center were in state of panic. From out side Prospector still attacked stations defense systems. Nobody , at first, noticed them when they entered the room. When they did, it was too late. Guard was dead and York had new hostage, the commander.

- Please be calm and every thing will be all right. With some luck all of you will live to see another day. - York said

- You will never leave this station alive - Commander said.

- It remains to be seen. Now, lets go to work. We have much more to do.

York took commander same way they came. Soon, they arrived at dock bay two gates.

- There, do your magic. - York said and pushed commander to security lock.

Commander at first denied to enter the code. At first, yes....but if somebody shoots your knee you tend to give them what they want. York did just that. Once when doors were opened, York made one terrible mistake. He entered Dock bay first. Commander, completely unexpected, closed the doors behind York and lock them from out side. York was in trap. Strangely enough, comm link with Prospector didn't work in here.

York couldn't do much any more so he started to examine captured fighters. One Werewolf, completely striped down and without weapons, three xeno Starblazers and Crow. Choice was easy. Crow was new addition to captured fighters since all of his equipment was still mounted.
York entered the fighters cockpit and started its engines. When power core reached its full capacity he started to fire and outer dock doors. Terrible power of Crows guns riped small opening in them. Small, but big enough for even smaller fighter to fly out.
Once out, comm link worked and York ordered Prospector to return to home base. He followed in fighter.
When they were in California, York got disrupted in trade lane and attacked by Liberty rouges. Prospector was ordered to continue and York engaged the enemie. After short fight all Rouges were killed, but Yorks ship was out of batts and botts. Since this ship wasn't on Liberty black list, York decided to try to dock on San Diego Border Station. Liberty police didn't suspect anything and they let him dock. While ship was restocked, York went to bar for quick drink. There he met familiar face. Smuggler that goes by the name Kichiko.

- Look, who do i see here. - Kichiko said

- Idiot, Keep your voice down!!!

- Oh!...Hehehe...i are a wanted man.

- harm done. So what have you been up to?

- I just smuggled some light arms here. Some dirty police officers buys them from me.

- Heh...and they call us scum. But, let me ask you....are there any news from your part of neighborhood?

- Funny thing you asked. As the matter of fact there is.

[Image: rumor%201.jpg]


Only few minutes after that talk, York was in space flying full speed towards Kusari space.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-11-2007

Chapter VI


In vast space of Shikokou system not far from Deshima station stands Fuchu prison. It isn't connected with trade lanes and it is far from any patrol route.

[Image: prison.jpg]

There, at that lonely place, Kusary Naval Forces keeps many dangerous prisoners. Dangerous to their goals.
York was interested in only one. William Patrick. York made a pledge that Kusari people will remember that name if he isn't among living no more.
Engines on Yorks little fighter were stretched to the very maximum. He was speeding thru empty space to rescue his friend. In all of this, York had some stretch of luck. Due to earlier combat in California his phantom fighter was lost, and news about his new one didn't reach as far to Kusari.

- Advantage of surprise - York thought

Incoming transmission:
- This is Fuchu prison. Freelancer alpha one state your intentions here.

- This freelance vessel. I wish do dock for restocking. I was attacked by GC not so long ago and i suffered slight damage.

- Very well. Dock approved. But you must dock on outer moor. You have access ONLY to Equipment room.

[Image: prison%20dock.jpg]

If base technician could see Yorks face he never would let him dock. His face was frozen in some kind of strange, grim smile. He was ready to kill.
As soon as bay doors were closed behind him, York fired his side arm. Guard and sales man both died instantly. Another stroke of luck...Equipment room was sound proof, so any of noisy repairs wont disturb base commander. At that time York didn't know that, so he moved fast. He opened bay doors again and this time he flyed his fighter inside. It was only way he could get Patrick out of there. He had only one space suit.

- Ok...and now hard part. Thru the vents - York was thinking out loud.

He didn't know where Patrick is kept, or even if he is alive for sure, so first thing he did, he hacked into base mainframe in search of any valuable information. There was no mention of Patrick by name, but he found one report about captured pirate that is still in sick bay.

- Where the hell is sick bay?....i sure hope so that this prison has similar layout to liberty ones.

In small difference, it did. York found sick bay but it had too small vent opening for him to get in. He needed to exit from vent somewhere else. Next big opening was in the kitchen. He stormed out of vents with big blast killing two chefs. Siren went off....guards were alarmed. He needed to move really fast now. He ran into the hall way shooting rapidly and hoping that his bullets hit targets. Three doors down the hall was the sick bay. Bullets were flying around his head ricocheting from the walls. One of them caught him in the shoulder.

- Heh. It is good thing i go to sick bay - York thought while laughing

He shoot the lock on the door while running and entered into sick bay with a blast. He was followed by the bullets. York dropped on the floor, sliding to the nearest bed. He turned it over and made a cover out of it.

- Nice of you to drop by - Patrick said while taking another side arm from York

- Yes. You just lay here while i do all the work. - York replayed while shooting.

- What do you say that we leave this party. I don't like the music they play for us.

- Heh..i am all up for it. But it seems to me that we will dance one last dance in the hallway.

Both of them started to fire like mad man and soon there were no guards at the door.

- I may found another was out for us. - York said...- You block the door till i make my magic.

Patrick closed the door, but without the lock that didn't make too much difference so he blocked them with some beds and other equipment.

- There. This should keep them for whole 5 seconds. -Patrick said

- It will be enough. - York said while he fired into small vent grill that he passed on his way here. - Bring me that small oxygen bottle.

- Hehehe...i should have know it. You always have such a nice ideas. - Patrick said while bringing the oxygen. - How do you know that blast wont kill us as well?

- I don't! - Go to the far wall and take cover i will be right with you.

When both of them took cover under that turned bed York fired upon small oxygen bottle in the vent - Hold to your balls!! Here goes nothing!!!

- I still cant believe we didn't died there - Patrick said while there were crowling thru the vents.

- Shut up and move. We really don't have much time.

Soon they were in the dock bay.

- Will, you open dock bay while i start the engines.

When door were opened and Patrick inside the fighter York flew out bringing weapon systems online.
There were only few police fighters outside. They really were caught with their pants down. Few fighters was never big problem for Yorks powerful fighter. They blow up in flames soon after Yorks fighter left the station.

[Image: fight%201.jpg]

Unfortunately they managed to call for help. And help came fast.
Kusari Naval forces appeared. No other then Pride Of Kusari under the command of Captain Igor Svaldi, and escorted by two fighters.

York opened com link.

- Hello Igor, so we meet again. Last time we met was very unfortunate for you. Lets make sure that don't happens again.

- This is Naval Vessel deLuna. Stop and prepare to be boarded.

- So cold of you....

deLuna started to fire. Missiles were coming form every direction. York knew that deLuna was to much for his ship so he engaged two fighters. One fighter lost his shields and sustained small damage to hull when destroyers missiles finally managed to catch up with Yorks fighter. Both, Patrick and York managed to eject but Patricks pod was damaged and didn't went into cruise. Crow, badly damaged drifted out of sight. deLuna tractored his pod to its cargo bay. Patrick was recaptured.

- I will be back, Svaldi. You haven't seen the last of me.

The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-12-2007

Chapter VII


It was early morning on virtual base time when Yorks rescue pod finally arrived to Ouray.

- Get me Thompson ASAP - York yelled as soon as he dropped out of rescue pod.

One of the guards grabbed his com link and called for the base security officer. York was pacing impatiently until Thompson arrived.

- Thompson, take 20 of your best men in Starblazers, go to New York and capture on repair ship. Then with that ship proceed to Shikokou to this coordinations - said York and gave to Thompson small data pad. - There you will find my damaged fighter. It has homing beacon, but it uses our frequencies. So keep your eyes on scanners. Bring my baby home.

[Image: repair.jpg]

York went to his quarters to freshen up. On the way there he used his com link.

- Prepare Prospector for flight. I will be taking her out soon.

York was sitting behind Prospectors command center piloting gunboat himself.
Blinded by rage, he flew thru Sirius killing everything on his way. During his rampage he got distress call from pirate vessel Rouge 63. Rouge was in Texas system and York hurried there. Long range scanners showed that Texas is very well guarded and that this will be heavy mission.
The moment, Prospector arrived it Texas South Alliance ships were spotted. One SA frigate and heavy fighter were patrolling the area. Prospector attacked weaker target. Soon two Junker ships joined the battle. SA heavy fighter couldn't take much of Prospectors powerful guns and it was destroyed easily.
Surprisingly, one of the Junkers was flying liberty gunboat and SA didn't show any intension of attacking Junker ships. Junkers are biggest contraband smugglers in Liberty space. York was amazed. However, Junkers are Xeno worst enemies so Prospector turned his guns on Junker ships. Both Junker ships sustained some damage before York ordered retreat. Prospectors shields couldn't take much more of frigates guns.
Both Junkers and and frigate followed Yorks ship after he went into cruise speed. York decided to change course and enter Virginia system.

- Lets go to Virginia - ordered York. - Plot me new course. Lets see what Liberty Navy Elite has to say bout those Junkers.

Like York predicted, Navy Elite didn't thought much of Junkers and they were attacked immediately. Although, Prospector was attacked by them to, York didn't care... his ship is fast...and the didn't do any damage. However, Junkers did sustain some damage. Soon York jumped to Texas again and headed to Minnesota jump hole. Both Junkers followed. Frigate fell behind. When York thought they moved far enough from frigate he dropped from cruise and engaged Junkers once again. Fight didn't last long and Prospector jumped to Minnesota where they lost his trail.

Once free of escort, and with damaged ship York searched for safe dock. Prospector flew thru several systems and finally found one "safe" dock. Kyoto base, Chugoku system, is terrorist base. Although one terrorist doesn't like another, they don't attack each other. There York bought supply's for rest of the trip.

- Lets go to Bretonia.

Prospector just entered Omega 5 system and near Cadiz base he found three Junkers fighting. Two Junkers in heavy fighter and bomber attacked third in Liberty gunboat.

- What is with this Junkers and Liberty gunboats?- York asked himself...-When Liberty started to sell navy ships to pirates?...Hahahaha...who knows...if i ask politely maybe they will sell me one...

York had no intentions of attacking any of three Junkers.

- They might as well kill among them self.

But two Junkers left third in gunboat and attacked Prospector. York did thought of that so he killed engines on Prospector and turned his ship to fly backwards. He fired upon Junkers. They didn't expect things that followed. Prospector still flying backwards flew into mine field. Junkers followed him. Rest was easy...
Strong gunboat shields resisted mine explosions but fighter shields didn't. When mines took out their shields rest was easy...One Junkers was destroyed by third in gunboat who sneaked behind him while he was focused on Prospector. Second Junkers fled the fight. One SF capital ship was near but it didn't attack Prospector.

When fight was over, Prospector proceeded to Cambridge system. There he stumbled upon one BAF patrol. Destroyer and two gunboats escorted by heavy fighters put on a great fight, but fast and small rouge gunboat outmaneuvered big Bretonia ships easily.
After killing all three capital ships York turned ship towards home.

[Image: cruiser%20blow.jpg]

- I need to start thinking how i will save Patrick from that scum Svaldi.

Back on Ouray base Thompson has returned from his mission. Yorks crow was under repairs.

- Richard will be very happy when he gets back - Thompson thought for himself


The path of Prospector - Doom - 03-13-2007

York was standing in his ready room aboard Prospector. It was a small room with nav computer monitor and engine status. His desk was at the wall opposite to the door. Only source of light in the room was his screen of data pad where entered his daily logs.

[Image: log%20entry.jpg]

- Day started slow. We were patrolling thru Colorado system in search of traders, bounty hunters and junkers. After first run, that showed to be totally uneventful, Prospector was nearing the Ouray base when scanners picked up something. I got ship closer to investigate that new signal. It turned out to be Rheinland gunboat Jammy Dodger. First scans showed that is unfriendly vessel. Our intel gathered on that ship was saying that it was Friendly with Bretonians. I couldn't have such dangerous ship flying around Ouray. Only thing that kept that ship flying so far was statement of its captain that they kill junkers. When i said that, captain of that ship seemed not to believed me. He taunted me. Hehehehe...and nobody taunts me and gets a way with it. Jammy Dodger opened fire first. That was their first and last mistake. Rheinland gunboat isn't a match to Prospector and it was destroyed after short battle.

[Image: jammy.jpg]

After that long range scanners showed some massive activity in California. So we moved there to investigate things. Above planet Los Angeles SA and junker ships (again?) defended planet from joint attacks by HF,AW and Bs.Soon defenders got reinforcement by ELF gunboat. I saw great opportunity to make some damage to corrupted liberty protectors so we attacked SA ships. Both of SA frigates sustained heavy damage. Attackers didn't do much better either. Finally SA managed to drive away attacker and Prospector was left alone. Both SA frigates and ELF gunboat then attacked us. After some game of cat and mouse we retreated from that fight and returned home. Prospector was only undamaged vessel in that attack, luckily ....Our funds are limited and every credit is important.

End of entry.

York was tired. He sat at his desk to check other patrol reports of the day. They all said the same...not many events....

- Ah it is good sometimes to have slow day...York left the room and went to sleep.