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Question to the Admins. - Printable Version

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Question to the Admins. - Guest - 08-24-2009

So, recently I was told, that Cannon said, that [RA] docking on Malta cannot be counted as OORP docking.

Why not?

They are Exiled by most of the factions in Alpha, shot by every outcast and their dog, they are shooting allies, openly shooting Smugglers in Tau 37, engaging 101st on sight.

Now how the hell docking on Malta wouldn't be OORP?

It would be like me taking a BHG to Gamma, murdering everyone and then docking on Crete.

I really wish the Admins would review this, because this is not really logical. They are abusing their ID to escape PVP in Alpha simply by docking on Malta every time.

The Exile of RA is right there in the Forum Diplomacy section, it has been RPed out.

Maybe give us a reason why can't these actions be considered as OORP docking and therefore be reportable.

Question to the Admins. - Unholy1 - 08-24-2009

Couldn't of said it better myself Sindy.

Question to the Admins. - Soul Reaper - 08-24-2009

Yep, hunt em down, till they're sick of it,

Question to the Admins. - swift - 08-24-2009

I'm not really going to join the apparent [RA] witch hunt that seems to be going on, no matter what their qualities, or lack thereof might be, but I do agree that if it was RPed by the official factions of the Outcasts and the Council of Dons, it's what's to happen.

I remember the part about Official Faction Rights, something about faction diplomacy etc.
I'll try and get a quote.

This one might fit the bill:

Quote:RIGHT 2) Official factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even lethal force in extreme circumstances). Official Factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.

Was RP justification given? Was it RPed out? Were the aforementioned group damaging the diplomacy and standing of the Outcasts as a whole and the official factions used their power within reason and logically?

Yes throughout.

Question to the Admins. - Jinx - 08-24-2009

i think it was something along the lines that official factions have the right to enforce canon RP ( as opposed to enforce non-canon RP, which they are not allowed )

but really - can t it be handled in PMs ... or if you must in sanction reports? - and if the sanction reports are not followed by a sanction, you certainly know that it was no "sanctionable" incident. - rather easy.

Question to the Admins. - McNeo - 08-24-2009

If they have an Outcast ID and an Outcast tag, then they cannot be prevented by the rules from docking on Malta. This case with the RA looks similar to the case with the HAF, in which you couldn't stop the HAF from docking on Crete. In this case, the issue was 'solved with sanction reports', as Jinx suggested above. Im not sure if you want to disregard the lessons of history and go down that road too.

Question to the Admins. - swift - 08-24-2009

Yeah, I believe you're right, Jinx.
And I'd say it was canon RP to have the Outcast leadership shun away those who'd jeopardize their alliances with the Liberty Rogues and the Lane Hackers.
Actions have consequences, and if I, for example, had an unofficial player group with Liberty Navy IDs, and say, flew capital fleets into Kusari, harassed Bretonian citizens, or you name it, without of course breaking rules, the Libertonian powers would be fully in their right to .. eh, "take care of the problem".

Anyways, I just ask everyone that this thread doesn't turn into a flame the [RA] one, because that would be immature and well, unfair to them, no matter what you might think about them.

Question to the Admins. - Guest - 08-24-2009

' Wrote:Yeah, I believe you're right, Jinx.
And I'd say it was canon RP to have the Outcast leadership shun away those who'd jeopardize their alliances with the Liberty Rogues and the Lane Hackers.
Actions have consequences, and if I, for example, had an unofficial player group with Liberty Navy IDs, and say, flew capital fleets into Kusari, harassed Bretonian citizens, or you name it, without of course breaking rules, the Libertonian powers would be fully in their right to .. eh, "take care of the problem".

Anyways, I just ask everyone that this thread doesn't turn into a flame the [RA] one, because that would be immature and well, unfair to them, no matter what you might think about them.

Indeed, It was never made to be a rock throwing thread, I ams imply wondering, what caused such an odd decision given the actions of the group.

Question to the Admins. - Linkus - 08-24-2009

The [RA] are shooting everyone and anyone that they want, regardless of alliances or any previous roleplay.

It's like the Outcasts coming in and blasting away at the Rogues. Actually..that's exactly what they did.

Do what happened with Weedalot. Rephax. They are harming general server gameplay as is plain to see, that is more worthy of a sanction than any F1.

Question to the Admins. - Altaris - 08-24-2009

Officials have authority yes, but i dont think we are able to forbid someone to dock. I think that is only admin's right. Although i still agree with Sindy.