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ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Printable Version

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ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Virus - 08-25-2009

[smokeone]-Fat.Tony has been sanctioned due to a report posted on Aug 21 2009 for:
Rules Broken Wrote:5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks with a station, jump gate, or trade lane during a PvP fight, this player has fled the fight. The fleeing player must leave the system and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remain in the system until four hours have passed from the time the fight ended.
Using cruise engines to catch up with those capable of thrusting at higher speed than you is not allowed. Trade lanes may be used to pursue or catch up to other ships under any circumstances, even if the other ship has not yet fled as described above.
The fleeing player can fight in self-defense if attacked again while attempting to leave the system after fleeing.
Sanction Wrote:5.12 Sanctions for violating PvP rules include a credit/equipment fine (no less than 50 million credits), placing character inside the prison system, banning up to 7 days.
Fined all guns.

Generally speaking, if your net crashes... Ask to rejoin a fight. Permission from the opposite side is required.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Zeltak - 08-25-2009

Since I'm part of the Smokeone group, and act as one of the higher-command I do believe I have the right to post here.

Now sure the fine was just all his guns, ain't that big of a deal.

But if a person disconnects due to net issues, it is first of all warned to all other players. Secondly, wouldn't a warning just be enough? It is considered to be common sense that you can jump back to a fight if your net crashes and you log back in. It be another issue if Tony joined again after he died.

Well ain't surprised that you can even get reported nevertheless sanctioned for something like this. Someone has personal issues against us, because I have never heard of someone getting reported for this... ever.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Lucas_Fernandez - 08-25-2009

Generally speaking, if your net crashes... Ask to rejoin a fight. Permission from the opposite side is required.

After I disconnected and came back to the fight I asked if it was okay to join back to the fight. Only one Corsair replied to me and he said that I was dead and can't re-engage. I tried explaining to him that I was not re-engaging but that I disconnected and in the middle of it all one of them attacked me so I fired back and thought it was okay to continue the fight. Now I get sanctioned? I don't understand... but I make sure from now on to screenshot everytime I ask if it's okay for me to come back if I disconnected else someone might report me again. If you want I have screenshot to prove I was disconnecting.

Images removed. -Virus

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Virus - 08-26-2009

I've moved the images to the sanction report, which is reopened and being rediscussed.

Sanction being reversed. Sending a PM to Lucas, now.

My apologies for the mistake.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Lucas_Fernandez - 08-26-2009

Thanks for reviewing my sanction.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Your_Face - 09-10-2009

hey you have my question?

how do i get unbanned

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Dusty Lens - 09-10-2009

Posting in your actual sanction thread would be a good start.

ADMIN NOTICE: Player Sanctioned - Lucas_Fernandez - 09-11-2009

' Wrote:

Posting in your actual sanction thread would be a good start.

Virus Stolen my guns. now my turn :
