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Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - Printable Version

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Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - Hundra - 08-26-2009

I'm pretty sure one thing is pretty possible with all of these new mod designs and such, would there be in fact, a way, to keep all of our current station sizes, and planet sizes, but reduce the size of our ships by a drastic amount? Let's say reasonable size that wouldn't make us puny compared to asteroid fields, which could also be made to have more rocks, and so that we wouldn't have any issues with the whole resizing of planets.

We made battleships into huge units, can't we make everything smaller?

We could have a 20 more increase to our cruise speed to make up for the reduced mass, and the afterburn would be increased to either 210, or stay the same.

for all i know this couldn't work, or it isn't possible,

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - kindred - 08-26-2009

To much work. Cruising for an hour to cross a system would not be fun. Did i mention to much work?

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - Hundra - 08-26-2009

I can't take you seriously if you aren't able to spell "too" right.

We have increased cruise speeds for that sort of thing, fighting would be unaffected, and our ships would not be reduced by a large amount, only in size.

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - kindred - 08-26-2009

I can't take you seriously if you can't use the search engine and look up the six previous threads on this same subject.

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - Hundra - 08-26-2009

I looked up "scaling issues" and all of the solutions I found were that of INCREASING the other resource sizes, (ie; planets, stations, JGs, lanes.

Really, I don't have the effort, time, or ability to search through 5 pages of threads, and looking at every page of those threads.

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - kindred - 08-26-2009

Using more than one search parameter would not be logical. It's obvious, obviously.

You don't fly a LABC called Captain.Obvious do you?

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - kikatsu - 08-26-2009

I don't think you realise the work resizing all the ships would actually involve

you'd have to resize ships, hitboxes, weapon models, weapon effects, ship equipment, commodity drop boxes, trade lanes, jump gates

not to mention the speed and agility changes, the weapons speed changes

plus it would take so long to go anywhere, it would not even be worth it

plus, this is Freelancer
when was the last time you saw something realistic in it?
It may not be realistic or accurite, but it's fun

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - kindred - 08-26-2009

The blatant realization that this is not a realistic space sim might also not be obvious. Let's see if he volunteers to do all this work himself, aka rebuilding the whole mod from scratch. Seriously serious this time.

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - Hundra - 08-26-2009

All I was doing was making a suggestion, you're nagging on about is the "long amounts of time it would take to go anywhere", a sizeable fix of having a faster speed of engines would fix that.
Weapon speeds would not need to be affected at all, due to the fact that ships will LOOK like the same size to each other, except everything ELSE will be bigger.

I made this post because I had seen several people complaining about this, and I wanted to see if a solution could be given to stop any complaining, not to get insulted at and told to "do it all by myself" by someone, just for wanting to help people, and let them have more fun.

This solution would be less tiring then having to make bases 3x larger, it would certainly require less work, since you would not have stretched textures, etc.

Then again, I'm of course going to be put down by you, who will not consider the idea for a moment.

Reduce ALL ship sizes to fit scaling. - kindred - 08-26-2009

Please review post number three on this thread while feeling insulted about being insulted, I assure you it's very insulting. The irony make me warm inside. The few numbers of repetitive threads requesting changes that in one effect or another ultimately lead to a space simulator look do not warrant the amount of work you underestimate. Have you tried Eve? It's scaled and all that jazz, feel free to take your righteous self over there for scale free problems.