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Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Printable Version

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Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Adamgooch - 08-27-2009

---=Incomming Transmission=---

Comm ID: Frank Zamboni (]c[) Shipmaster
To: TAZ OSI CoZ and Junker Congress members
Topic: Super Alloy Purchase and Convoy
Location: Freeport XV, Omicron 74

To my respected and prospective associates,

The Zoners Trading Consortium plans to purchase a shipment of super alloy from the junkers on Trafalgar Base in New London. We hope to arrange for the Junker Congress to transport the super alloy to Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta; we will of course, provide our escort team in regardless, whether or not you dispatch any of your own escorts. We prefer the Junker Congress focus on shipping however. In addition, the ZTC would like to invite any TAZ OSI or COZ members to accompany us as escorts. This shipment of alloy will be used in the contruction of our Consortium Research Facility, which will undergo completion within the next month, assuming no hitches! It is nearing completion at Singapore Shipyard, but the ZTC is in need of a 'fair' amount of super alloy, should we meet our necessary amount, a second transport will not be required. We cannot disclose however, what exactly will happen with the alloy besides that it will be used for the vessel's armor. The supplies need to be shipped to Freeport 11 where we can handle it from there.

The route we would plan to take will go as follows:

New London > Dublin
Dublin > Omega 49
Omega 49 > Omega 47
Omega 47 > Omega 41
Omega 41 > Omicron Theta
Omicron Theta > Omicron 74
Omicron 74 > Omicron Kappa
Omicron Kappa > Omicron Delta

Payments will be made to the afforementioned faction members only (Member by member, not faction as a whole), unless unfortunately small numbers of participants register. Then we will gladly send payments to a number of unaffiliated Junker or Zoner faction participants dependent upon the number of acutal participants. Any unaffiliates may join regardless, but please keep in mind, you may not recieve any pay.

Here are payments:

Escorts (Zoner Factions)(Congress Escorts) 1.5 million credits

Transports will be paid based on the amount of Super Alloy carried (Junkers Congress):
Between 500 -- 1K units of Super Alloy: 350,000 credits
Between 1K -- 2K units of Super Alloy: 750,000 credits
Between 2K -- 3K units of Super Alloy: 1,500,000 credits
Between 3K -- 4K units of Super Alloy: 2.000,000 credits
Between 4K -- 5K units of Super Alloy: 2,500,000 credits
(Remember, this is on top of the profits made from transporting it from Trafalgar to Freeport 11)

You will be paid upon arrival at Freeport 11. Should you suffer a loss of cargo we will still pay ya half.

Please reply with the following information if choose to participate:
1. Are you transporting or escorting and if possible your ship classification.

2. What are you bank account details for payment. (This is your personal account, not a faction bank.)

3. If you are transporting, how much cargo will you ship.

We will schedule a set date and time once we have a list of a number registered participants. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTINUE TO REGISTER However we are hopeful to depart by (saturday, 5 September 2009). Thes dates and information are still negotiable and subject to changes.


Frank Zamboni (]c[) Shipmaster

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Tenacity - 08-27-2009

[Image: 2vi33au.png]
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Christopher Thorn, Junkers

"Well, I aint in the congress but I never pass up an opportunity to make money. I might be interested in this little exchange of yours, and my vessel can function in both escort and trade capacities, either both at the same time or whichever one you need more."

"I fly a salvage frigate, with 3330 tons of available cargo space and six Zoner Gunboat Turrets obtained from previous dealings with the Zoners. Aint got no bank account but my own personal neuralnet ID, tagged Tenacity if it aint obvious already. Lookin forward to hearin more about this offer."

-End Transmission-

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - BlueSpawn - 08-27-2009

Dear Shipmaster Zamboni of the Consortium,

I will gladly provide my services with a Bomber (escort) and will ask you not to give me any money.

Yev Lightwing, Zoner Guard.

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Adamgooch - 09-02-2009

---=Incomming Transmission=---

Comm ID: Frank Zamboni (]c[) Shipmaster
To: TAZ OSI CoZ and Junker Congress members
Topic: Registered and Date.
Location: Freeport XV, Omicron 74

To those interested:

First thing on hand - I would like to depart with the alloy (This Saturday). Please respond if you have some times you feel more inclined to join during. I may allow more time for the Junkers to respond. The date is flexible for this delivery. Also, we will most likely have a need for a handfull of Zoners to transport alloy as well.


So far Registered

(]c[)Lou Salome Escort Fighter or Bomber
(]c[)Frank Zamboni - Escort Bomber
Yev Lightwing - Escort Bomber
Tenacity - Hauling Alloy Salvage Frigate
MrUnusuall - Hauling Alloy Salvage Frigate(pending)
.:j:.Smith - Hauling Alloy Pirate Train
BT4-A45 - Hauling Alloy Adv. Train
Doc Holliday - Hauling Alloy BWT

To: Tenacity and other Salvage Frigates alike

Please transport Alloy, we will most likely join with a few transports of your own. I am certain your services will be more than useful as you can help defend as well. However, we will only pay you for transporting as that shall remain your main task.

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - AJBeast - 09-02-2009

Incomming Transmission
Source ID: MrUnusuall
Location:Beaumont Base
Transmission Begins:

Greetings , Mr Zamboni. So it seems that we have a surplus in alloys in Trafalgar. I advise you try to contact our Director of Bretonian Operations , McMillan. It may facilitate things a litle and bypass some burocracy. Nonetheless , I am pleased to see a business oportunity like this pop up between Junkers and Zoners.

Unfortunatelly, currently none of my ships are available due to the damage caused by a recent ion storm , but I will forward this message onto the rest of the Congress for them to consider.

I still do not know if my ships will by flyable in time , but you may list me as a hauler nonetheless. I fly a Salvage Frigate with 3330 cargo space available.

Transmission Ends

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Feartrue - 09-02-2009

Incomming transmission
Comm ID: .:j:.Smith
Source: Omega 49


Android Smith here,

I will be at Trafalgar and ship the required goods to Freeport 11, but I do not know the time (// in GMT //)
The ship I'm flying is a Pirate Train, with 4280 cargo available. It isn't the full 4300 because of some armor modifications.
Regardless, count me in

Smith out


Signal lost

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Doc Holliday - 09-02-2009

*incomming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Classified

Hey there, Mr. Zamboni,

Mrs. Holliday and I are taking some time away together but I will try and make it for this. I will be in my Borderworld's DL transport.

Cargo hold: 3390.

If all goes well, I'll see you then.


Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Adamgooch - 09-02-2009

---=Incomming Transmission=---

Comm ID: Frank Zamboni (]c[) Shipmaster
To: Those interested
Topic: Registered and Date.
Location: Freeport XV, Omicron 74

I would like to say 1800 SMT would be the best average time to begin, however to accomodate the other folk, please leave your suggestions. Perhaps a time range that suits ye best.

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Alexander Draconis - 09-02-2009

Comm ID: Destrillian

Sadly I have an appointment that day, however if you would like to discuss further business of this type, I would be quite interested in aiding the Zoners. My contact frequencies are enclosed. Don't hesitate to use them in the future. Oh yes, I command a CSF by the way, lovely little piece of machinery. Good luck with your venture.

Johann out. Tata!

Attention TAZ, OSI, CoZ, Junker Congress - Feartrue - 09-03-2009

// I'm assuming SMT means GMT

18.00 seems a fine time to me, I'll definitely be there. I suggest all other persons who want to participate leave a message here so he knows how many people will be there

Smith out