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The story of the Koss family - Printable Version

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The story of the Koss family - General Nakazawa - 03-15-2007

Two men are fighting in the street, they seem to be using massive swords with serrated edges. The fight goes on for several hours until one is delt a fatal blow to the neck completely severing the head. the body starts to glow as bright as the moon until it lifts off the ground and moves towards the victorious opponent and it engulfs the winner and disappears.

"Hello Sabian, back again with a deep wound to the chest? Lets get you patched up even if you do seem to heal instantaniously."
"Well i don't know about instantaneously but i have always had a knack for quick recoveries."
"You know you should stop all this dueling, you might end up the loser some time."
"You know as well as I do that I'm to good for that." (he says with a sly look on his face)
"Well all done, now please try and keep your head and stop dueling wold you."
"Oh i think I've seen the last of my duels for a long time. But before you send me on my way, have you con..."
"Shh... Yes I've thought about what you asked me last time you were here, and yes, I wold like to mary you."
"That's wonderful! We have to start planing right away!"

7 years later...

A 5 year old boy is living with his parents in London England. The year is 1467 AD

Son, get up! Get up! We have to go.
But daddy its the middle of the night.
I know but we have to go. There are bad people trying to hurt us outside.
But who would want to hurt us daddy?
Bad men Aaron, bad men. Now get dressed and out some things in this suet case. We may not be able to come back later so pack what you want to keep.
Ok, where's mommy?
Umm... She is already waiting for us at her mother's. Umm, She left early to help her get it ready for our arrival.

13 years later...

Dad, what really happened to mom that night we left London? I know you said she died in an raid on her way to grandma's but there was no raid that night.
Well... I guess you are old enough to know the truth. She was killed by a man who was after me. He wanted to kill me because of my past and i wouldn't let him so he killed your mother insted.
I don't understand, why wold he want to kill you, what did you do to make him that agree at you?
It's not what i did, its what i am... what you are.
I don't understand.
We are Immortals, have you ever noticed that you heal extremely fast. When you broke your arm 3 years ago, it healed almost overnight. If i were to stab you in the hart right now, you wold not die, you may feel a little pain but you would not die.
But... how is that possible?
No one really knows why or how people like us came about, we just did.
Wait, are there more like us?
Not anymore, the man who killed your mother was the last except for us.
Is he dead?
How, if he was immortal, how could he die?
Immortals only die if their head is severed from the body by the sword of another Immortal. When that happens, their body's energy is absorbed by the Immortal who killed him.
So... that is what happened to mom's killer, you cut off his head?
Why?! Why would you not tell me any of this?
I was trying to protect you.
From what?
From yourself. Can you honestly say that if you knew you could not be harmed that you would not take advantage of that?

Sabian Methos is was sitting in a cafe in Paris France when he received word that the Coalition forces had finally made their way back to Sol and had set up a blockade around the system. He knew they would be coming for him and asking if he would be willing to stay behind to safeguard the rest of the alliance people but he wasn't about to miss this trip.

Aaron Koss was helping people board the Liberty sleeper ship in the US. He had received permission to be the the Chief Engineer of the ship a couple years ago when it was still under development and had been waiting for this day to arrive for a long time. Ever since his mother had died he had focused solly on science and business to try and improve the world a little, he had succeeded sever times but many governments had miss used his advancements repeatedly but now he had finally helped build something that could not ever be used in the wrong way.

Sabian Methos, with a stolen ID in hand boarded the Britannia as a passenger. The person to witch the ID belonged was already 6 feet under and thanks to him would not be missed until they arrived in Sirius. As he boarded he wondered if his son had ever gotten the job as Chief Engineer on the American version or was he about to never even be able to see his son agen. It had been nearly 75 years since he had last spoken to his first born, ever since he had told him that he was not his only son he had severed all contact with him.

Daniel Koss, under a new identity of a young Colonel, Benjamen Thomas, was operating the helm of the Liberty Sleeper Ship. He knew his brother was the Chief engineer aboard the ship but he knew his pail completion wouldn't get him on the Kusari, or Hispania sleeper ships and the bretonnian one was out because his father would be on that one no doubt, and he had never bothered to learn German so he wasn't going to try that one. He knew he would be able to stay away from his brother well enough be cause they had never actually met in person and had no clue what each other looked like.

The sleeper ships had just launched an hour ago and they were just starting to make headway threw the blockade. Aaron had done his job well on the Liberty ship and they had almost gotten threw. The Bretonnian one had taken a little more damage early on in the run to its engines so it was falling a little behind but for the most part keeping up. Daniel was proving his piloting skills at the helm and making some really impressive maneuvers with a ship of that size. Sabian had long since been put to sleep by the ship technicians and was having some very pleasant dreams.
Next stop, Sirius!

Attention all passengers! This is the commander of the Britannian Sleeper ship. I am happy to announce that we have finally arrived in Sirius and are currently in rout to our new Home world, recently dubbed, New London. Sabien Methos herd this over the ship speakers and started wondering just how long they had been asleep. "Combien de temps nous avons ?t?s endormis?" Methos asked a tech and he just stared at him with a blank face. then Methos finally realized that this was a british ship and not a french one. "How long have we been asleep? he asked again and the tech replied several years.

Aaron was starting to get tired of every one asking him what to do, he just wanted to hop in one of the cryo chambers that the majority of the ships population were still in and go to sleep. Its been far too long since my last leave but i guess there aren't very many places to go are there? Aaron thought to himself. You! Get over here and fix this god damn thruster, its been acting up ever since we got to Sirius and we need it working properly if we are to land this behemoth on an asteroid let alone a planet! Oh well, i guess it was a nice thought.

Benjamin, you ready to get to work? we need ya at the helm if we want to do this wright. You know, sir, you are the only one i have yet to convince to call me Daniel, why is that? Well i don't believe in nicknames and i really have no clue how you got Daniel from Benjamin. Well, my friends always seemed to like Daniel better that's all. But thank you Chief, il get to the bridge as soon as possible. Well... you know better, its Koss, you haven't had to call me Chief since we left Earth and you know it. Good bye... Koss.

The New Chapter
5 years before the Nomad Wars swept the Sirius system at West Point in New York...

This is Captain Aaron Koss of the USNSC Destroyer, Iowa, requesting permission to dock.
Captain Koss, this is West Point control, permission granted. Proceed to moor 3.

ATTENTION ALL PILOTS! ATTENTION ALL PILOTS! Incoming boogies emerging from the badlands. Scramble all fighters!
Attention crew of the USNSC Iowa, you are to report to your stations immediately. We will continue our leave once these pests are taken care of

West Point, this is the USNSC Iowa requesting permission to launch and engage boogies.
Hold on, we are attempting to contact them.

This is West Point Control to incoming ships, identify yourselves and state your business.

We are here for the Iowa, specifically the Captain. He is to be handed over to us immediately or you will all die. Tell him my name is Benjamin Thomas.

West Point Control to USNSC Iowa, i assume you heard that response. May we ask what you plan to do? We suggest that we engage, they are no match for that destroyer and our fighters.

No, I will turn myself over to them, don't ask why. I do know that name and the odds of us winning are quite the opposite. I'll be jettisoning in one of my pods, don't shoot them. I'm giving Commander Wilson command of the ship while I'm gone.

Attention All Fighters, this is West Point Control, do NOT engage the incoming fighters. They are to be watched closely but only fired upon IF they fire first.

* * *

Well well, if it isn't the famous, everlasting Chief Engineer of the Alliance, oh, I guess its Captain now isn't it.

What do you want Ben? You should of known it wouldn't be wise to take a long time captain of the Liberty Navy right from his own ship. They will come looking for me, and they will kill you, or at least try.

Oh I know all that, but I have something to say to you. Your father went missing 3 years ago, I think its the same thing as what happened 300 years ago when his ship was destroyed in the border systems and went missing for nearly a century before he drifted up on a cruise liner.

WHAT!? Not again, well have you activated his beacon?

He removed it years ago because some one was using it to track him. I know some one that could maybe help but i need your help talking to him. He isn't exactly 'normal'. His name is Luciaden and he operates out of Omicron Theta, and you have a lot more experience in diplomatics than i do.

The story of the Koss family - AaronKoss - 06-28-2007

Ok, finally a continuation of the ongoing story of the Koss Family. Read and enjoy!

3 years after the Nomad Wars ended, the two brothers long but persistent search for the one called Luciaden has come to an end...

This is Lane Hacker Daniel Koss calling Freeport. I require permission to land, My partner and I have business with a man named Luciaden.

This is Freeport, your request to dock has been granted. Please proceed to Dock 6.

Later in a private dining hall the two brothers wait for their mysterious friend.
Daniel: Hey Aaron, just to let ya know, I've herd threw through the grape vine that this man can some how control people's minds. I'm not sure if this is true but if it is, what then? He will fined out our secret and use us, I don't want to be used, maybe we should just leave.
Aaron: Don't worry Danny, I've spend over 2000 years strengthening my mind, I doubt any tricks he has can work on me. Father isn't the only one who has spent a good deal of time in a vacuum, I also had a nice long stay in solitary confinement about 543 years ago.
Daniel: Wait, you're telling me that during those 200 years were you dropped off the map you were drifting in space?
Aaron: Yea, I am, and 200 years is allot of meditation time. You don't do things like that without building up a very powerful mined. Question is, what family is he from, I was under the impression that all the others had been killed.

A strange voice from just behind the brothers: Some how, I don't think you have realized who I am.

The two brothers spin around to fined a tall and athletic man standing in front of the door.

Aaron: Who the hall are you, we are here to meet Luciaden, not some genetic malfunction.
The Stranger: I would watch your tong my friend, you have no idea what I'm capable of. The last person who spoke like that to me didn't even get the chance to try and defend himself.
Daniel: Are you Luciaden then?
Aaron: Get out of my head you bastard, I can feel your thoughts trying to comb my mind. It's not going to work.
The Stranger: I'm impressed, you have more mental strength than any human I've ever met. Tell me, why should I not kill you for your obvious hostilities toward me, let alone help you?
Daniel: Trust me, you don't want a fight with us, you would be hard pressed to win.
Aaron: As my brother said, but tell me, why should we let YOU live, you have invaded my mined and no doubt my brothers as well, and have yet to even introduce yourself properly.
The Stranger: Well, yes, my name is Luciaden. However you have also avoided why you are here, you can't blame me for being curious, can you?
Aaron: Fine, we are here because our father has gone missing and we need your help to locate him. We have been told of your seriously powerful mind, and from what you have already demonstrated has led us to hope that you may be able to sense our fathers mental beacon from a much further distance than we can.
Luciaden: Well, that is a new one. No one has ever asked me to fined some one else with my mind before. But before I agree to anything, tell me agean why I should help you, I think you have omitted that from your statements so far.
Daniel: Well, you want to help us because we can help you with any problem you may have now or have in the future. We are willing to join your growing Empire and serve you for the rest of your days, however long that may be.
Luciaden: Oh, and what exactly do you have to offer to my Empire besides those two piles of junk you both flew in on?
Aaron: Well, lets see, there is my 2,000 years, give or take a few hundred years, of military experience, my 800 years of knowledge of the Sirius sector, the fact that I'm a master at every known variation of martial arts in human history, and my non-ability to die.
Daniel: As for me there is my 1,300 years,give or take a few centuries, of economic experience, my extensive knowledge of any market system, and also my non-ability to perish just like my brother.
Aaron: Oh and as for our father, he has probably close to as much mental capacity as you do, and even greater knowledge of military tactics and strategies than myself, a very extensive knowledge base of the galaxy's history and secrets, and of course his inability to die, just like us.
Luciaden: Okay, did I just here you two correctly? I guess that would explain you ability to resist my mind better than anyone I've ever met. But please elaborate on how this is possible and maybe demonstrate this ability that you claim to have of not being able to die.
Aaron: It's possible because all three of us are members of an ancient group of people known as the Immortals. We have a genetic trait that allows our bodies to reform even after being completely destroyed in a supernova, don't ask why we know that one. For proof, take that sword of yours and cut off any part of my body.

Luciaden unsheathed his sword and beheaded Aaron before Daniel even knew what was happening. But before Aaron's head could even hit the ground it stopped falling and started to sped back up to the stump of a neck that it had just been cut from, as it retook its place upon the shoulders of Aaron's body the two started to fuse back together.

Aaron: Well I meant like a limb or something but I guess that works too.
Luciaden: I must say, I have never before seen anything like that in the 250 years of my life. I will help you with your search in return for your loyal service in my Empire, If you betray me I will dismember your bodies and seal the parts in separate containers and skater them across the galaxy.
Daniel: The same goes for you, only I doubt you would survive.
Aaron: Now, Now you two, I'm sure we can all learn to trust each other in no time. Now, lets get down to business shall we?

All three men final took their seats in the dining room called for a waiter and started discussing the means of witch they would fined Sabian Methos, Aaron's and Daniel's father.

Thank you for reading and there will be more coming hopefully soon.