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Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Printable Version

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Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 08-28-2009

I'll keep this simple. Here is our faction feedback. You post, I listen and respond. I correct you if you are mistaken, and correct myself and my faction if you are not mistaken. Deal? Deal.

Now, as much as I realize the Phantoms take a -ton- of flak, I'd like this to remain clean, calm, and collected. If you feel you were wronged, relax, sleep on it, and if in the morning you feel the same then post. This gives you time to separate yourself from your anger and gives me the ability to communicate with you effectively.

Apart from that, be very appreciated if people posted good along with the bad. For a proper critique: find the good first, the bad second.

Phantom Faction Status

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Death.RunningVerminator - 08-28-2009


good phantoms! good!

But uh.. one question, are phantoms supposed to be somewhat friendly towards outcasts?

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 08-28-2009

' Wrote:are phantoms supposed to be somewhat friendly towards outcasts?

Yes, actually. They're the least "human" of the humans and are our nearest neighbors. We are more inclined to cooperate with them, but they are generally held in the same neutral tone as (most) other pirates.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Death.RunningVerminator - 08-28-2009

' Wrote:Yes, actually. They're the least "human" of the humans and are our nearest neighbors. We are more inclined to cooperate with them, but they are generally held in the same neutral tone as (most) other pirates.
Alright thank you. Then you all are doing great! The phantom cruiser is VERY intimidating when you're trying to pirate transports in a blood dragon bomber heh.

And i don't know if this is the place for general questions about the phantoms.. so i'm gonna send a PM

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 08-28-2009

' Wrote:Alright thank you. Then you all are doing great! The phantom cruiser is VERY intimidating when you're trying to pirate transports in a blood dragon bomber heh.

And i don't know if this is the place for general questions about the phantoms.. so i'm gonna send a PM

Might as well be.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Cyberanson - 08-28-2009

Thanks for following the will of the community Virus. Kudos to you!

First of all I would like to mention the one meeting I had so far with the Phantoms:

My wingmen of the Rheinland Military and me were on a patrol in Frankfurt system, when we discovered two ships with unknown identifications. (Phantom IFF). We hailed them and ordered to identify themselves. A really 'nice' RP chatlog evolved. They called us some kind of pets and so on and moved towards us. I tried to come up with some more advanced RP, because I know that the members of the Phantoms are capable of following these hidden offers. And that was what they did then.
We RPed them having cloaking devices, flying around as and their voices coming out of nowhere. When we finally 'managed' to detect them, they were already near the Hamburg jumpgate in the minefield.

THEN we got an engagement notice. If I remember right, there were at least 3 Phantoms (Pitchfork, Ze'ev and another one) against four RM pilots. I don't know how the fight ended, because my piloting skills weren't that good at this point of time.

Well, that was the only moment I encountered the Phantoms, but I hope that all the possible future contacts will also be more RP then PvP.

But now to some criticism: From what I heard in the other thread, I see you Phantoms having tendencies to be some kind of PvP whores. Please don't get this wrong, I read the faction description and know what the Phantoms are, but I would appreciate, if you wouldn't chase your pets until the end of the galaxy. We in the RM for example stop chasing a pirate, if he enters an asteroid field, because within there the danger of ambushes is too large.

You Phantoms haven't such a restriction, because YOU mainly are one of the dangers in minefields. So giving your prey at least a small chance to get away wouldn't harm in my opinion.
I don't want to dictate others PR, but this is how I see it. Sorry if it doesn't get clear here.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 08-28-2009

Hm. Thank you, Ventana.

That is something I have noticed, too. It is hard to let prey you are so close to catching get away. I will see about encouraging this. This is one of our problems. It doesn't happen very often, but I catch myself doing it on occasion.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Cyberanson - 08-28-2009

Well, it is not that I am talking about acting like this every time. I know that you are not very active with your Phantoms and letting go your prey would kill your fun. (Yes, blowing things up is fun.:P)

But I think Violette was right in that other thread: if I was a terrorist like you, I would rather unleash chaos between houses, by rising the tensions between them somehow then attacking small patrols of their militaries or blowing up miners.

With the miner I refer to this video, darthbeck provided. YES, his RP was poor, but Zelots reaction wasn't the best on such a player. Try to help them to improve it on your terrifying way, then just blowing them up. I know it is hard and I catch myself sometimes doing the same with unwilling traders in Hamburg. But feeding each others lines sometimes is better then just... well, being annoyed and blowing them up.

This is something which is expected at least from the RM pilots and I think it is just fair to expect it from others, too. Expecially from the Phantoms with a rather complicated RP stereotype behind.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Guest - 08-28-2009

Glad to see a feedback thread on the Phantoms, hopefully we won't need any flame extinguishers, ive had enough of those.

There was once the RP between Del's Phantom and the Rogues, them providing him with a barghest in exchange of human organs, a steady flow of them.

It had a nice potential, but was it ever put to use with in or out of game RPs?

Also, how does the phantoms get recruited, what are the skills your group seeks. Ive read stories and message dumps and the last fifty threads that were made to ask this very same question, but when there are people who pop up with said obligations, how do you find them if ever?

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 08-28-2009

(there's no way I'm going to be able to keep up with this thread o.o)

' Wrote:Well, it is not that I am talking about acting like this every time. I know that you are not very active with your Phantoms and letting go your prey would kill your fun. (Yes, blowing things up is fun.:P)

But I think Violette was right in that other thread: if I was a terrorist like you, I would rather unleash chaos between houses, by rising the tensions between them somehow then attacking small patrols of their militaries or blowing up miners.

With the miner I refer to this video, darthbeck provided. YES, his RP was poor, but Zelots reaction wasn't the best on such a player. Try to help them to improve it on your terrifying way, then just blowing them up. I know it is hard and I catch myself sometimes doing the same with unwilling traders in Hamburg. But feeding each others lines sometimes is better then just... well, being annoyed and blowing them up.

This is something which is expected at least from the RM pilots and I think it is just fair to expect it from others, too. Expecially from the Phantoms with a rather complicated RP stereotype behind.

Hmm.... Fair enough. Falls under the same pretense as above, basically. When they're being their worst, do your best.

' Wrote:Glad to see a feedback thread on the Phantoms, hopefully we won't need any flame extinguishers, ive had enough of those.
There was once the RP between Del's Phantom and the Rogues, them providing him with a barghest in exchange of human organs, a steady flow of them.

It had a nice potential, but was it ever put to use with in or out of game RPs?
Also, how does the phantoms get recruited, what are the skills your group seeks. Ive read stories and message dumps and the last fifty threads that were made to ask this very same question, but when there are people who pop up with said obligations, how do you find them if ever?

Uhm. Yeah, sorry about that. That was pretty much on Del to organize, and he's dropped off of the face of the Earth. Perhaps he'll be back and start that up, I know nothing about it and have no one to fly a Barghest.

As for recruitment. I'll admit, that's my biggest problem currently. Many of the ideas that have been brought up either would create a faction much too large to handle or would leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Currently, players can plead their case to a member of the faction who will either point them to me, or post their case in the Phantom Skype chat for discussion. If they are considered to be worthy (hurr,hurr), I send them a PM with very fancy wording in it that was written by Kane.