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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Dusty Lens - 08-28-2009

Captain_FransB.Cocq has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 28th august 09 for:

Quote: 5.11 Using F1 in a PvP fight or to escape pirates/terrorists, as well as in any other situations that involves player interactions, is not allowed.
Docking repeatedly with a jump hole or jump gate in order to avoid PVP is not allowed.
If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.

Quote:6.2 Out of Roleplay (OORP):
In-game tag seen before the name must match the ID as closely as possible. It is not allowed to have the tag not match ID category. For example, it is prohibited to have 'Police' tag and 'Pirate' ID.

Equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible. For example, it is not allowed for Corsairs to use Outcast ships and guns.

The following chart is an official guideline of ship and weapon use on the official Discovery Server :

All characters using mismatched ID/Ship/Weapon combinations must possess either an Admin granted Terrorist ID or a Special Operative ID.

All reputations should be in accordance with the faction followed, all enemies must be red, at least during the course of a player - player combat

Consequences: With a start the good captain of a humble Borderworlds Transport vessel awoke in his bunk.

Oh! But it was all just a dream! He said to no one in particular, being alone in his cabin with his many commemorative plates depicting the valiant pilots of the Xeno Alliance laid out against the backdrop of Freeport 10.

I dreamt that, without acquiring a proper ID or IFF I had aquired a Zoner Whale! But there is no way that could possibly be true. Ah but it is nice to be safe and secure on this Borderworlds Transport which I call home.

But in his secret heart he knew he longed to again acquire a Zoner Whale, but he would not do so without first acquiring the afor mentioned proper ID or IFF, or surely he would awaken again in Bastille in a Starflier.

The End.

Note for the less humorously inclined: Do not buy a Zoner Whale without a Zoner Guard ID. Do not buy a transport which exceeds the maximum cargo limit afforded by your ID. Do not f1 to escape player interaction.

Admin Link to Report



Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Frans B. Cocq - 08-30-2009

This is the son of my beloved father, Cap'n Frans Banning Cocq, speaking,

i needed a day or two to take my fathers sudden death and i now have to speak him free from guilt:

What could be the sense of the regularly broadcasted request to proove, whether your ship and ID are compatible?
Doesn't it impy, that there must be unknowingly illegal sailors somewhere for a certain amount of time?
What would happen in this game, if they'd all be caught and punished, because they reached out for their dream ocean-space liner a little earlier than the needed permission? What kind of justice would it be?

The Whale was not only a dream, it was a nightmare. After sneaking into Omicron-74, my father docked at Livadia Yard, already beeing followed by merciless Guards. Hurrying, he checked the equipment dealer.
No Guard-ID to be found anywhere. But the Whale, this giant dream-cargoliner was about to be offered.
Beeing sure, that the ID could possibly be sold at a different station, he could not resist to archieve his final pet.
Why should he not? It'll take less than five minutes to dock at Freeport XV for instance, to ask for the proper ID-card.
But leaving Livadia, he was surrounded by a couple of Guards, including a battleship.
"You have to sell that ship", he was beeing told. "Ww-w.. What? Selling my dream that i just bought a minute ago? Thats more than insane, this cant be, riddiculous! It would be a waste of approximately 85 million dollars, hours of working hard.", his mind revolted.
The nightmare began. Additionally to the missing ID they were also complaining about a reputation lack.
"I'm on my way to sort this mess out, I'll get my ID and reputation".
"You can't correct your 'IFF' ", as they called it, "on a ship with no guns".
Wondering how that could possibly true, because he managed to become a Freelancer with nearly a maximum of reputation due to finding two people at Barrier Gatae Station who offered reputation hacks, he did not believe the Guards.
"Where can i find a Guard-ID", he asked.
"At Sparta Station."
"Where is the Sparta Station?"
No reply.
No reply . . .
At that time, he saw his only chance to make progress of finding an ID in escaping.
First attempt: Shot.
Second attempt: Caught. Forced to Freeport XV to sell his pet, hoping to propably find an ID-seller there, failsure.
Third attempt, escaping from Freeport XV instead of Livadia this time:
Succeeded escaping from 74, a Guard on his tail immediatly.
He barely avoided a rendezvous with the red dwarf in Omicron Gamma, beeing chased to Tripoli Shipyard.
After the fast-dock with Tripoli failed, he did a black-out reaction and engaged the cloaking device. Propably because he would've been dead 100% otherwise, the Corsairs now beeing informed about this so-called outlaw.

It must've been a real nightmare for him. But the climax had not yet been reached, although of a different kind than beeing haunted and threatened.

When he woke up in the morning, he did not awake in his luxury cabin, deep in the stomach of his Whale.
No . . . it looked much more like an old bunk. "Did i dream?" he asked himself. "How can a dream be that realistic?"
He should be taught something worse.

What shall i say? He was found one hour later lying motionless in the cockpit, the diagnosis said: Heart attack.

I didn't know how to react. I was extremely desperate about his early and unexpected death and also about his unfair treatment. I couldn't stay in the ship. I swallowed down my first grief at the bar of Freeport 10 and slept under a bar table.

Next morning came the next bad surprise. All docks of Freeport 10 were empty. That meant: Where did my fathers vessel go? Nowhere to be found . . .
Lost in space . . . ?

I am now starting from scratch, mining slowely at Pittsburgh. No heritage from my father . . .

Serious Postum Scriptum:
The facts in this small narration are true from my point of view and i feel beeing treated very unfairly. You destroy hours of my work due to a report how criminal i am, flying a Whale without Guard-ID and proper reputation for a short amount of time? I didn't find the ID yet and like i wrote, they didn't tell me the position, just the name of the place, Sparta Station. I was sure to find the ID somewhere else and to gain more reputation via NPC-payments. But leaving the shipyard . . . you read (hopefully) what happened.

I'd like this case to be thought over again, please!

Still, where's even the promised Border Worlds Transport? I had to create a new character to have any character at all. What happened?

Best regards, Frans B. Cocq junior

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Dusty Lens - 08-31-2009

Cannon has contacted - Ad note.