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WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Printable Version

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WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - pruskis92 - 08-29-2009

It has come to our attention that the bounty hunter fleets have been more and more zealous in tryin to procure nomad technology and wipe our factions out of Sirius.

We believe it is time to begin mass training exercises amongst our fleets. We offer you the proposition of starting a weekly wargame including all class of ships in order to better prepare ourselves forfuture attacks.

Location must be hidden from their view, so the Benitez allowing, then the Tinos outpost in Omicron 94 would suffice as a staging point for our forces to begin combat simulations.

All classes of ships and all Admirals, Captains and pilots should attend in order to work out our strategies.

"Please reply on this frequency so we can discuss when to hold these events."

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - ophidian - 08-29-2009

This offer has been considered and approved by me as the Fleet Admiral of Order. Admiral Tovig Kelt will be responsible of organizing the Order forces for trainings.

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Tenacity - 08-29-2009

[Image: 2cqbeao.png]
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Commander Kaylee Staite, The Order

"As a strategist for The Order's reserve fleet, I think this is a great idea... most of our Officers know how to apply combat tactics in theory, but have little practice in doing so, and when they're forced to go up against the Nomads or Bounty Hunter's Guild in mass engagements, the plan usually falls apart; with each commander doing his or her own thing and not working together. Giving more real-time combat experience to our Officers would benefit The Order greatly in our future engagements."

"I think this would also be a good situation in which to test maneuvers that we do not often use or practice elsewhere. Flanking tactics being a prime example... most of the time in our engagements against the Bounty Hunter invasions of Omicron Lost, the entire fleet moves in at one time, leaving no reinforcements to call in after the initial clash. In addition, I think we should focus on organized squadron attacks... as-is, most pilots tend to target whoever they please, and that doesnt make for a very effective force."

"If need be, I will write up an engagement manual for Order Officers with various tactics. Of course, my experience lies in warship command, not in fighter or bomber piloting, so I'll need some input from our best pilots to complete such a manual."

-End Transmission-

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Tommeh - 08-29-2009

I think this is great idea,we could always use some extra trainings in fleet battles,dogfights and similar combats.
We do train among ourself,but to train with Corsairs it will be in bigger benefit for Order pilots.
You have my full support on this,I will aid Admiral Kelt in organizing Order forces for these trainings.

Jack Osborne,Order Primary Fleet

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Tovig - 08-30-2009

[Image: admtovigkelt-1ef7da1b43.jpg]
***Opening channel - Order Primary Fleet ***
***Comm ID: Rear Admiral Tovig Kelt***
***Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor***


This is an excellent proposition and I give my autorisation for this kind of meeting. We will be happy to train with the OPG and it will permit to our both people to be closer after the recents "incidents" we had.

Keep me in touch for a day and an hour.

Rear Admiral Tovig Kelt, over.

*** Transmission Ended ***

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Grimly - 08-30-2009

Grimly talking here,

The time is already set to Sunday at 17:00 Sirius global time (GTM).
We'll wait for your forces in 3 hours in Omicron 94 Admiral.

Grimly, Scourge of OPG, out.

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Rocket.Mouse - 08-30-2009


LoneStar ere,

To you all, let me remind you that there will be no "winners" no "losers" and all corsair and order ships will be invited to attend. This being the first of this (hopefully weekly) event, we will have a few many bugs to work out. Betting is not allowed (unless I win) and sportsmanship is a must from all.

This will be a simulation, no pilot will be punished for lack of skill, or mistake of sorts. We are encouraging teamwork and will try to set equal forces despite number of corsairs or order that attend. Tips, strategies, and suggestions are encouraged.

Pilots who lose their simulated ships will wait until next round to re-join unless otherwise accepted by others to join back in right away. Although the engineers at Tinos and Delos tell me that the holo transmitters will function just fine, any loss of connection to the simulated ships will be considered a loss of ship and pilot must kick his/her machine until an engineer cries or it works again for the next round.

Rounds of fleet wars will depend on the availability of captains to perform. I urge that some manner of defenses be left behind to defend Corsair and order territory, no need to be left with our pants down.

If it so happens that an enemy fleet decides to enter our territories while we are at practice, then we will postpone the games. and may god help the poor bastards as our entire fleets will cease practice and engage the incoming threats. (nothing like interrupting the wolves at play)

No one, by all means, NO ONE is allowed to enter the nebula in 94, and out of respect for our Benitez hosts, please place your litter in the recyclers supplied at the corners of the bar. Anyone to drunk to participate will be placed in an embarrassing pose and will be subject to humiliation at their own expenses.

We are here to learn people, not to fight, we definitely do not want any hard feeling to come from this. Good luck to all fleet members, and safe flying.


Also, watch out for Aurelio Benitez, he will go out of his way to make a good joke and is a crafty little...

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Rocket.Mouse - 08-30-2009

big bump, we are lacking participants

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Tommeh - 08-30-2009

I am trying to gather some,but it was posted a bit late,so people didn't have time to adjust,we have a event with BHG in 3 hours,so mainly people are counting to show up on that one.

WARGAMES, Sunday, 17:00 GMT - Rocket.Mouse - 08-30-2009

WOW, we have one heck of a turnout now, LATE, but a turnout indeed, if your not there then you ARE late, thanks to all who showed up, and...