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Chevalier ship log. - Printable Version

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Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-30-2009

Date: Day - 23-25 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00001

We've currently finished the refitting of the engines and armor plating. Afterwards we requested to be rearmed with Rhienland flak, missile, and defense turrets. From Omicron Delta we've set course to Omega-15, briefly passing through Rhienland space to make the weapons request to Oder ship yard, however we will be mounting this equipment at Rostock station. Around the same time reamament was complete, the Battleship BHGC Sangraa requested we wait for the delivery of four more Rhienland type primary battleship turrets and bring them to Freeport 9 were the Sangraal had picked them up.

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From there. We successfully passed through Gamma almost undetected. Bianca's lack of focus nearly cost us our lives, thankfully we managed to make out of the system before nearby patrols could catch up with us. I will be speaking about that with her...privately. We then docked with Dabadoru station and immediately finished with configuring the weapon systems. We're currently patrolling the sectors around the Palau cloud.

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-30-2009

Date: Day - 26 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00002

While patrolling the Palau clouad, Bianca Chevalier, our comms. officer had patched in a frequency from an allied bomber we received word from an allied bomber about a corsair anti-capital ship vessel and a corsair gunboat hiding within the cloud. After after giving them a final warning we opened fire on both vessels. I order a close range assault on the smal capital ship while the allied bomber focused on defending against the enemy bomber. Unforetunately he was caught offguard and was quickly forced into an escap pod which, our ship promptly rescued.

It was then we found ourselves alone agaist the enemy. I then ordered all guns to focus on the bomber instead of the gunboat. His torpedoes did severe damage to the Chevalier's engines and numerous other weapon systems. However, this threat proved moreuseful as our flak fire succesfully, detonated his own torpedo before he even fired it. Destroying his ship. We then found ourselves in an even more deadly situation fighting the corsair gunboat. Due to our propulsion system being severely crippled from the earlier bomber run, we were being run circles around by it. It was only through the careful use of our heaviest weapons were we able to successfully destroy the corsair gunboat before it destroyed it.

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We are now, back at Dabadoru making repairs.

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-30-2009

Date: Day - 29 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00003

After being given expicid orders to survey the nomad activity in the Omicron Iota system we detected serveral unusual readings.

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After being caught in a trap set up by the unusual nomad trio we almost immediately lost our bomber support. From there we were forced to fight seeing as there was no way to call in support. Soon after our hull began to buckle. My concentration was shattered by what seemed like the most horrifying shrieking, But it wasn't coming from outside, but from inside the bridge. The source was Bianca, or at least....I think. Several crew members had to gag and bound her in order to prevent further problems. I thought we were all done for when saw the nomad trio surround us. But it was strange...they just sat there, no movement no nothing, we was even stranger was the fact our cannon assault and pretty much everything on our ship seem to freeze. I became deaf, numb and lost all sense of fear and urgency. It was if my very awareness of been silently stripped away. And then --- *blink*.

I was there standing in the main hanger of the Chevalier. I didn't even realized the preceding events had even happened until finding Bianca laid out in a chair with a bag of ice over her forehead. She was completely red all over, her hands, neck and face, even her ankles slightly revealed under her skirt were red. And then I remembered the screaming and crying heard before blanking out. Like a case of brain freeze I remembered some of the last few moments before my memory had "cut" out, even how we got back, although I don't remember actually traveling back.....but rather zipping back, thousands and thousands of light years back to Dabadoru station and down from the main bridge to the main hangar to where I was standing just as those last thoughts came back to me.

As for my crew, they seem to be as puzzled about this I am. From the time we were on the brink of death to these "nomads" to docking with Dabadoru station not a single one feel as they were quite awake. They, we were there, but we weren't. I'm especially worried about my newest subordinate, Bianca. While she may seem soft at first the something about her that makes you feel..."there's something off about this girl". Like a broken wineglass, damaged, cracked, and harmful if not handled cautiously....but still, even in it's wounded state, it still in it's own way very astounding....

*Blink* I'm going to begin monitoring her behavior more closely from now on. I feel....we need her.

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-30-2009

Date: Day - 29 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00004

We recived word that renegade bounty hunter were being enaged by several Core ships several clicks from Freelort 11. We were asked to giving support fire against the interfering corsair patrols involved as well. After that we began to divert our full attack force against the renegade ships. Effectively pinning one of them down until our fighter fininshed him off.

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I hop ths served as a lesson, for other who have chosen to betray the bounty hunter's guild, let alone the guild core. The other fighter was smart enough to escape our flak screen and engage our support craft with our interference, but even so he eventually had to flee.

The crew seems to be doing alright. Although I'm beginning to notice Bianca's uneasiness in my prescience. Pehaps it's something about me, my hair, or maybe it's my clothes.

*Sighs* I'll have to put it aside for now.

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 09-01-2009

Date: Day - 37 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00005

The day began with a patrol through the outreaches of the omicron delta system. We intercepted several radio transmissions and followed them to their source. Thankfully we were relieved to find that they were from a bounty hunters convoy shipping a large amount of ****information classified**** to the Cambridge system. It was decided unanimously that we wasted our time tracing them. So we decided to escort them back within range of Freeport 11, along the way I felt it necessary to radio a bomber pilot I knew very well working in the area. His name is Craig Jackson a reliable young man with a rather short lived career for someone of his skill. It's probably not worth noticing but when I mentioned his name over the channel Bianca who was walking past seemed to have flinched rather unpleasantly. Kind of like running into an old boyfriend. Despite her good looks, I doubt Craig would waste his time on her. She doesn't seem like his type, as a lover or as an associate of any kind. but I am almost sure that reaction was from overhearing that name.

Another small note: We recorded the trip back to Freeport 11, I must remember to attach it to the entry.

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 09-01-2009

Date: Day - 42 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00006

We requested to return to Alabama shipyard in Omega-56 in order to resynchronize and reposition our weapons. As many in the the guild are beginning to realize, while the bullhead, is a ver powerful forward assault vessel, it is next to defenseless if engaged from below or behind. The rearranging of our weapon systems should keep our vulnerability to a minimum. Configurations were rather swift, however we instead decided to replace our Rhienland type flak turrets for Zoner type flak guns.

We cam across a mercenary in an outcast ship doodling around the Omega -15 jumphole. After issuing several warnings we hard no choice but to open fire, causing considerable damage before he managed to escape. Their damage is sacrificed but both their speed and range are superior.

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If Omega - 56 is a playground to these rift-raft, then the Chevalier is the neighborhood bully.

We were able to prove these statistics first hand to the Hessians and even their enemies the Corsairs. We were asked to engage and destroy several fighter squadrons around Rostock and in the nebula nearby. With this, we maybe able to perform as both anti fighter and anti-capital ship, so as long as we're not completely out gunned.

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In the last few days, I've tried to keep the ship crews focused on their mission rather than their personal lives. While I understand this is somewhat selfish to tear them away from whatever socializing they engage in to help them cope with the returning warzones, I must keep in mind the importance of our mission and the lives on this ship, even if it mean putting off "fun". For dead men don't drink or dance. I've noticed a more sociably active Bianca in these last few days. That's good, while I don't want there to be any distractions, I also must understand people are able to work more efficiently when they feel familiar in an environment and it's inhabitants. I hope she's able to work more effectively because of this. However, she seems to ignore me mostly, apart from a "Yes sir" or a "Sorry sir" I get no kind of interaction between her and myself. It's not only now, but....ever since she first came aboard. The avoidance, the stuttering it even happened when I first bumped into her a few months ago. ........ I haven't time to worry about such matters, I'll have to accept she needs time becoming accustomed to my presence. I'm sure we'll bond over time...

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 12-25-2009

Date: Day - 75 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00007

After a long recess due to reorganizing of the fleet, we finally been able to return to the Omicron sectors, we began our patrol towards the nearby gas giants in order to sweep away a large group of corsair raiders reports by several of our convoys a few hours earlier. Our recent addition of anti fighter Solaris cannons proved very effective against the enemy heavy fighters, the were then assisted by order fighters. Both groups were destroyed without any casualties.

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Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 12-25-2009

Date: Day - 76 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00007

Afterwards we headed back to free port to replenish our fuel and ammo stores. And then we headed towards the darkside of the nearby Ggas giants from there we assisted a destroyer and is fighter escorts in fighting off a hostile Corsair patrol.

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We immediately encountered a nomad patrol consisting of a pair of miniature capital ships which we promptly destroyed. I'm worried about the recent increase of larger nomad ships in the area. I will put in a word with high command in order to request more firepower to be brought in the area.

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We had a moment of silence for a young starfleir pilot that was killed.

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Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 12-25-2009

Date: Day - 76 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00007 - Continued

The commotion we cause fighting off both the order and corsairs brought the attention of two fully armed Osiris Class Battleships. We barely managed to destroy the first on with heavy artillery. however the second one quickly over powered us. We barely escaped.

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We are going to head back to Alabama shipyards after all repairs are done. While the anti-shielding artillery seemed to be in order, hwoever, the middle-sized mortar drains our power plant far too much, making any fight focusing on more than one target very complicated.

Chevalier ship log. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 12-26-2009

Date: Day - 78 - Year - 817 A.S.

Author: Nathan Wyvern

Log Entry Number: 00008

W embarked on our jouney to Omega-15 from Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta at about 0645 hours we jumped to Kappa and cut through Gamma, the corsairs believed home system.

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We then jumped to theta where we found a Corsair craft fighting a Bounty Hunter fighter patrol near Freeport nine. The captain claimed to be fighting in self defense, and so I ordered him to drop his captives and flee to the nearest base.

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From there we met up with an allied Battlecruiser known as the Estal. Which told us of an experimental weapons configuration that was designed specifically to deal severe damage to vessels of equal or smaller size. It also allowed the other gun ports to be free for anti-fighter purposes. The captain showed us first hand the power of this new setup.

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After the display of firepower we headed to Alabama to put in the order of a weapons reconfiguration. They were all completed in six hours. However when we prepared to disembark, we picked up a Rhienland fighter speeding past the shipyard. He stopped a few hundrread meters out of the station's firing range. We radioed him and asked him numeroud times to leave the system. He, however, did not respond even after several warning shots. We were the ordered by personnel on Alabama shipyard to eliminate him.

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We confirmed from it's remains that it was a Rhienland fighter with in that nation's military, however the we have no understanding of why a short range fighter would find and explore Omega-56. If approved by the higher-ups we will head into Rhienland space and discuss this with a detachment of the fleet's command responsible for all operations in Omega-15 and nearby Rhienland affiliated systems.