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Omicron wars - Dashiell - 08-30-2009

I`ve had this idea for a while now. maybe other players are interested in it.

a while back, Kepers invaded Delta on multiple occasions and the Order and BHG were fighting them togheter to stand a chance.

so, how about an event where we organise a massive 3 way fleet battle?

BHG and Order are fighting each other. soon after they start, the Keepers come rolling in with a massive fleet.

then the BHG and Order have to team up to fight them off.

this would allow for some good rp between the Keepers/ Order/ BHG and a massive fleet battle. thoughts?

Omicron wars - Guest - 08-30-2009

We just had one a moment ago...reengaging, caps...lots of caps, rulebraking, little RP and more caps.

Needs to be something more then just a Deathmatch

Omicron wars - atlantis2112 - 08-30-2009

Yet, it seems like the only way the wars progress.

I know nothing of this war. Don't hurt me..

Omicron wars - Athenian - 08-30-2009

The word "deathmatch" has connotations I'd prefer not to encourage.

As for an event, well something could be arranged. It's hard to get a moment to develop role-play beyond shooting sometimes out in Delta, but we should try.

Omicron wars - Dashiell - 08-30-2009

I admit, the title of this thread is poorly chosen. I`ll edit it.

what I meant was a proper event, especially to deepen the rp realations between the 3 factions.

Omicron wars - TheMillers - 08-31-2009

' Wrote:I admit, the title of this thread is poorly chosen. I`ll edit it.

what I meant was a proper event, especially to deepen the rp realations between the 3 factions.

Hmm Must be the dutch genes... We are thinking along the same lines. I just posted a suggestion in the Sunday battleslot thread for a possible scenario - That scenario could very well be adapted to your suggestion, if for instance the dead smuggler had procured the Nomad Power Cell from the Wilde system, and they want it back.. Lots of possibilities.

Cpt. Miller, of the BHG|Core vessel "Miller's Draft"

Omicron wars - Dashiell - 08-31-2009

Nomad goodies should play a vital role in these events. it`s what the Core`s after.

and it gives both the keepers ("give us back our babies!") and the Order ("you power hungry maniacs!") a reason to be involved.

Omicron wars - Aduka - 09-01-2009

' Wrote:BHG and Order are fighting each other. soon after they start, the Keepers come rolling in with a massive fleet.

then the BHG and Order have to team up to fight them off.

Since Order and BHG are bigger in numbers...this would turnout in one big Ganking of the Keepers

Omicron wars - globalplayer-svk - 09-01-2009

' Wrote:Since Order and BHG are bigger in numbers...this would turnout in one big Ganking of the Keepers

Nothing new for us,but when it can stay with controlled number of caps i think it can be nice event

Omicron wars - Birdtalon - 09-01-2009

I love this Idea and the day I see such a battle will be a good day.

The Keepers only have to engage once the BHG and Order are small in numbers.
Like in the SP story they "Wear us down, then mop up the rest"