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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Printable Version

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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

Bounty hunters? Can they go anywhere? May consider joining when I finally save up 800mil for my battleship. Problem is this time I'm getting the biggest and best in game and the bountyhunters dont seem to have a carrier (like the liberty assault carrier than I'm planning to refit my assault cruiser to).
Considering my aim is only to make life hard for pirates, bountyhunters seem to be a better place for me than liberty navy. Plus, more independence. Man these regulations can be a pain, but I understand we dont want an osiris battleship i nthe middle of liberty just hunting pirates.. just wait till I start my own pirate killing group. Then the pirates will really have reason to fear.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Bazza - 09-04-2009

Junkers have a gunboat... sort of and we're welcome just about everywhere in human controlled space.:)

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Guest - 09-04-2009

You get the Biggest and best and I will call two nomad bombers...and you go down in half a minute. Think about is it worth the trouble?

Edit: or one well flown barghest.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Implosion - 09-04-2009

Bounty Hunter Capital ships require Bounty Hunter Core ID.
And the Core ID only limits the Capital ship on the Omicrons,Omega and the Sigmas.(That goes only for cruisers and above)
And the only possible way to roam freely around Sirius is to get be a Zoner Guard with Zoner Battleship.
As it looks,you are not lookin' for neutrality though.

Quote:I'm getting the biggest and best
Size does not matters.
You don't need a battleship.
Battleships maybe good against other capitals,but two skilled bomber pilots can blow you to dust.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

Then what about that IMG/GMG forgot name carrier I saw in Liberty? Believe saw more of them elsewhere too. Just don't want kusari screaming when I enter with my liberty super dreadnaught though I believe I'm allowed to be there (read a thread about huge liberty lawful group fighting pirates in the omicrons)

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Exsiled_one - 09-04-2009

Stay in Liberty, you'll have enough jobs there.
Bringing BS to chase something in border worlds tends to cause alot of grief for you.

Also, you do realize man that, after you kill one pirate of any faction, you'll be a target no matter what's your faction or ID?

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Robert.Fitzgerald - 09-04-2009

"Considering my aim is only to make life hard for pirates"

Continuing the cycle of bad behaviour doesn't solve anything.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Guest - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:Then what about that IMG/GMG forgot name carrier I saw in Liberty? Believe saw more of them elsewhere too. Just don't want kusari screaming when I enter with my liberty super dreadnaught.

Get a Bomber. Most versatile ship in the game. Good against VHFs, lethal to BSs.

But soon as you get sanctioned again, maybe then you understand why most have big ships and hardly ever use them.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

Oh I have an uber bomber too. Thats for escort duty when there are already capitals on the field. I converted my old pirate toon to that one.

Anyway, just want them to feel how it hurts when they grief traders.

And so when I'm a trader junkers pirate me, when I'm in lawful I get in trouble for kos junkers? Doesn't their infocard say unlawful?

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Guest - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:Oh I have an uber bomber too. Thats for escort duty when there are already capitals on the field. I converted my old pirate toon to that one.

Anyway, just want them to feel how it hurts when they grief traders.

Join the LR- maybe then you will know how it feels when you go pirate peeps for 100k, RP with them and suddenly a LABC rolls onto your head and screams about cowards about us leaving the system for 4 hours in system chat.