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Diary of a salesman - Printable Version

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Diary of a salesman - jammi - 09-04-2009

Diary of Kyou Hiroko.
Wednesday 03-09-817.
Today the family was given shipment of food-stuffs by Superior-Keiretsu-Samura to sell to passing trade in New Tokyo. Food stuffs were brought in from the plains of Kyushu and the Fisheries of Juno. The family loaded the food stuffs aboard our Drone of the Golden Hive, the Uraraka Uri, ship of my father and his father before him.

Before we left for New Tokyo, Masarao-san told us philosophy. Standing amid the cherry blossom of his garden, Masarao say, "Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes." The Kyou family takes heed of Masurao's wisdom.

We flew to New Tokyo and began to sell the wares of the Superior-Keiretsu-Samura, although passing trade was slow. Several filthy Gajin traders placed orders, then did not return to collect them. The tour guide, Mak-san purchased a great variety of food stuffs however, and I was able to sell him the Seven Seasons of Rice packs from Kyushu and the Sumptuous Sushi pack from Juno. We earned $1600, although Mak-san gave us a large tip to bring our earnings to $3000!

Of the $1600, Superior-Keiretsu-Samura took a 40% share. Not long later I ran into a Farmer-san outside Shinjuku Station, where I attempted to tempt him into buying the produce on sale. Farmer-san had already tried the Seven Seasons of Rice, the Sumptuous Sushi and even rarities such as the Juno Blowish and Orange Sea Cucumber!

With a heavy heart I resorted to Superior-Keiretsu-Samura's secret weapon! The Twelve Moon Rice! Even the wise-and-well-traveled Farmer-san had not had the opportunity to sample such a food stuff, such as it's rarity was. However, just as I was about to make the sale, another filthy Gajin trader raced past carrying all manner of dishonourable cargo, causing the Farmer-san to rush after him.

After that, business was slow, so we refueled on Shinjuku and headed back towards home planet Kyushu.

Much future prosperity to the Superior-Keiretsu-Samura!
-Kyou Hiroko

Diary of a salesman - jammi - 09-06-2009

Sunday 06-09-817.
As usual the family was given it's stock of food to sell and spent most of the morning loading the superior-than-Gajin-produced foodstuffs onto the Uraraka Uri. I spent the morning with Masarao-san, who amid his mumblings taught me more about the path of philosophy. He waited until I made him a cup of green tea, at which point Masarao say, "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Masarao-san is wise indeed.

Once the Uraraka Uri was ready for departure, we left for the New Tokyo system. We first docked with superior-Keiretsu-Samura's Shinjuku Station, where we were asked by superior-Keiretsu-Samura representative Tomatchi Li-san to sell our wares in the Honshu system. Honouring his wishes, we set course for our new destination. We encountered several Gajin trades on the way, but none were interested in buying good-value-great-tasting traditional Kusari cuisine.

Once we reached the Honshu system, we refueled at superior-Keiretsu-Samura's Osaka Station before continuing further. Not long later, we ran into two ships who spat in the face of the mighty Emperor's laws! They carried such dishonourable cargo as Counterfeit Software! I promptly let them know of the disrespect that they showed the Emperor by ignoring his laws! Of course, I was also quick to let them know, that incriminating pictures would quickly find their way into the hands of the State Police unless they were to occupy my hands with matters of business.

I received a 'holding order' for a Supreme Sushi deal and a 'tip' that brought the Kyou family's takings to $19,000. The superior-Keiretsu-Samura took 40% of the official $80 fee, while the Kyou family were free to keep any tips.

Upon returning to New Tokyo, business went into a nose-dive! Upon entering the final trade lane to Jewel-of-the-Empire New Tokyo, we were accosted by barbarian-invader-san in a gunboat! In the name of good-will, I offered to sell him food (but made sure Ausoi readied for transfer the gone-off putrid food we had not yet disposed off), but the Gajin dog instead chased us away and attacked us!

Having escaped, I held position in front of New Tokyo, where I once again ran into Mak-san. I followed him towards where-ever he was going, until I noticed that I too was being followed by another Gajin criminal; a 'Lane Hacker'. This went the same way as with the barbarian invader, as he opened fire on me. Kyou family say, 'he who runs away lives to sell food another day', so we fled to the nearest port of refuge.

Once the threat had cleared, we returned to New Tokyo, and sold food to a Renzu Corporation salesman. She told us he preferred a rival food seller called the 'Noodle Box'. When I asked what family ran this 'Noodle Box' she told me it was the nefarious Kunigami family, they who slighted the Kyou's honour twenty years ago! Elder-Kunigami tipped green tea over Great-Elder-Kyou! It will be an honour to ruin the Kunigami's Business with superior Kyou technique and rightfully punish the Kunigami for their actions!

Much future prosperity to the Superior-Keiretsu-Samura!
-Kyou Hiroko

Diary of a salesman - jammi - 09-07-2009

Monday 07-09-817.
Once again the family loaded food aboard the Uraraka Uri in preparation for the day's sales. Masurao-san came to the family home to greet us, and gave us wise words of wisdom in return for a free breakfast. Masurao say, "fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue." This explain much, for I always suspected bastard-san lawyer down the road to be having an affair with next door's wife!

Later on we disembarked for New Tokyo as usual, heading for Shinjuku. Superior-Keiretsu-Samura representative Tomatchi Li-san had no advice as to where we should sell our wares, so we contented ourselves by touring New Tokyo. Business was non-existent, so we began search for the Kunigami family! We had no luck tracking down this 'Noodle Box' we had heard of. The cowardly Kunigami must have heard of superior-Kyou-business-technique and fled in shame!

After passing most of the day without customer, we set course for home-planet Kyushu. Spotting a familiar sight on the lane home, we deactivated the lane sequence to investigate. There was one Farmer-san, one Hogsha-san and one Warrior-san. The Warrior-san was arguing with the Hogsha-san, although I attempted to sell my wares to the Farmer-san (I did not offer the Twelve Moon Rice this time!).

This time Farmer-san agreed! I think it was a different Farmer-san. He buy 200 units of superior-than-Gajin-produced traditional food! This is the largest order the Kyou family has ever received! We won much honour for the Kyou family with the $1,000,000 in revenue Farmer-san donated! If I see Farmer-san again, I'll ask him if he wants my daughter for marriage. After that transaction was complete Hogsha-san turned his attention away from Warrior-san and also ordered 200 units of superior-than-Gajin-produced traditional food! Wife-Kyou was ecstatic! This time we earned $200,000 in revenue!

After this we hurried home to restock and sell our wares to others! The last two sales filled us with joy and hope for future profits! As we returned to New Tokyo, we saw - and my eyes did deceived me not! - the Imperial Yacht, the Ting Yuan! We offered to donate our cargo of superior-than-Gajin-produced traditional food as a gift to the Emperor, but the ship's communication officer told us all gifts must be routed through the Imperial Guard office on Planet New Tokyo.

Which reminds me, Ausoi takes his final examination for his pilot's license tomorrow. Should he pass, I shall be enlisting him with the Navy to earn the Kyou family yet more honour by killing a Gajin-barbarian!

Much future prosperity to the Superior-Keiretsu-Samura!
-Kyou Hiroko

Diary of a salesman - jammi - 09-29-2011

Thursday 10-09-817.
Departing from Kyushu with Uraraka Uri, we left for New Tokyo, with express desire to go to Honshu system. There is much business there, from Gaijin lands of Rheinland. We do not like trading with these Gaijin, but we must if we are to continue to earn the wages of the Superior-Keiretsu-Samura. Before we left, Masurao-san shuffled out of his abode to wave us goodbye, and in return for wife's egg-fried rice, imparted wise words of wisdom. Masurao say, "What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others." I can see much truth in this, for I grow my own food and the Gaijin buys it from me. Much sense indeed.

Before I forget, Ausoi's passed him licensing exam. I have already enlisted him and forwarded documents to the honourable recruiting samurai at the local depot. They must know of great Kyou family, for they merely look at his valid lisence and say, "yes, he will do good. Tell him to report to the Battleship Nagumo tomorrow." He will win much glory for Kyou family and Kusari, I know. I tell him of his new job tonight. Still, I am distracting from the important news, the report of my food sales today! Upon jum#'[;@@~02':><P+-2%^*(@"£%^!@?>+*2':><P':><P+-2%^*(@~02':><P+-2%^*(#'[;@@~02<P+Kusari-2%^*(@"£%^!@?>+*2':><P':><P+-2%^*(@~02':><P+-2%^*(#'[;@@~02<P+-2%^*(@"£%^!@?>+*2':><P':><P+-2%^*(@~02':><Pdog+-2%^*(scum#'[;@@~02<P+-2%^*(@"£Gaijin%^!@?>+*2':><P':><P+-2%^*(@~02':><P+-2%^*(#'[;@@~02<P+-2%^*(@"£%^!@?>+*2':><P':><P+-2%^*(@~02':><P+-2%^*(#'[;@@~02. [...]

Data Corrupted
-Kyou Hiroko

Diary of a salesman - jammi - 09-29-2011



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