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Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - Printable Version

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Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - silverleaf - 09-06-2009

Rule says under cheating: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters.

Allright does this mean if I can only use ONE computer to play freelancer and must lug my laptop all the way home on board 10 hour flights when I go home for hols? (currently studying overseas)

But seeing theres no CD key, basically I can't access my character on other comp back home anyway. Unless I finally figure out how account manager works.

Does it also mean having 2 accounts is banzorable? Or only if they are used simultaneously by the same person, and what if my bro is using it? Still banzorz? Or what if I'm using HIS account... ban?

Well lets hope we don't see 10 toons in space flooding the server flown by the same person... not a good thought indeed.

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - kindred - 09-06-2009

Is there no end to your thread creation? You can only be connected to the server with one character at a time. The number of computers you own is irrelevant. Stop making new threads, push the search button.

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - Contaan - 09-06-2009

Search is your friend:

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - silverleaf - 09-06-2009

I searched. Not much there. Thanks for the clarification. And my threadposting won;t be so obvious if they weren't bumped by flamzorz

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - Khellus - 09-06-2009

Yep. Only one Character online Per person at any time on the server.

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - silverleaf - 09-06-2009

Good. Because I have seen some VERY SUSPECIOUS behavior.

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - Khellus - 09-06-2009

...unfortunately. It does happen. I've spotted a couple of people doing it.

(I pm all characters in group. One responds. then after 20 mins, the other does. hehehe)

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - ivr56 - 09-06-2009

Server Kicks You For Using multiple Accounts on one IP I believe.
Kicks you after 5 or so minutes.

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - chovynz - 09-06-2009


SilverLeaf - Focus on your own behaviour.
What you just said sounds like you are hunting for ways to report people.

That is rule lawyering. Don't do it.

Request Rule Clarification: Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters. - kindred - 09-06-2009

Server does not kick you. There are a few people who have multiple players in the same household.