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Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Printable Version

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Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - johnpeter - 09-07-2009

Check out this link!

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Lanakov - 09-07-2009

Oh boy.That has to be the best moment of today.Well, I guess it's time for reinstalling ! Hurray !

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Canadianguy - 09-07-2009

I had the BF2 complete pack so I had them before. Still, I almost never played them since most servers with these maps where empty.

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Lanakov - 09-07-2009

That's the reason why I didn't buy any of them but Special Forces add-on.Now that everyone has access to it, I can't wait to try out Armored Fury.Looked promising.

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Fletcher - 09-07-2009

Makes me want this game even more. I loved Battlefield MC on my Xbox, but the PC version... kicks its rear on a multi dimensional level.

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - ivr56 - 09-07-2009

Might get BF2.
Only 10 bucks atm too. :cool:
All the Mods plus this new addition make it even more worthwhile.

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Vape - 09-07-2009

I can't believe it, i spent 20 bucks on the booster pack collection, and i could have waited a year and gotten it for free lmao

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Lanakov - 09-07-2009

Heh, that's how it works !
I paid 55 euros for the original BF2 and 30 more for the Add-on.
Now for 30 you have both plus now the booster packs.
I guess they understood that they wouldn't make any more money out of them.Euroforce wasn't a major success though if my memory serves me well.

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - looqas - 09-10-2009

Would be interesting if I had not owned them before.

But you know. During the 4 years BF has gone the same way as CS did. Only the 24/7 players remain, so the learning curve to step back to the game is steep. I got frustrated after 2h when I had my spiel of getting some relaxing game time with BF2 a month ago.

But perseverance wins the day of course.

Personally I liked Midnight Sun and the "rolling plains" map (can't remember the name) in AF. In

Euro expansion pack the "Oilfield map" was a good one. The Taraba? Quarry is just for those who like the jets. It's even worse in that regard than the original Oman. Also the Great Wall makes an good infantry map.

Sorry the names escape me atm.

Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 patch released! Free booster packs! - Bauer - 09-10-2009

Oh cool, I'm gonna go hunt this game down in the shops and download this update. <strike>I could do with a non-illegal copy of this game.</strike>