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Scrap Stealing - Printable Version

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Scrap Stealing - Mere_Mortal - 09-07-2009

Several times lately I've witnessed (either personally or via the death message) something go bang above Pittsburgh because it was stealing scraps and more often than not it turns out to have been a civilian under level thirty. If the offender is over this level then they are a valid target within the bounds of role-play and stealing would definitely be a good reason to attack. However, those below level thirty are NOT valid targets under any circumstance except those stated explicitly in the rules, and stealing is not listed. But this doesn't seem to matter to a lot of miners, they have no qualms with shooting a Defender with umpteen transport turrets because it scooped up 15,000 worth of ore that they had laid claim to.

This needs to stop. Yes, stealing is stealing yet it does not permit shooting an under-level player.

Scrap Stealing - Birdtalon - 09-07-2009

Then use /pm to tell the under level player to post a sanction report.

Scrap Stealing - Mere_Mortal - 09-07-2009

Sure, but those who do it or intend to need to know that it'll lead them into trouble.

Scrap Stealing - kikatsu - 09-07-2009

Worth asking: Can underlevel Civilian ID'd people kill each other over this stuff?
I know they can't be attacked by high levels, but I figure that they can just start killing each other

Scrap Stealing - Mere_Mortal - 09-07-2009

No, the rules clearly state that attacking level 29 or below is not permitted except within the given conditions. As for civilians, regardless of level, attacking somebody who is level 30 or above, there is in fact no reason that they can do this because they are essentially neutral to all factions and zones (despite the default reputation for new players), especially to other civilians.

The trouble is that the ID does not state that they can or cannot attack anything, this can lead to interpretation.

Scrap Stealing - Selena_Benitez - 09-07-2009

Maybe I'm missing something here,but don't low level pilots by and large have ships with tiny cargo holds?So they would maybe scoop in 30 scrap metal or so before it was forced to return to Pittsburgh?

Or does everything you've mined disappear when they hit 'B'?

Scrap Stealing - Dusty Lens - 09-07-2009

If its a civi under level 30 don't touch it.

Simple as that.

Scrap Stealing - Zapp - 09-07-2009

Captain Jethro McGuiver yelled at his first officer aboard the mining ship Do It Yourself.

"That blasted Starflier did it again! Hey, here's an idea... activate the main turrets and start mining with those!"

The next day...

"I swear officer, we were just mining. He flew in the way of our guns!"

Scrap Stealing - Dusty Lens - 09-07-2009

Those level 30's are too small for blasters!

Scrap Stealing - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-08-2009

' Wrote:Those level 30's are too small for blasters!
But you must not destroy them ship-to-ship. Don't get the crews to their fighters.