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Apocalypse - Grimly - 09-08-2009

No, it's not a flame war.
Do NOT talk about their raid that's not the subject.

Only thing I want is an answer from the Apocalypse. Who are you ?

BH Rogues with battleships under fire of 3 different factions (if the zoners still didn't joined).
Could I know more about your goals, your way to get repaired, the meaning of your existence ?

I repeat I want NO FLAMES, NOTHING about their raids, NOTHING about them killing BHG|Core and corsairs in game. If there is, let's just lock this thread !
If you want to flame, get them on skype about all the slotsavers they don't allow you to connect and the scammers that get money without trading or pirating the same way we did.

Apocalypse - atlantis2112 - 09-08-2009

I'd like to know too. I hear people talking about them, never could find out who exactly they are..

Apocalypse - Tovig - 09-09-2009

I am interested too.

Apocalypse - TheMillers - 09-09-2009

Me too - No backstory on the forums about them. None of them ever were part of the official BHG| or BHG|Core factions.

I just hope its not a return to the "bad old days" as told to me about the influx of lolwutbhpnwzorzcapwhores in 4.84.

Apocalypse - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 09-09-2009

Why would they be hostile to zoners? I believe they are a rebellious wing of the BHG Core, the order signed a ceasefire with them, other than that I have no idea.

Also, it seems a lot of them along with many other BHG have been mounting Rhienland capital turrets, which is rather oorp.

Apocalypse - Jinx - 09-09-2009

from what i know - they are a clan that wishes to roleplay the bounty hunters here. - there has also been above average interest in getting to know "how things go here" ( in pm s )

i d consider them "promising" if allowed to adapt to disco. ( if speaking of "them" is appropraite )

but in a most objective tone - they are a group of bounty hunter core players that have manouvered into some sort of diplomatic corner - not lost, but cornered. - if given a chance to get out of it - it may be beneficial.

Apocalypse - TheMillers - 09-09-2009

' Wrote:I believe they are a rebellious wing of the BHG Core

You believe wrong - They have never been a part of the BHG|Core. Au contraire, their "rebellion" happened, because the at that time only apocalype tagged Mako would not take orders from the BHG| and BHG|Core Guildmasters regarding ZOI, despite Right 2 in the "Official Factions right" thread : .

Quote: RIGHT 2) Official factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even lethal force in extreme circumstances). Official Factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.
(Emphasis in green states the point I think is irking the Apocalypse leader most).

So thats why a backstory is necessary, and a very good one at that - or IMHO both the Apocalypse attempt to ally with the order, as well as the Kray defection to join the Apocalypse is severely non-canon even with the very limited forum RP undertaken by "Col. Kurz".

Sofar, as I have observed it, it just seems like someone not liking the fact that official factions has rights, including authority over indy's and has decided to try and twist canon to accomodate their lust for capship raiding Gamma,, by stating that Nomads never was a threat, Corsairs must be eradicated by any means, etc.

Thats my take on the situation as a fairly new Discovery player, and a recent member of the BHG, who still are trying to absorb the complete BHG backstory by going through all the old posts in the message dump and the various faction members backstories.

So I do hope that the Apocalypse backstory will be good, and be able to fit in to the canon of Discovery. I don't expect it, but I do hope it - since otherwise the evolved canon and the associated RP by all involved factions suddenly is null and void, if this crazyness contiues without any kind of canon in-rp backstory.

Please note, this is my personal opinion, I am not in any way posting as a representative of the BHG|Core, even though I am a cardcarrying member of said organisation.

Cpt. Miller, of the BHG|Core vessel "Millers_Lager"

Apocalypse - 11of10 - 09-09-2009

Hehe... he became infamous:)

Anyway... Apocalypse_Now, I have first met while flying my Red Giant for Gateway. He used to be stationed between Freeport 1 and that IMG shipyard in Omega-3. Mostly, he hanged around there, making life a bit difficult for the pirates, and us traders very happy to see him. Even then he was somewhat famous, or notorious, for being there. I remember my first info of him, from another trader :"There's the Apocalypse, usually Corsairs need 10 fighter/bombers to attack him, and most of the time 5-6 of them don't come home." I was impressed at that time... I think it was March or April. I remember later some nice interactions with him when my buddies and I made our "Pirate" chars... and my guy volunteered on FP1 bar, making cocktails and stuff... was an interresting evening.

So, eventually, somebody reported him for being OORP because he was in O3 and not far away from there... and he got moved, and I think warned by the admins. So, now he's in another place, doing his thing... and, I think, doing it well... He's a rebel army guy. Somewhere far away from civilisation... and from sanity. Using locals to wage war. At least, that's how I see it.

Colonel, if you read this, correct my mistakes, if any, please.

Yes, I am biased, as we come from the area speaking the same language, and I like the guy pretty much, so anybody reading this, take that into consideration as well. I tried to make the unbiased post, but feel I should mention it as well.

Apocalypse - mwerte - 09-09-2009

not a rickroll, i promise. the search function is your friend.

Apocalypse - Apocalypse_Now - 09-09-2009

I am glad that people are interested to know more, I really am. Backstory will be published soon, it is a inevitable and a very important thing to do.

First of all, I play this game with some principles as I do tend to lead my RL. Even as a rookie, I had desires to implement my creativity and fantasy as many of you are surely doing it everyday and much more better than me. At the very beginning, I've made a mistake of taking things too seriously and since then I am just trying to have fun. I guess I reached the second level of RP when one day bomber asked to be my escort.

Anyway, between the fact that I'm a guy who is just a huge fan of "Apocalypse Now" the movie and the fact of playing colonel Walter E. Kurtz on this server, things just started to connect between movie's story and in-game story. Others started to join in by themselves, which was very intriguing. I felt like I made some difference in the game, although I'm not more-than-1-year player. That's when the things started to be very interesting. And the day that Hunters "expelled" me (just like Kurtz's background story as a deserter from US army in the movie) was one of the best game moments of my life and I do deem I've provided more than acceptable RP regarding that "incident" (respect to all those that participated that day, real fun!).

I've consulted Jinx (the one who knows it all, definetly), and he told me back then, (so did few other respected players) that everything is pretty much legal concerning my wing. BHG non-canon RP? I don't think so. At least not till now (order rebels merged with us yesterday). Now we're multi-factional. Considering the fact that Krays, who have also been expelled from Order, share mutual respect, needs and priorities as we do, I still think that everything is OK . Everything was public (diplomatic matters section). We were publicly expelled, they were as well. So, our status is indirectly not our fault. Some of you will agree, some of you won't. I am well aware of that and I respect anyone opinion which is fairly justified.

We're stationed in Kappa as a result of negotiations with Zoners. We repair our ships there and that is our temporary home system.

"Apocalypse wing" is a group of rebels, a movement of people who like to think for themselves and question authority. Now that more players have joined, more than ever I feel duty to lead them (and consult with them as well most of times). Our primary goal are Corsairs (everything will be explained in background story) but there are other goals as well which I won't reveal right now.

I've also talked to Jinx about registering a faction. Now I am more familiar with what is to be done to provide proper documentation. But, I am also concerned because it will be many contraversies and discrepencies. I can provide a good story, I'm sure about it, but to stick to canon RP (which one, in a first place?) will be very difficult.

So we were doing some thinking... Freelancers, Mercenaries, many different Faction rebels, House deserters under the Apocalypse tag (Vessels with different IDs but maybe Freelancer IFF or no IFF at all. I'd to like to hear suggestions if anyone is interested), all different but united by the same or similar goals and interests. I know it is far fetched and that many of you will probably laugh at this, but I think it's a pretty good and original idea (with thanks to wing members Cyclop Arga and Svarog).

I'd like to get your opinion on this...

In the worst case scenario, without official faction, we'll stick to what we have now, playing with as much creativity as possible, trying to respect the rules and conventions of this server as much as possible.

I hope this wasn't too widely elaborated to be boring to death, but I felt I owed you an explanation.

P.S. Mounting Rheiland military turrets on BHG vessels is not OORP, check it yourself on "Tech use in Sirius" chart, Camtheman. I know, I'm the first who used it on Mako. I double checked it with admin back then, with Jinx and even asked for in-game permission of Rheiland military.

P.P.S. We're not hostile to Zoners. On contrary...

P.P.P.S. 11of10?:)