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New player seeking faction - Printable Version

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New player seeking faction - Kalin - 09-09-2009

1. First you need to create a character. I don't mean create one using the button in the game menu. I mean create a character in your imagination. Male or female. Tall or short. Heavy or skinny. Blue or brown eyes. Et cetera. What is your personality? What are your virtues? What are your vices?

Male, 5'8 180 lbs with dark hair and grey eyes... that takes care of the general physical. Motivated and driven, but sorta on the quiet side. Always up for a good debate, as long as the discussion can be kept in the theoretical and not get too personal.

2. Are you lawful or unlawful? Or are you in some gray area in between?

Lawful... but the job needs to get done. What the mission requires is what is lawful...

3. Do you prefer relatively peaceful trading, risky smuggling, hardcore combat, challenging piracy, protecting the civilian population, or some combination?

Protection of the human race... until such time as I can wipe slimy buggers out of their cockpits, defending the human race against the vile scum that call themselves human, but prefer to prey on the weak, will do nicely...

4. Do you prefer solo activities or teamwork?

Teamwork is always more fun, you can get so much more accomplished... but sometimes you gotta just go it alone.

5. Do you want to range over as much of the galaxy as possible with just one character, or are you happy with a somewhat more limited zone of influence? (limited ZOIs are the norm, but "limited" usually means roughly about a dozen systems, galactic-wide ZOIs are VERY unusual)

It's nice to explore a bit, nice to go visit far off exotic lands and shoot strange and unusual aliens, but home is where the heart is. If you don't take care of home, where you gonna come back to?

6. Are you interested in joining an ideological "cause" or is a simpler state of general inter-faction hostilities interesting enough?

There is only one ideological cause... survival. We have a lull, a temporary stay before the nasty buggers will be back. And they will be... and who knows what other dangers lurk out there? And that's on top of the fungus that tries to feed on us from within. Aliens you can understand... their freakin aliens for chrissake... they are supposed to be strange, and try and kill us. That's what aliens do. But humans that feed on humans? No excuse for them... fortunately, they all burn out in space...

7. Do you want to join a group that has a lot of active players, or would you prefer to join a small group of underdogs?

A desperate battle against impossible odds? I'll take some firepower on my side...

8. Do you want to be challenged as a recruit to prove yourself, or be handed enough credits to get you completely outfitted in a hot fighter to start out with?

Nothing wrong with proving yourself... but if I am scraping by trying to afford shield batteries, and you have crates and crates of weapons in storage, why am I with you?

9. Is there a specific ship class, or specific ship that you primarily want to pilot?

Heavy fighters are nice... I hear the Anubis is REALLY nice...

10. Check the clans that are represented on the server during the times when you are able to play. Do this for about a week to get an idea of whether your play schedule is similar to the other members of those clans. In other words, how does your time zone compare to the time zones of the current membership? What is your time zone on the GMT scale?

Eastern Standard time... pretty centralized location, all things told...

All together, I think Liberty Navy would be a good place... or the Order, but I doubt I can score those connections right out of the gate...

New player seeking faction - Koolmo - 09-09-2009

Go for the order mate. If you were more of a socialism loving wierdo who enjoys flying underpowered boxes of ****e, I'd tell you to go for the coalition, but you're not...

Yea man, LN or The Order.


New player seeking faction - Unseelie - 09-09-2009

Considered either Bowex Ex/Sec or the Bowex shipping Combine?

We'll take you to places you'd never have expected, deal with the highest and the lowest of people, dead hostile to the corsairs, and earnestly engaged in a struggle to fund bretonia and win the war. We're interested in money, and defending our homeland, and anything that steps in the way of Bretonia's just found itself on our badside.

Moreover, we're both dangerous and incredibly daring chaps.

New player seeking faction - BaconSoda - 09-09-2009

Though you seem a little more military minded than our ideals, I would suggest the BPA for your righteous blokes with home in their heart. We always value the salvation of human life, and, as such, do not depend on our sheer destructive force to get the job done. Instead, we use our respect and prominence in Bretonia to do the work for us.

Also, if you read about our AFO policy, I will tell you right now, it isn't as hard as it sounds. Our last recruit took two days and two trips in space to get his promotion. Not too hard at all, really.

New player seeking faction - Dunny - 09-09-2009

One question:

You cool with playing an Aussie or New Zealand character?

If so, consider ANZAC.

New player seeking faction - JakeSG - 09-09-2009

You cool with playing a place that doesn't exist in Sirius and has no physical place? If so, go with the above.

No, I sincerely suggest one of the 'beginner' factions. A lot of them are generally much kinder to newbies than others. Try the LPI, LR or one of the corporations, maybe, or the BPA as Bacon said.

New player seeking faction - Birdtalon - 09-09-2009

Come join the Order provided you can RP well ofcourse, all your mention of aliens and stuff makes it seem perfect for you.