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Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - FroMcJoe - 09-09-2009

Hey everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post! Anyways I was reading some older posts today and saw that people are angry that the Kusari Battleships have a larger power core than the Bretonian ones. This led me an idea: what if there were fleet supply energy ships like the fleet oilers of today that recharge the energy of ships more quickly than normally (not really fast because that would be cheap as hell) and could slowly rearm capitol ships that use missiles. I don't know how it would be done, I'm a noob and I don't know how to model or write code but I think that it would add a lot to RP engagements. That way you would have to make sure that the enemy cant fire as fast (they probably would become bomber meat though) and take out the supply ships (kind of like submarines in the world wars). Heck, maybe you could have it so the carriers rearmed, reenergized, and healed smaller craft (that's what carriers do nowdays). So I was curious if you guys think we should do it, or even if we could do it. If it is a stupid idea so be it, I don't really know how people feel about thing here yet.

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - reavengitair - 09-09-2009

This is actually a good idea, in my opinion. Pulse cannons already lower energy, can we make one to increase it?

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Denelo - 09-09-2009

Hm. Might be worth taking a look at... I don't have the time to try testing it right now, though. Just as long as it doesn't turn into a "repair" turret.

But ships repairing other ships via a gun doesn't work... or rather, it does, but if a ship is full on health, it instakills the ship it should be "repairing". Obviously this could result in problems. Only thing a Carrier could do is have a ton of b/b that it can pass off to other ships, and Repair Ships already have that. Unless a Carrier is going to become a super repair ship? Maybe 8k b/b instead of 4k? That could get expensive...

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Accura - 09-09-2009

On an additional note, I've been thinking about this for the last few days. I was thinking of using a Bretonian Carrier for such purposes but one doesn't really exist yet. So what I was thinking of doing was using a Shire or Shetland for that purpose. But, since you have posted this and there is obviously encouraging thoughts about it, I'm thinking maybe a Bretonian Faction specialising in this? After all, In RL there is the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

My thoughts on how this would work would be for such ships not to enter combat unless attacked of course, so they stay away from battles. However, they situate themselves full of the usual stockpiles and stay away from the battle but still closer than a planet or station which they would usually use. Also move around and situate themselves onto patrol lanes to rendezvous with squadrons, ships etc

But yea, by positioning themselves say 30k or more from the battle, they are unlikely to get detected. But with serious RPing, enemy forces could hunt them down, so maybe this is where the BAF could also get involved with escorting such ships when necessary.

Of course, this is all just a suggestion on my part, but I do really like the idea. Especially since Bretonia is currently lacking a Carrier or similar vessel, I think this would also be a good enough reason to get one in the future. In the meanwhile, I believe Shires and Shetlands would be suitable for this purpose until something better comes along?

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - cobraSting - 09-09-2009

I thought of having like an equippable item that speeds energy replenishment.

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Accura - 09-09-2009

' Wrote:I thought of having like an equippable item that speeds energy replenishment.

Wouldn't that just make those from other factions even more powerful with theirs though?

Sorry if there is some kind of general consensus that Cap Ships don't regen fast enough or something. I'm new to disco so picking up a lot of stuff as i go along.

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Ash - 09-09-2009

What's to complain?

Bretonian ships are loaded with armor.

It seems only fair that Kusarian battleships have the technology.

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 09-09-2009

' Wrote:What's to complain?

Bretonian ships are loaded with armor.

It seems only fair that Kusarian battleships have the technology.

Bret BS has actually lower armour than the Ku BS. The Ku BS has more armour, more power, has longer range turrets, and just slightly bigger front profile.

And armour isnt always the most important thing. Other Kusari ships are nice example.

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Elsdragon - 09-09-2009

Its odd, the KU BS is heavy as Crap, Yet KUsari ships as a whole are lightly armored, and agile

Fleet Oilers (Well their Futuristic Equivalent) - Denelo - 09-10-2009

' Wrote:Bret BS has actually lower armour than the Ku BS. The Ku BS has more armour, more power, has longer range turrets, and just slightly bigger front profile.

And armour isnt always the most important thing. Other Kusari ships are nice example.

Actually, its front profile is smaller if I remember correctly. It also has more turrets - a lot more - and is generally all-around better. It's quite a nice ship. It's actually not way overpowered, though. The Bretonian battleship is just... not especially superb.