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Korrd is now forum administrator - Printable Version

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Korrd is now forum administrator - Igiss - 03-26-2007

Spammers beware!

Our long-time server admin becomes a forum admin today. This won't mean any significant changes for the forum, since Korrd was a global moderator before and had near full rights in all our forums.

Welcome to the team:)

Korrd is now forum administrator - DBoy1612 - 03-26-2007

Congratz Korrd:D

Korrd is now forum administrator - BestFlyerHere - 03-26-2007

Congrats Korrd.

Korrd is now forum administrator - Panzer - 03-26-2007

Congratulations, Korrd

Korrd is now forum administrator - Koolmo - 03-27-2007

Yay! congrats Korrd, now you have the ultimate authoritaw:P

Korrd is now forum administrator - Qunitinius~Verginix - 03-27-2007

What does this let him do that he couldn't do before? Congradul;ation on your promotion <insert awesomesounding rank-of-choice here>

Verginix Out

Korrd is now forum administrator - Nightfall - 03-27-2007

Hehe! Congrats on the promotion! Should we get some electronic elves together in order to forge a new sword and ring of power?:P

Korrd is now forum administrator - Korrd - 03-27-2007


Hmm... We take Glamdring, merge it with Anduril, add some agrav (anti-gravitational material. To make it lighter so I can wave it), and voila! The new sword. Glamduril! Made by the Disco elves for the Blue admin Korrd, in his sabre-throne.:P

Korrd is now forum administrator - MrSns - 03-27-2007

Party For Korrd. Congratulations m8, well done:D

Korrd is now forum administrator - Denelo - 03-27-2007

Grats Korrd!