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Quick Question - kikatsu - 09-09-2009

Well I've started to take a more active role in bounty hunting...mostly semi-lawful for this character but I feel that I need to ask this.

If a trader in a cargo ship is targeted and has a bounty on their ship, may they be fought like another player character in a fighter? Meaning can a mercinary or freelancer destroy the transport without making demands of the ship captain (like a pirate)? I hope it's obvious though, that some kind of RP will come before this, I don't intend to blow ships away like nothing... I'll do it with some style.

Just need to know before I start hunting down specific characters.

Quick Question - schlurbi - 09-09-2009

Why should a Mercenery demand Credis before he wants to collect the Bounty?
Just say
"Oh, nice bounty, Dai!"
BHGTrader dais.

Quick Question - Dusty Lens - 09-09-2009


If a transport has a bounty placed upon it you may attack it under the guidelines of 6.20.


I, a mercenary, am pursuing a bounty against bounty hunter vessels.

I spot a bounty hunter ID train.

I may then notify that train of the bounty placed upon it and, summarily, engage the vessel with intent to destroy like any other target.

If that train reported me, however, and no posted bounty could be located on the forum I would then be subjected to sanction.

Quick Question - kikatsu - 09-09-2009

<strike>I know a merc would not demand credits

but all other lawful and unlawful interactions require demands to be made against the trader before they are destroyed...either to drop that contraband or demand some credits or something.

Just seems odd to blow a trader to kingdom come without takin' something from them I've said, worth asking</strike>

EDIT: alright, thanks dusty

Quick Question - schlurbi - 09-09-2009

Unfair. Just because he posted ina nice green colour.

Quick Question - kikatsu - 09-09-2009

Honestly Gloucester, I couldn't make much sense of your answer
and it didn't seem that professional...I just wanted an opinion from a higher-up

no offense though

Quick Question - Dusty Lens - 09-09-2009

On the note of asking for credits...

This is going to open a can of worms and probably get me in trouble, but this is something I do on my mercenary.

Mercs, by nature, are generally rather greedy sots. I strive to seize that idea and squeeze it for all it's worth.

Within Liberty there is a blanket bounty on smugglers. The bounty is very small. Some 300k per head.

When I encounter a smuggler I provide him with an opportunity.

That smuggler may provide me with a sum greater than the worth of his destruction, or he may die.

The Mercenary ID says that you may not pirate. However, this is being employed only on those persons whom are bountied. Those are not the same things. While it is extortion, the bountied party is more or less at the mercy of creative RP.

But you didn't hear that from me.

Quick Question - schlurbi - 09-09-2009

So if I am a random Merc and do what you're doing the Trader is able to report me? I dont really understand it.

Quick Question - Dusty Lens - 09-09-2009

' Wrote:So if I am a random Merc and do what you're doing the Trader is able to report me? I dont really understand it.

If you take action in the name of a non-existent bounty we will destroy you as a person.

Quick Question - Denelo - 09-09-2009

' Wrote:On the note of asking for credits...

This is going to open a can of worms and probably get me in trouble, but this is something I do on my mercenary.

Mercs, by nature, are generally rather greedy sots. I strive to seize that idea and squeeze it for all it's worth.

Within Liberty there is a blanket bounty on smugglers. The bounty is very small. Some 300k per head.

When I encounter a smuggler I provide him with an opportunity.

That smuggler may provide me with a sum greater than the worth of his destruction, or he may die.

The Mercenary ID says that you may not pirate. However, this is being employed only on those persons whom are bountied. Those are not the same things. While it is extortion, the bountied party is more or less at the mercy of creative RP.

But you didn't hear that from me.

I do the same thing...

Official admin position on this, please. Is the admin or is the admin not breaking the rules? Can I be sanctioned for doing what I've been doing, which happens to be the same thing the admin is doing?

A hasty response would be most appreciated.
