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A quick query - Printable Version

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A quick query - Wulfenmane - 09-10-2009

I was recently halted, demanded to drop cargo and fired upon, all cumulating in my destruction, by a Kusari Naval Cruiser.

I have read the rule change about Cruisers not being able to demand cargo or fire upon traders. My Junker trader was carrying Gaian Wildlife to the Furiyku Station.

Did he have the right to attack me for smuggling as a Junker, or does the Cruiser rule still apply?

Please help clarify this for me.


A quick query - Birdtalon - 09-10-2009

Capships (Cruiser and Battleship) cannot destroy traders, gunboats being exception.

Unless it has suddenly changed without me knowing

Capships can only destroy traders if.

1. They are In their Guard system.
2. It is specified otherwise on their ID

A quick query - Wulfenmane - 09-10-2009

I was in Okinawa, I wouldn't have thought that is the Guard system is it?

As far as the ID goes, someone will have to enlighten me on that one if possible.


A quick query - casero - 09-10-2009

No, he shouldn't fire on you.

The KNF ID allow us to demand cargo, and fire if our demands are not fulfiled, on Transports who belong to coorporations from a House which is at war with Kusari.

That means, a KNF destroyer can demand cargo from transports beloging to bretonian coorporations, only in kusari.

Junkers, are pretty much unwelcome in Kusari, but that doesn't mean they are at war with Kusari in any way.

Hiroshima is KNF's guard system, not Okinawa.

If it's not much asking, would you PM me with the name of that destroyer?

A quick query - AJBeast - 09-10-2009

Cruisers cannot demand cargo from transports. Its against the rules.

Also , Junkers cant dock in kusari bases other than BD or GC ones, so be careful not to break the rules yourself.

A quick query - casero - 09-10-2009

' Wrote:Cruisers cannot demand cargo from transports. Its against the rules.

Also , Junkers cant dock in kusari bases other than BD or GC ones, so be careful not to break the rules yourself.

ID takes preference.
KNF Guard ID allow to demand contraband from Coorporations from Bretonia.

A quick query - Agmen of Eladesor - 09-11-2009

While this is a good question, it has the potential to get into trial by forum.

And we all know how much we dislike trials by forum.

(They tend to give Dusty hives, so we avoid them if at all possible.)