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Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Printable Version

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Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Dusty Lens - 09-10-2009

If you are in a cruiser or above do not shoot at a transport class vessel under any conditions save the following:

1) You are in your guard system.
2) Specific exemptions as described on ID/Rules.

I made a mistake yesterday when stating the Salvager is a gunboat. It is not. That rule was overturned and I was ignant of that fact.

Also I hate the Junkers. Go Xenos.

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Birdtalon - 09-10-2009

Hate Junkers eh?

Well, at least none of us will be "Ignorant" of that paticular rule now.

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Elsdragon - 09-10-2009

I have junkers AND xeno's.

Now all you LNS bruisers using the previous ruleling to pewpew anyone you feel like in NY,


Cruiser - Transport clarification. - AJBeast - 09-10-2009

I was wondering why the Salvager was getting special treatment. Anyhoozle, nothing new here really.

Also , we can buy enough Xenos to make them giveaways in our breakfast cereal.

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - reavengitair - 09-10-2009

Thanks for the clarification.

Hmm... Does this include CDing?

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Unseelie - 09-10-2009

Battleships as well, obviously, yes? I believe the question was regarding caps in general, not just Cruisers.

Also, does this include being grouped with the people who're doing the shooting, IE: equal treatment of lawfuls as well as Pirates in the Caps vs transports issue?
Furthermore, if the above is so, what about being in the same general area as the Cap?

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - johnpeter - 09-10-2009

This should be pinned because it is broken so much?

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Robert.Fitzgerald - 09-10-2009

Do transports include transports being piloted in combat situations by unlawfuls? Example, two rogue id'd pirate transports blow up a gunboat in front of a Siege Cruiser. How can it act?
How about lawful transports being used in combat situations by lawfuls? Example, a Rogue Destroyer spots two LPI id'd mammoths chewing up rogue fighters above base xyz.

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - casero - 09-10-2009

Don't shoot the transport with your cruiser.
only if:

1) You are in your guard system.
2) Specific exemptions as described on ID/Rules.

Cruiser - Transport clarification. - Eppy - 09-10-2009

' Wrote:Do transports include transports being piloted in combat situations by unlawfuls? Example, two rogue id'd pirate transports blow up a gunboat in front of a Siege Cruiser. How can it act?
How about lawful transports being used in combat situations by lawfuls? Example, a Rogue Destroyer spots two LPI id'd mammoths chewing up rogue fighters above base xyz.

Agreed. If I happen to be randomly orbiting in my Dreadnought and four Ptranses come into my orbit and blow up the random Tridente sitting next to me I WILL be chainfiring my twin mortars, thankee...not being sanctioned for it would be nice, as I am not going to let my boys take it from a Ptrans if I happen to be in the area.