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Strange SQL error - Printable Version

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Strange SQL error - kindred - 09-12-2009

Seems to be working itself out.

Strange SQL error - Xareck - 09-12-2009

You probably experienced the "Maximum users" something something SQL error on the forum?

For future reference, it's just too many people on the forum at once, and goes away usually within minutes.

Strange SQL error - MarvinCZ - 09-12-2009

I was having a strange SQL error today as well, and it wasn't the "too many connections" one. It was a database error. It seems to be cleared up now (because I am able to post).

Quote:mySQL query error: INSERT INTO idg_posts (author_id,use_sig,use_emo,ip_address,post_date,icon_id,post,author_name,topic_i
d,queued,post_htmlstate,post_key,post_parent) VALUES(23029,1,1,'[MY IP]',1252768290,0,'[POST TEXT]','MarvinCZ',47054,0,0,'837a3c10fa2372c311062efce762261b',0)

SQL error: Duplicate entry '730631' for key 1
SQL error code:
Date: Saturday 12th 2009f September 2009 03:11:30 PM

Strange SQL error - Xareck - 09-12-2009

Looks like it was trying to post with an ID already being used by another post. Pretty much..

I may be wrong, but that's what it looks like from a glance-over.

(: Xar