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Serious Roleplayers - Niander - 09-13-2009

I hate it when we get someone that goes mad at you just for running when he asks you to stop and Just because I talked during that a bit and was having fun, when they stopped chasing, one of them goes mad at me saying about bad roleplay and that its about first impression, so what I'm saying is would you say that to a New player that has just entered the world of RP? It saddens me to see people that selfish and spiteful just because they can't get there own way in roleplaying
Roleplay is about individual choice not about getting your own way. :)
So I am saying to the people that do that, that don't like it and moan at the player for there attempt at roleplay and then ask them to switch server just because the fact that the trader ran and tried his hand at roleplay to keep your opinions to yourselves, not everyone is brilliant at roleplay and people improve over time.
Now you have noticed the age of this account and I have not been doing roleplay for a while and I've just returned but the fact that we have more people on this server that moan about peoples roleplaying and don't keep it to themselves is really upsetting, This is differant from the OORP I'm not talking about people that do that.

So please can we stop it

Serious Roleplayers - Tommeh - 09-13-2009


I don't get it what are you trying to say?

You don't like when people complain to someone about his bad RP? :unsure:

Serious Roleplayers - Guest - 09-13-2009

Cutting down into paragraphs and using at least a coma or two could help you know...

Serious Roleplayers - Niander - 09-13-2009

' Wrote:wait,wut?

I don't get it what are you trying to say?

You don't like when people complain to someone about his bad RP? :unsure:

No sorry well he complained about me having bad RP beacuse I ran and Was talking about Getting away and using countermeasures and he said that hes said that to traders that havent stopped

Yeah when someone complains about bad RP when they know nothing about the person

Sorry its kinda early in the morning

Serious Roleplayers - JovialKnight - 09-13-2009

So if I've got this right, your trader managed to flee from a pirate, and he called you oorp for managing to flee?

Serious Roleplayers - Niander - 09-13-2009

' Wrote:So if I've got this right, your trader managed to flee from a pirate, and he called you oorp for managing to flee?

Yeah pretty much and he does that to other traders

Serious Roleplayers - reavengitair - 09-13-2009


Silly silly silly.

Good on you. I'm glad you got away!

Serious Roleplayers - Exsiled_one - 09-13-2009

dont mention his name and use things as "." "," and ":" in your sentences please.

Serious Roleplayers - Silmathien - 09-13-2009

In fact; cursing is RP too. Why should a pirate boy not let his anger overwhelm himself cause a weak trader escapes?

Serious Roleplayers - hornet - 09-13-2009

Wow, this bs still goes on when a pirate does not get his way, figures. Pirates expect you to stop at their very command, Or its Bad rp!?! LAWL