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Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Printable Version

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Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Errant.Venture - 09-15-2009


So Tyler convinced me to get Battlefield 1942 The Complete Collection for 10 bucks.

And Battlefield Vietnam is Freaking Awesome....

The Fact that I can turn on Ride of the Valkyries, while flying in formation with Huey Gunships, Raining down Molten Lead and rockets on Player and AI NVA on a beach head, is to say the least Exhilirating....Right up to the point where I get shot down by a Communist RPG or flak.

Anyway...for those of you who have it, We(tyler and I) frequent the ESW combat server.

Huey Gunships Rule.....

Ingame name is Jinpo....If you have a computer microphone, we can set you up on our Ventrilo server, WE broke down and went out and bought 2 private, passworded servers.

If you play Combat Arms, Battlefield 1942-Vietnam, or Last Chaos Feel free to ask to join our vent.

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Varyag - 09-16-2009

Yes, I lost years of my life to that series. It is interesting to note that the huey gunship thing. That was my old Cav unit.

First Team!

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - JakeSG - 09-16-2009

Battlefield 1942 has some nice mods out there. I can't remember my favourite... I think it was Desert Storm or something. It was a more modern version, I believe meant to be similar to the Middle East operations.

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Lanakov - 09-16-2009

Desert Storm was indeed the best mod out there, along with Forgotten Hope and Point of Existence.
Those were good days, I'd like to reinstall all of them, but I'm afraid most servers are empty now.

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Errant.Venture - 09-16-2009

version 1.6 for vietnam and 1942 have about 20 servers or so....problem is finding coop ones. Conquest is ok if you have like 20 ppl..

the down side is you cant make your own servers, with out paying....which is kinda craptasticly ghey....

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Lanakov - 09-16-2009

I'm surprised there are so many players left ! That's a good thing, I might reinstall them.These are epic games and I can't wait for Battlefield 3 (The real one, not that Heroes joke.Although it's kinda amusing if played sometimes only).

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - Errant.Venture - 09-16-2009

here are 2 of the usually full ones:

Battlefield Vietnam is AWESOME - ivr56 - 09-26-2009

I have the CDs for Vietnam and BF1942 Collection. I looked on Gameserver tracker and lots of people still play both. Which is awesome.
Might install it if I can find the CD.

Tried it:
Its fun. Although the most populated one [Sexy]Vietnam War is running 1.2 not 1.21.:(
3 other servers though. I just wish AI was a bit more intelligent. Even on "Impossible" difficulty. Downloading Point of Existence Mod for BF: Vietnam atm. I hear thats awesome.