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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Dusty Lens - 09-16-2009

Outcast_Jerry has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:

Quote:5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

Transports which have been killed in a PvP fight may return to the system in which they were destroyed but only for purposes of moving through the system or for trade within that system. They may only act in a purely defensive manner. Resuming acts of piracy is not permitted.

Consequences: All guns and credits.

If you die you are not to return to the system in which you died for, how long? Four hours.

If you need to pass through the system to get elsewhere contact the persons who killed you and ask for their permission. Stating that you'll be back in "three minutes" over and over again isn't going to cut it.

In addition you have an Outcast ID on a cruiser. You must secure an Outcast Guard ID.

I will be checking your vessel again in 7 days. If you do not have a guard ID by then I will be jailing your ship.

Now for your evening reading!

' Wrote:
Incoming video transmission...
Verifying encryption status...
Status verified.
Uplink synchronised.

*The Hellfire Legion logo appears on the screen. A figure is standing before it, his face hidden by shadows. He raises his head slowly, and begins to speak - his voice echoing in the background.*

"Men and women of the Hellfire Legion, I stand before you tonight to bring you a message, and I do so with great sorrow.

I know that several of you have recieved a message recently. An automated message sent from a Search and Rescue buoy originating from the Blue Dove.
We all played it off as an error at first, some malfunction, however..."

*The man, his voice clearly identified him as no other than Lord Commander Aethelu, took a deep breath and stepped forward into the light.*

"However we have been unable to contact Star Colonel Callahan since we recieved the message. Our investigations have shown that she was last seen refueling at Alcatraz, from where she supposedly headed to the New York system - the origin of the SAR-buoy signal.
This, and other results of the investigation, lead us to believe that the signal is completely authentic and was not caused by a malfunction."

Admin Link to Report