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Crazy idea but... - Printable Version

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Crazy idea but... - CrowHunter - 04-05-2007

Hey was thinking, are we able to make Cap ships dockable? like to let clan members dock and repair to their clan Cap? cause in Flack 88 they had buyable stations and were able to move them. Now im no coder, but wont the same thery work there?:)

Crazy idea but... - Nightfall - 04-05-2007

I don't think it can be done that way. Were the movable/buyable stations dockable and flyable by players?

I know you can make a base flyable (any object for that matter) same as dockable (I'm talking about stationary objects ingame) but not both at the same time. Also, even if that's possible, what would happen if the player flying the capship that has docked chars in it, logs off or gets disconnected somehow?

Crazy idea but... - CrowHunter - 04-05-2007

I dont know... just exploring ideas thats all, cause i play Tribes 2 (i know shut up) and i love the mobile base and i think why not have it for a clan or something?

Crazy idea but... - Igiss - 04-05-2007

Not possible to create.

Crazy idea but... - CrowHunter - 04-05-2007

oh....ok then

foget i spoke then lol

Crazy idea but... - supernova - 04-05-2007

That idea has been brought up many would be a very cool thing but probably not possible.

Crazy idea but... - Infernias - 04-11-2007

*probably an old topic but i figure i'd just explain what i know about it*

The Idea of dockable player-flown capital ships IS physically possible, however, it is highly impractical

the reason: if the ship who is "dockable" is in any way destroyed or messed with etc, everyone involved (the dockable player, and those who are docked with him/her) has their freelancer install PERMANENTLY messed over. as in, to get FL working on your computer again, you need to buy another CD and install another copy of FL.

i know this because i heard from a modding friend of mine who heard some guys actually managed to acomplish this, but with that horrible side affect.

the only forseeable way around this problem is if microsoft releases the freelancer source code for modders to look at and find a way around said problem; but lets face it, an icecube has better odds in hell than the modding community has of ever having MS release the FL source code.

so, as igiss said, this is "impossible", but i figured i would just help explain why.

although i must agree with the others in this thread, the concept is highly appealing

Crazy idea but... - Qunitinius~Verginix - 04-11-2007

That WOULD be cool. Fly up and shoot out a bunch of ships and pwn some stuff. Good times. Its unfortunate MS hasn't released the code. It would solve SO many problems...

Verginix Out

Crazy idea but... - Infernias - 04-11-2007

That's the unfortunate part about it, until a modder (or team of modders) come along with the skill to circumnavigate the fact that such features are only accessable through the source code, or in the unlikely chance that MS actually does give in to fan pressure and release the FL source code (again, snowballs chance in hell), we'll have to live with player capital ship docking in our roleplay, our imaginations and our dreams:(

As for freelancers current level of modding skill: i dont think that those few moments of fighter-spewing glory are quite worth the complete killing of a freelancer install / multiple peoples FL installs.

As for capital ship roleplay, its entirely within the realm of possibility, i know that on my capital ship i always carry some extra commodity essential supplies, such as food rations, water, h-fuel, to "replenish" any fighters that are serving as a taskforce.

On that note, maybe more people should try out roleplaying capitals as support/base vessels, instead of just oversized fighters (i personally hate it when other players use capital ships with engine kill fighter movement tactics, it just dosent look right; gunboats aside, capital ships werent meant to dance -- and yeah, i wont complain if a gunboat dances, but i've seen some destroyers just use engine kill to "buzz" around and throw people off)

Crazy idea but... - Lt. Brown - 04-11-2007

MS - Give away codes?!:laugh:

If there's one thing that I've learned about MS, it's that MS does not particularly care about it's gamers other than when their wallets are open. MS has done some pretty evil stuff to some of their fans. They just make sure it's not publicied.

Another thing is that MS will NEVER give away codeing esecialy not openly to the public.

P.S. do not be mistaken - I LOVE MS - their their hardware, their software, their games, but these are just facts I learn to live with.