Discovery Gaming Community
Greetings. - Printable Version

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Greetings. - Lachesis - 09-16-2009

After 2 deleted accounts for no apparent reason , this one managed to get activated at last.

Im also known as Atropos. Im new in this community , just found out that vannila mp is not that awsome anymore since this mod.

I dont got exceptional skills in RP, the storymaking is a bit over my head , maybe thats because i only played fantasy RPG/s and cant make a character that has a rather normal name.

The community seems fine so far , except the fact that the players arent exactly newcomer-friendly

I hope ill manage to get the transition between fantasy rp to a near real rp.

Greetings. - Weedalot - 09-16-2009

' Wrote:The community seems fine so far , except the fact that the players arent exactly newcomer-friendly

"Hi guys we have a new fish in the tank.. get yer pitchforks we are going to get him " *evil laugh*

hi newcomer we welcome you to our community, please read the rules and follow them.. if you have any questions you may ask me or anyone who is willing to assist (there are many)

you will pick up on the RP in time.. just keep cool and remember its just a game.

have fun.

"guys comeon already i cannot stall him forever, where the hell are your torches?! do i have to do everything on my own?!" *he goes to get torches and pitchforks*

Hi Arrexis give one moment i will be right back

Greetings. - Lachesis - 09-16-2009

Hah , i love this sort of introduction replies

Thanks for the hello

Also i already read the rules , i guess those should be read before you get in the game:P

Greetings. - Weedalot - 09-16-2009

"He thinks i am kidding, now move your asses out here and show him we mean business" *MUHAHHAHAHA*

@pradoX wake up

Greetings. - Guest - 09-16-2009

Join the LR, were new player friendly!

*coughs and kicks a cut off finger back under the couch*


Greetings. - Weedalot - 09-16-2009

shamelessly recruiting huh? Well what do suggest is join anything but a liberty faction, no offense sindy , you know its best for new comers to stay away from this place keep away from the madness.

Greetings. - Birdtalon - 09-16-2009

Welcome to the House of Fun!

Greetings. - johnpeter - 09-16-2009

Welcome to the house of funniness! ...Birdtalon... you shameless rip off!

Welcome to Discovery freelancer, blah blah blah... Have fun...

Greetings. - Lachesis - 09-16-2009

' Wrote:shamelessly recruiting huh? Well what do suggest is join anything but a liberty faction, no offense sindy , you know its best for new comers to stay away from this place keep away from the madness.

What ? i was planning to join the LSF :[

Greetings. - Guest - 09-16-2009

Noz..they have enough evil Guardians with all magmahamemrs and minies D: