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Playstation 3 Games - pieguy259 - 09-17-2009

I recently won a Playstation 3, which is in the immortal words of Socrates "totally sweet", but I have a problem, which is this: the only two games it came with are Singstar Queen and Singstar Pop, and although they are fun they will eventually lose their appeal. Thus, can anyone recommend any decent PS3 games that aren't simply "go here and kill this zombie/Nazi/terrorist/zombie Nazi terrorist and any colours that aren't grey, brown and muzzle flash are for wimps and Communists"?

Playstation 3 Games - NerdRage - 09-17-2009

Littlebig planet. i absolutely love it.

for an interactive sci-fi movie get MGS 4, there are more cut-scenes than actual gameplay, metal gear online is awesome too

mirrors edge? fallout 3?

oh, and get the Orange box, 5-in-1 is pretty sweet.

Playstation 3 Games - me_b_kevin - 09-17-2009

i've not played them all, but i'll tell you the ones i like.

-Little Big Planet
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Resistance-Fall of Man
-Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

i've heard good things about these:

-Fallout 3
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Saints Row 2
-Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

and i've pre-ordered and haven't picked up yet:

-Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

Playstation 3 Games - Dead_Parrot - 09-18-2009

Games to get

Call of Duty 4
Guitar Hero 3
Metal Gear Solid 4

Games to stay far far away from.

Quake wars
Genji days of the blade
Dragonball Z burstlimit

However seriously... sell it since you won it, 95% of the games on ps3 are really bad and paying ?50 for 1 game is not fun and if I'm honest I still play my ps2 rather than my ps3.

Playstation 3 Games - TYHPilot - 09-18-2009

Do you like driving? Really realistic driving?

GT5 Prologue (GT5 still hasn't unveiled itself!)

Playstation 3 Games - DarkOne - 09-18-2009

I know we need more space games on the PS3:)

I like Little Big Planet alot... wait to buy it because the GOTY edition is coming with all DLC included.

Fallout 3 GOTY edition is coming in Oct, so isn't Borderlands and Dragon age: Origins. You have Batman that just came out GT5 coming, MAG, WhiteKnight Chronicles and FFXIII is what I am a waiting on most.

For PSN games I absolutely love PixelJunk Monsters try to get all those Rainbows:), Savage Moon is good as well. Both of those are tower defense style game. Fat Princess is a good one too.

Playstation 3 Games - me_b_kevin - 09-18-2009

' Wrote:FFXIII is what I am a waiting on most.

i played FFXI for several years so i'm kinda excited about FFXIV coming out as well as FFXIII

Playstation 3 Games - Weepig - 09-18-2009

I dont own a PS3 myself but i played through Heavenly Sword on a mates PS3. If you have a HD TV then its pretty epic looking. The levels with the crossbow wielding woman have massive re-playability.

Killzone 2 is also good fun i hear.

Playstation 3 Games - kindred - 09-19-2009

Metal Gear Solid 4
Fallout 3
Valve Orange box

Endless hours of lovin' entertainment in any of those

Playstation 3 Games - Lollingham - 09-20-2009

Dead space Is a must have.
Killone 2 is wicked sick online playability and a decent single player to boot;).
Fallout 3 is sweet, cant wait for goty (eat that 360 fans boys and your nay say).
Infamous and prototype are fairly good, but I got bored after hunting too long for shards in inafmous and only ever bothered to play prototpye once I got it and ain't since...
Call of duty 4 & 5 are great online. But I prefer Socom confrontation way more (just seems more realistic, except the third person camping and looking round corners unrealistically using third person camera...).
Star wars the force unleashed is good fun.
The simpsons game also;).

As for games I really want to play, demons souls is a definate must have, just looks so sweet! Gonna get it when I can be arsed to log into Ebay and look for it lol.

Upcoming games to look out for;
Castlevania, this will be an epic game!
Uncharted 2
modern warfare 2.

To be honest, anyone knocking the ps3 for lineup or anything else is either a 360 fanboy, who is jelous of the ps3's capabilities and the future coming capabilities and games/content OR they have little money to spend on games after spending it all on the console and a little angry with that fact lol.

Ps3 has a great lineup of retail games and a great lineup of PSN games. Once the Ps3 slim drops in price, Sony will once again be the market leaders just like when they made the Ps2 slim and dropped its price, that accounted for over 70% of all ps2 sales!