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Corsair with Order bomber - Printable Version

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Corsair with Order bomber - Blaze - 09-19-2009

I have an Order bomber but want to use it as a corsair eith corsair ID and IFF is it allowed? No I dont want to write a whole story about that.

Corsair with Order bomber - Blaze - 09-19-2009

I want to know one more thing.
Which is bigger the Corsair Dreadnought or the Outcast Dreadnought and by how much?

Corsair with Order bomber - reavengitair - 09-19-2009


Order and corsairs... white on the tech sheet?

Small RP bit before hand, then go ahead!

Corsair with Order bomber - Blaze - 09-19-2009

Okay thanx

Corsair with Order bomber - chovynz - 09-19-2009

What does the Tech chart say?
Also check out the wiki for size comparisons. My sig VVVV

Corsair with Order bomber - Tenacity - 09-19-2009

You need to have a posted RP describing how/why you're using that ship with that faction. It also doesnt hurt to get the approval of the order| / high command as well as the corsair faction leaders.