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SCRA Claims Omega 52 - Printable Version

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SCRA Claims Omega 52 - Koolmo - 04-10-2007

"Hello Sirius. Did you miss me?"

Out of the commscreen a face leers, one you've seen a few times in the last year, on wanted posters and newscasts. Stories of terrible atrocities, vicious space combat, and death come swimming to your mind as youy regard this maniac, butcher of worlds.

"Well, I didn't miss you either," with a chuckle, "I just thought I'd tell you about our newest acquisition. An entire system, thats right, our Zoner and IMG friends have offered us the ownership of Omega 50. Its quite nice, its got some nice, private facilities for us to.. unlock secrets, as it were. We've found some very interesting thing, in old records and datachips. Very interesting Indeed..."

He stands, the camera angle rapidly expanding to show Mcintosh and a trembling, terrified soldier, dressed in stained Rheinland Ground Forces fatigues.

"See, we've recently unlocked some of the more... advanced Coalition military secrets, including something Very interesting known as 'Biotechnic Enhancement'. I'll space you the boring details, but essentilly it means that me, and all my troops, have reflexes increased by a factor of 6, bone toughness by a factor of 2.5, and can interact directly with any computers. Really, its fun!"

Drawing a pistol with a smooth, incredibly swift motion, he tosses it into the hands of the terrified Rheinlander. The man stares in amazement, then raises it swiftly.


The transmission slows, and before your eyes, the Rheinlander fires one, two, three shots from the projectile pistol directly at Mcintosh's chest. Although the framerate is slow enough to view the projectiles as they spew from the muzzle, he moves with frightening speed, as the shots speed towards him from less than two meters, he springs aside, letting them pass harmlessly across the view, embedding themselves into the far bulkhead. The nearly comical rage on the Rheinlanders face is replaced by abject terror, and as the transmission speeds up to normal, Mcintosh springs forward and grasps the man by the throat with the right hand, shoulders with the left. A second passes, punctuated only by the harsh, tense breathing of the bar you sit in, then the Rheinlander's head erumpts from his shoulders with a spray of violet gore.

"Oh, did I forget to mention?" smiles Mcintosh over the wretching of the man beside you, "Strength is also increased by, oh, what was it, 4? Thats a lot of... pull, if you catch my drift."

Maniacal laughter spews from him like a visible force, as he drops back into his chair. Throwing his feet carelessley over the arms, he turns again to the screen, and his humour vanishes.

"Seriously though, there's a couple of things your going to have a to realize. First, that Omega 52 is Strictly. Off. Limits. If your a Zoner, a Corsair, an IMG-er, or, of course, a Xeno with true buisness in the system, come on in. Check with the troops on duty, and go about your buisness. If you're just passing through, do so. Don't dock on anything, don't Look at anything, just keep on going. If you don't, we'll have words. They'll be short, swift, and to the point."

Spreading his hands, he leans back and grins widely.

"Of course, if you stay out, you'll live a little longer, untill the day the SCRA comes knocking at your door. There is, however, a third route. Rather than coming here and looking like him," he gestures back at the bloody deck, "or waiting for us to come to you, why not join us? You'll be enhanced, trained, and valued. We care for none but our own, but if your one of us, your one forever. Enhancement also prolongs life by as much as one hundred and fifty years! The age old question, do you want to live forever? At my side, you will!"

As the transmission snaps off, the bar erupts in pandemonium. This close to the edge worlds, most freelancers are hardened vetrans of a few bloody fights, but nary a single face remains flushed with drink. One by one, and in packs, they finish their drinks and leave, silent or talking quietly.

A few men move towards the rear door, where a man in a Uniform strikingly similar to Mcintosh's leans against the wall, swathed in a dark coat. The others departing give this stranger a wide berth, but a couple gather to him, hesitant, but drawn by the power they've witnessed, and eager for their own. He speaks not a word, but gathers them with his eyes, and turns towards the door. Hand on the latch, he pauses, and turns to the room, scanning with cold, grey eyes. As his gaze meets yours, a tingle dances along your spine, and a tight grin opens on his face. He beckons, still silent, and strides away.

Will you follow?

SCRA Claims Omega 52 - PARAKEET - 04-13-2007

A young man about in his mid twenties was standing in corner of the Bar almost unnoticeable if it wern't for his shiny rank insignia that reflected the light from the lights over and his green eyes. Jaden Korr finds one of the Freelancers who was leaving bar and not staying.


The Man stops and turns to face Commodore Korr

"Are you not drawn by this power?"

The man walks closer to Jaden and Is slightly taller than him. He says nothing the long pause seemed awkward Jaden finally continues.

"I saw you fight off those Bounty Hunters... your just as good as John. You can have power if you join us...

The man still unimpressed turn around and continues to walk away

"You can Start over"

The man pleased, turns around once more and follows Jaden back to the Bar

SCRA Claims Omega 52 - Koolmo - 04-24-2007


M'yes, Its Omega 52 now, as the other one was too close to poole.

So yea, stay out. Or Ima Shoot you:P