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Bacon Has A Thread Too? - Printable Version

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Bacon Has A Thread Too? - BaconSoda - 09-20-2009

Neat. This forum exists now.

Plix, plox, plix, give me some feedback at this stuff:

Seeds Less Sown - The Tragic Story of a Misguided Kusari Girl.

Imprisonment - The Tragic Story of a Patriotic Rheinlander.

Complacency - The Tragic Story of an Arrogant Young Corsair.

I like tragedies. :)

Thanks ahead of time.

Bacon Has A Thread Too? - farmerman - 09-24-2009

The first two are some of the only stories I consistently read whenever I get a notification for newness. I will have to check the third, but overall there is a great deal of win!

Bacon Has A Thread Too? - SimonBlack - 01-12-2010

Read Seeds Less Sown. A freaky girl with a cat..hmmm. I quite like it. I expected her to be GC and she turned out to be FA, didn't anticipate it, a nice touch. Also the gaijin are Rheinlanders. Very good, adds variety. Still waiting for the <strike>old</strike> young crazy cat lady to be misguided. So far she is very much self-confident, everyone is bad but her:PI don't know if I like that she kills people up close. She needs to be beaten more. I hate her:P

Oh and kudos for calling GC whores. A strong view, but just. I'd like to see the story from foreigners point of view, it needs more contrast. Show that the gaijin have heart too, but different virtues.

Bacon Has A Thread Too? - pchwang - 01-16-2010

Complacency was awesome!

The fight scenes were really well written, and the character is unique as well.