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PVP Whores are Back - Printable Version

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PVP Whores are Back - Koolmo - 04-11-2007

SFB-Beta4 here, Reporting From Cambridge. I came on station today in New London, and noticed Immediatley that SA and [Phantom] ships were in Cambridge. I entered the system, and recieved a sitrep from both [SA]-LSN-Redbear.

It appears that WarDog and xRoyal.Guardx had decided to kill MrSns-Trader, because he'd switched from a Brotherhood character to his trader. Naturally, I was most displeased by this lack of Roleplay, as well as my rage that they dared attack a trader in SF space. I ordered WarDog out of the system, who proceeded to refuse until the Redbear had chased him.

After a short time, he returned, and as myself and the Redbear moved to engage, xRoyal.Guardx, a POLICE TAGGED, BRET POLICE ID'D BAF BATTLESHIP, Opened Fire. ON ME! Me, An SF Bomber, the Pinnacle of Law and Order in the Colonies, and ESPECIALLY in Cambridge.

Naturally, I had no chance against the massive firepower and suprise factor, and was quickly blown up.

So, went for round two. The Phantoms had joined in on the SF side, as Darkstar has a known hatred for traitors, and both ships were soon dispached. Then he shot me, as expected. They relaunched, and Darkstar was overcome.

At this point, they proceeded to taunt me, make sexist comments toward one of the Phantoms involved, and, eventually, Group with a Helghast talarca. xRoyal.Guardx's story is that he was defending WarDog from my agression, as Bret Police... WTF?


Oh, and now they're saying that 'They're not at war with bretonia, just with the faction SF'



PVP Whores are Back - Qunitinius~Verginix - 04-11-2007

Oh Wow. Seams this Situation ahs gotten out of Hand. I will ahve a Word with Admiral Purge All about this situation, I am assuming that was him, and Inform him not to group with those scum again.

Verginix Out

PVP Whores are Back - Koolmo - 04-11-2007

I've talked to him, his left the group and isn;t going to go near them again.

PVP Whores are Back - Qunitinius~Verginix - 04-11-2007

Good. Unfortunatly, this probably isnt going to end up well. I can forsee a whole load of flaming and fighting to go on,but I may be wrong....

Verginix Out

PVP Whores are Back - XRoyal.Guard.AuthorityX - 04-11-2007

Hey ok well this is totaly out of hand with the lying of SF member over there obviously your lying threw your teeth and you know what i couldn't care less what you say about me or my members seriously. First of all i was defending a memeber that YOU attacked he was under my PROTECTION and i am allowed to protect anyone i want and as for you. YOU WERE RED TO ME WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO DONT GO BLABING YOUR WHINING ABOUT RP RP RP RP CUZ ITS C*** AND IF YOU WANT TO SEND ALL YOUR DAMM SF AFTER GO RIGHT AHEAD IL BE WAITING FOR YOU. you have no buisness interfering with my buddies alright so back the hell off and quit spilling your lies seriously. and about RP my rule is , YOUR RED YOU DIE!. OHH AND YO THINK IM GONNA LEAVE CAMBRIDGE?! HAHA NO! THANK YOU IM STILL A POLICE BUDDY A I DONT DEAL WITH SF THANK YOU SO AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH SF. bunch of liars

[Com] XRoyal.GuardX

PVP Whores are Back - Qunitinius~Verginix - 04-11-2007

Oh Boy. I can tell thsi Is spiraling downhill right as we speak. Well mate, you violated SF rules and they OWN cambridge, so I suggest you wisen up before bad things happen.

The real issue here is, why you attacked MR SNS trader when he was lawful and so are you. Thats what I want to know.

Verginix Out

PVP Whores are Back - Korrd - 04-11-2007

If this turns into a flame fest, i will delete the thread.

Could you post a screenie of him being red to you?
Because I saw both your reps in IFSO and they are almost the same. You should not be red to each other.

PVP Whores are Back - Koolmo - 04-11-2007

He might have seen me as red, but thats becuase I have a BAF Guard tag. Its still BAF.

PVP Whores are Back - Virus - 04-11-2007

' Wrote:Hey ok well this is totaly out of hand with the lying of SF member over there obviously your lying threw your teeth and you know what i couldn't care less what you say about me or my members seriously. First of all i was defending a memeber that YOU attacked he was under my PROTECTION and i am allowed to protect anyone i want and as for you. YOU WERE RED TO ME WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO DONT GO BLABING YOUR WHINING ABOUT RP RP RP RP CUZ ITS C*** AND IF YOU WANT TO SEND ALL YOUR DAMM SF AFTER GO RIGHT AHEAD IL BE WAITING FOR YOU. you have no buisness interfering with my buddies alright so back the hell off and quit spilling your lies seriously. and about RP my rule is , YOUR RED YOU DIE!. OHH AND YO THINK IM GONNA LEAVE CAMBRIDGE?! HAHA NO! THANK YOU IM STILL A POLICE BUDDY A I DONT DEAL WITH SF THANK YOU SO AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH SF. bunch of liars
[Com] XRoyal.GuardX

Note the bolded part. HUD color animation has to do with YOUR reputation toward the faction tag HE has. HIM being red is YOUR fault. Not his.

EDIT: Noticing the Kool has a guard tag... That is why he was red. You are red with Bretonia Naval Guard.

PVP Whores are Back - Nightfall - 04-11-2007

Royal, STOP it right there!

Rest of you stop too!

Now, Royal, stop shouting (again) this is the same conduct you were showing in Theta just before that. Also, I let you off with a warning in Theta, you said you're sorry and that it won't happen.

Now, red in your HUD means you're reps are wrong, not his.

edit: oops, I didn't see you guys post.