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Red hessian Bomber - Printable Version

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Red hessian Bomber - Blaze - 09-22-2009

Guys I just flew a RH Bomber in SP it looks good But is it bigger than a civilian Bomber?
Can a Merc Use it?

Red hessian Bomber - Elsdragon - 09-22-2009

YOur merc had best be damn Friendly with the hessians, or else You had better stick to the roc

Red hessian Bomber - Colonel.Tigh - 09-22-2009

If you dont mind the looks of the Roc, its an extremely powerful Bomber.
The Rheinland one has a Big powercore, but when fighting caps you dont need it, for two seconds more or less between snacs dont mather, and versus smaller crafts the higher manouverability of the Roc will serve you well.
No ideas about the hessian one, never flew it, and most Hessians use the Borderworlds one.

Red hessian Bomber - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 09-23-2009

' Wrote:If you dont mind the looks of the Roc, its an extremely powerful Bomber.
The Rheinland one has a Big powercore, but when fighting caps you dont need it, for two seconds more or less between snacs dont mather, and versus smaller crafts the higher manouverability of the Roc will serve you well.
No ideas about the hessian one, never flew it, and most Hessians use the Borderworlds one.

Actually it means hell alot. Those few seconds makes a big diffrence about shield restore time.

And roc.. Hm, as a civilian bomber perhaps its even abit to powerfull. But its not for me to decide. Anyhow I found out hessian bomber much easier to deal with than with roc. Just becosue of the size and agility. Thor is a razor magnet.

Red hessian Bomber - Guest - 09-23-2009

The bottom side of the Thor has a SN ME painted on it.

Red hessian Bomber - looqas - 09-23-2009

Thor is a good ship, but it comes to the feel of a ship really. It's not the most agile ship out there nor the smallest. Even though Falcata seems to be as big or bigger than Thor it still seems harder to hit. Be that the legendary strafing ability of Falcata or general maneuverability.

Merc can't use Thor. Red Hessians are not in the business of handing out ships really. If you get caught using it it's most likely you'll be presented questions that can be the death of you. So I advice not go that route. All it does is raise questions everywhere in the galaxy.

Red hessian Bomber - Guest - 09-23-2009

Get the Rheinland LF with a mini razor.

Best bomber out there.

Red hessian Bomber - tansytansey - 09-24-2009

[Image: civithor.png]