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Faction(s) Propsal - Printable Version

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Faction(s) Propsal - MrSns - 09-22-2009


Some of you know me, some of you dont, but yeah. I have been thinking about this a lot and became kinda Assessed with it lol, that's probably why some of you haven't seen me for a few days. Anyway here is the back story for the group, that story prity much explains it all. Please leave a comment

strange boy in a bar Wrote:I still remember the day, when Elder Itsuki Hiroto one of the 7 Shichibukai came to our lonely planet. That day is still burned into my brain as if it was yesterday, but I’ll get into that later.

The Shichibukai, or pronounced in full, Ouka Shichibukai, are the 7 Pirate war lords of Kusari, they do not care about or respect the Government or even other Shichibukai, but that does not stop them from working together when there is something or someone that threatens the survival of their future Utopia, New Kusari. The idealistic views of the Shichibukai is what keeps them together, if they were any different, than they would all perish in a brutish battle between one another. The Shichibukai are made up of men from many different factions that share the idealistic view of a new utopia, some of these factions consist of Blood Dragons, Bounty Hunters, Farmers Alliance and even Conformed KNF Militant that still can pull strings within the corrupt Kusari government, this gives the Shichibukai a greater advantage in their struggle. Each war lord has his own mark, this strikes fear into anyone that may gaze apon this abnormal site. The Shichibukai are the rulers of what is called, the two great divides. The two great divides are a constellation of systems on both outer sides of Kusari, giving the Shichibukai a controlling advantage when it comes to money and power, seeing as a lot of traders pass through these worlds. But this does come with a price; there is always a constant battle for space between the Shichibukai and two rivaling parties that are known only as the two brothers, Corsair and Outcasts. The Shichibukai have a weird love hate relationship with these two parties and can fluctuate and any give point. Although most of the factions within the Shichibukai are either rivaled or aligned with the Corsair and Outcast groups, this does not change the fact that if they are ordered to kill one of their friends by a Pirate war lord then this must be done. Any member of the Shichibukai has been marked as a terrorist in all houses and is to be shot on the spot. A pirate may choose to join the ranks Shichibukai pirate lords if a space becomes open. However, in order for one to become a Shichibukai once this position opens up, one must be able to show their strength against other pirates while choosing to pledge loyalty to the New Kusari Utopia. Once they become renowned, the position may be offered to them, if no other pirate has accepted to the position or proven to be more of an asset to the Shichibukai, they will be accepted into the ranks.

Well, that’s what I have heard. Anyway back to Elder Itsuki Hiroto. Itsuki is the leader of a separatist cult that is bent on conforming the entire Sirius sector to its religion, it is named The Vothx. The Vothx cult settled on a small planet named Lucix in an unknown system beyond the boarder worlds. It is beleaved that the Vothx hunger for knowledge and worship the nomads as higher beings.

Itsuki came to my planet once upon a time when I was only 12 years old, he ravaged our crops stole our women and killed our fathers. All that were left where only children, branded with his mark, saying that he would return to claim these children. His flag ship The Haunting, an Osiris class battleship, bringer of the dammed carrier of the dead may he guide them to the fire depths of hell, is a frighting sight, whom ever dare to stand up to this harbringer of death, is either very stupid or got something hidden up there sleeve.

When I was young I met Itsuki, he was a large man that looked like he did a lot of weights. I watched him, skin my father alive. It was the most horafing sight a child would ever see. As part of their religion it is customary to make a sacrifice to appease the gods, the blood of an innocent is what they desire. I disrespected Itsuki when I was young, but I forever regret doing that. He branded my face with his mark. He carved it in with his knife over 2 long pain staking hours, no mere human with a heard or conscious would dare do such a thing. This man, is pure “evil” and a beg anyone, ANYONE who has some sort of power to stop this freak and bring justice to the Sirius sector.

So, the basic idea of this is there is one major faction made up of 7 members of the Kusari State, which lead there own individual factions. These 7 women and men may already have a faction and request to be one of these 7 people or, they can chose to create one. Each faction must have a Specific goal that will contribute to the Kusari utopia where all factions bar the ones we deam not worthy will be welcomed into our space. My specific factions goal is to bring its religion to the utopia etc etc.

Ouka Shichibukai Group structure:

Ouka Shichibukai Elite - Elder Itsuki Hiroto
Ouka Shichibukai - Open
Ouka Shichibukai - Open
Ouka Shichibukai - Open
Ouka Shichibukai - Open
Ouka Shichibukai - Open
Ouka Shichibukai - Open

A side note, any Kusari related faction (including outcasts and corsairs) are welcome to apply for Ouka Shichibukai member.

Terms of joining the Ouka Shichibukai

A Ouka Shichibukai member must:
  1. Lead a faction related to Kusari in some way
    Have a good faction idea that will contribute to the completion of our Utopia
  2. Have some way to contribute to our utopia such as can provide food, keep criminals out etc etc
  3. Has the means to donate Sirius credits to the cause (not going to be usefull when our utopia comes.
  4. Willing to sacrifice what they love for the cause
I shall post more about my faction soon but for now this is a good start. Please leave a comment about what you think of this idea or if you think your worthy of joining!



Faction(s) Propsal - reavengitair - 09-22-2009

Ehh, are you serious?

Heh, I'm not sure if some would consider me worthy of joining, but I'll give it a shot.

I also believe this already happens?

Faction(s) Propsal - MrSns - 09-22-2009

Any man that thinks he is worthy and can prove it in such a manner as my brother here is more then welcome to join! You share the same Idealistic goals as we do, you seam worthy enough!

(( after reading some of your posts and your faction post, i found it rather interesting:D you factions idealistic goals are not to far apart from those of the Shichibukai, and you are more then welcome to join if you still wish. There is a postion waiting for you.

Anyone else care to comment on my post ))

Faction(s) Propsal - reavengitair - 09-22-2009

Actually, I am also quite sceptical on whether this will be accepted by other Kusari players. I'm not exactly fine with at the moment, But I'll wait for others to comment.

mainly Zelot, Lotek_, Etc. Have you contacted them already?

Faction(s) Propsal - swift - 09-22-2009

For some reason this reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

And yes, I do know how little this post is useful.:P

Faction(s) Propsal - n00bl3t - 09-22-2009

' Wrote:And yes, I do know how little this post is useful.:P

Eh. A welcome change to your lurking.

Faction(s) Propsal - swift - 09-22-2009

' Wrote:Eh. A welcome change to your lurking.
In a mood, Richard, in a mood.

Silly message of the moment: Timestamps convey to me that you're resenting me for a smiley. Wars have broken out for less.

Faction(s) Propsal - n00bl3t - 09-22-2009

' Wrote:In a mood, Richard, in a mood.

Silly message of the moment: Timestamps convey to me that you're resenting me for a smiley. Wars have broken out for less.


I am thinking of what to write for the next part of X's story.