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Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Printable Version

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Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Malexa - 09-22-2009

This is the Feedback and Discussion thread for the Rheinland Taxation system :

Constructive posts only, since I want to keep it under development and making it sense.

Reason for the Taxation stuff is to encourage the use of the local Corporations, getting at least a few credits into the Armory and getting more RP into Rheinland.
War to the silent traders.
Also the Military patrols have something to do and wont sit at Hamburg all the time.

It should not be a form of piracy and we wont hold up everyone, when we check a ship.
We focus on one, collect its tax and if the other trader goes on in the meantime, well thats luck for him.
The RP background is simple. Ensure that the rheinland economy and the war effords wont suffer, by foreign companies taking Rheinland money from the Rheinland Corporations.

The taxes can only be collected by the [RM], to ensure we have it under control.

The levied taxes are really low, so it should not harm anyone.


Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Irra - 09-22-2009

Do you consider 4 mil low ? Never mind ...

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Cyberanson - 09-22-2009

May you please tell us, where you get 4 million from? The highest tax is 200.000 on Class 3 goods.

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Irra - 09-22-2009

' Wrote:May you please tell us, where you get 4 million from? The highest tax is 200.000 on Class 3 goods.

Well got taxed 4mil i died ... didn't payed that much for less them 1mil cargo ... it was neon i think ... from liberty on my zoner whale.

Never mind ... i don't even come close to Rhineland with it anymore no one cares for RP of trader there ...

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Cyberanson - 09-22-2009

Ah, so you are No.U.Trading? The pilot of this vessel deserved it, he disobeyed our orders. And it was no tax, it was a fine.

Now back to topic: this taxing system has a maximum of 200k on a full load of Class 3 goods.

All rules for contraband and the fines stay active.

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Malexa - 09-22-2009

The 4 million fine for the third smuggling attempt, is hard to reach actualy.

Most smugglers get caught a maximum of 2 times, then they are more cautious.
To land on the criminal list, you have to be a really valuable smuggler.
If you do the same smuggling route over and over again, still not avoiding the checkpoints, then nobody can help you anymore.

Smuggling is about roleplay, about staying hidden and using camoflague for your cargo.
Just running with your load is the proper roleplay for admitting that your cargo is full of illegal stuff, no matter what you tell or where you hide it.

And its about the Taxing system for certain goods in here.
I want to develop it if possible, so it makes the most sense.

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - cmfalconer - 09-22-2009

*raises hand*
I have a question. Military Vehicles out of Rheinland have a tax of 200k if it's more than 1k of goods.

You can't fit > 1k of Military Vehicles in ANYTHING except a barge can you?

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Weedalot - 09-22-2009

' Wrote:*raises hand*
I have a question. Military Vehicles out of Rheinland have a tax of 200k if it's more than 1k of goods.

You can't fit > 1k of Military Vehicles in ANYTHING except a barge can you?
call it 250 units than.. i think its a 4 per one.

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Malexa - 09-22-2009

Ah thanks for pointing this out.

I will change it now.

Rheinland Taxation Feedback and Discussion - Irra - 09-22-2009

Again me ... yes once i run away from Indy with artifacts and then came back with neon run form him again because i know ppl tend to shot down someone who run away from them before ... and while doing later it involved carrying neon , then gate/lane parts and no illegal stuff there i tried to RP as best i could ... try to get permission from everyone involved ... maybe i forgot something ... but still ... never mind ... i am wanted there , eh?...:D... am i still wanted , after my ship got destroyed ?

back to topic:
Well ... it looks nice ... taxes aren't big ... and gate/lane parts , ship hull panels , VIPs also use more cargo space ... not sure what else use more cargo then usual and how much more but i think anyway its less then 1000 too so maybe change those too?