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UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - Printable Version

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UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - Tic - 09-23-2009

Based on the Border Worlds shipline, I made a shipling for the Phantoms, as none of them seem to actually use their ships. I don't blame them since they look like.. Well, crap..

So I decided to give it a shot at making them a new shipline for small craft, and I hope you'll like the results.

Phantom Light Fighter

[Image: m9vdx0.jpg]
[Image: 2iizm9w.jpg]
[Image: 2n6hmvt.jpg]
[Image: 2aeyrsz.jpg]
[Image: 11ch55k.jpg]

Phantom Very Heavy Fighter

[Image: 1ryk42.jpg]
[Image: 2lcv620.jpg]
[Image: 30cnl9g.jpg]
[Image: np02gp.jpg]
[Image: 2505cwk.jpg]

Phantom Bomber

[Image: 24ero6v.jpg]
[Image: 2i0usjk.jpg]
[Image: 54yf5x.jpg]
[Image: wwf1ua.jpg]
[Image: 2wqhm45.jpg]

Any opinions and feedback from the Phantom members would be appriciated.

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - Irra - 09-23-2009

Looks very cool ... but even if i am not Phantom and i wont use ships i think it would be better if those arcs ... wings thing could be smaller and thinner ...

and on VHF i think it would look cool if upper and down wing could be swept back and shorten:Dit would be cool ... i think i will start learning this thing:Dif i find free time

Edit: Same on bomber

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - NerdRage - 09-23-2009

the general design is ok on the LF, but adding more and more of the crinkly wings makes it look like some sort of spre creation.

my sugessions are to replace the masses of telescopic-like segments into several curved ones, and figure out a way to add to the LF to make it HF and VHF other than adding more of the wings.

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - atlantis2112 - 09-23-2009

Those bottom ones remind me of the Shadow vessels from Babylon 5...

It looks neat though. But are people going to use these?

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - swift - 09-23-2009

Oooh pretty.
And if this doesn't end up used by the Phantoms, they'd make for lovely ships to be added into the mod.
Preferably non-factionized as there's a huge shortage of such ships.

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - reavengitair - 09-23-2009

The LF looks like the bayonet... a little.

I've actually thought of something a little like this. Perhaps we could make it more similar to one design? I once had an idea of making it somewhat borderworlds looking (black of course, with alot better features)

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - pipboy - 09-23-2009

The design is kind of cool. However, the Phantoms are not from Sirius...

I'm sure an RP of some sort could be made to explain their ships being based off of the border world line, but it seems to me like they would bring their own ships with them. They're supposed to be a very technologically advanced group, so why would they come here and make new ships based off of an inferior technology?

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - Turkish - 09-23-2009

I find the models far too simplistic, as well that they seem to be built on a BW frame and them just tacked together.

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - akka1000 - 09-23-2009

I really like the LF, but the other two just look ... me

Its almost like theres too much spiky-ness

UPDATE1 Phantom ship line - Ash - 09-23-2009


It just seems like a few extra fins got added each time though. Perhaps changing the shape of the chassis a little as you go up the line may make it look better. Cos the Bomber still looks kinda like the LF, even though it's two designs apart.