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How Accurate is FL - Angel - 10-29-2005

Ok, we all know Freelancer is a GAME, and not real, But lets see how much is actual fact and what is completly made up shall we?

Well ill start with Sirrus its self, First off its not 20+ star systems, its actually a young Single Star system thats about 120 million years old, most of the Planets, if u want to call them that, are Balls of molten Lava, or Ice and Rock.

Now the Fact that all these ships, at least the capital ships Run off Fusion Reactors, sounds pretty True, Theres already great developement in Fusion Technologies, Problem most have is that it produces so much energy that it all can't be used, and that in turn would cause a overload, And might Generate a Blackhole in the ensuing Explosion.

Now, one thing i noticed with the sleeperships, if they traveled at 350KPH, like on Cruise engines it would have taken them.....let me do the math...114,285,714,285 years to get from Earth to Sirrus.......Man kind would be extinct by the time they got there lol

If anyone has any questions about space or stuff like that im taking classes at GPL and about to get a MA in Astronomy and Astro physics

How Accurate is FL - Igiss - 10-29-2005

Quote:Well ill start with Sirrus its self, First off its not 20+ star systems, its actually a young Single Star system thats about 120 million years old, most of the Planets, if u want to call them that, are Balls of molten Lava, or Ice and Rock.
If you read the rumors, you might know that Sirius is somewhere in Kusari. But I never found where exactly. Probably - nowhere. It's not a system, it's a sector, sector in the region of Sirius, no more. You won't deny that other stars exist near Sirius, right?

Quote:Now, one thing i noticed with the sleeperships, if they traveled at 350KPH, like on Cruise engines it would have taken them.....let me do the math...114,285,714,285 years to get from Earth to Sirrus.......Man kind would be extinct by the time they got there lol
As you might've seen in the video, the sleeper ships used some kind of warp drive instead.

Most unrealistic things about Freelancer are...

(1) Static nebulas - I doubt they can exist inside planetary systems, they can exist on the early stages of planet formation but later disappear or turn into ring system around some larger object.

(2) Nothing's moving. Nothing's turning around stars and planets. We cannot assume that everything is just orbiting the star with the same speed, because FL universe has objects with different mass and different remoteness from the star - it's impossible that they all have synchronous orbits.

(3) Size of objects. As far as I know, planets are 1000 times smaller than they should be, stars are 1000000 times smaller if we take Solar System as an example (correct me if I'm wrong).

But - all that was done just to make gameplay more interesting. Apply any of those 3 in-game, and you get more realistic space, but far less playability.

How Accurate is FL - Cap. Narnatonis - 10-29-2005

Well... U can tell one thing... The engine tecnology is possible... The only thing that we DON't have is the "Niobium", the fictional substance that can endure the high temperature of a hydrogen fusion in plasmatic state.

And the sleeper ships, well... They use Warp engines, not fusion, that are based on Einstein's theory of space and time. "Warp" engines don't generate thrust, but a high power magnetic field to bend the 3 dimensions of space. It's only a theory right now, like the jump holes (Einstein's "Wormholes") and jump gates.

The tecnology's (engines, weapons, shield tecnology and such) of the game are all based in somethin that CAN be done. The only thing that we don't have is the cute powersource, like a portable fusion battery for the laser handguns of Ageira.

The only thing that's really unreal is the proportions and movement... In that point, Igiss is right.

How Accurate is FL - Dab - 10-29-2005

There is a real element called Niobium.

How Accurate is FL - Korrd - 10-29-2005

The warp engines are based in Miguel Alcubierre warp drive. Those generate high enegy graviton fields that warp the space arround the ship, "expanding" the space behind the ship, and "contracting" the space in front of it... the ship is not moving FTL, but the space arround it does. (search in google for Miguel Alcubierre for better info).

The othe irreal things are Gravity (planets and stars dont atract things in their vicinity, nor grav interction between objects), Sizes, Staticity of objects, Speeds and distances, asteroids so close to the stars and nebulas, weapons speed (a laser cannon whose beam speed is not lightspeed but 800 M/s??, come on...), Missiles with terrible seeking habilities..., thrust (turning off (not killing) the engines takes the ship to full stop), the docking concept, 2d galactic mar whose stars are so simmetric regarding each other position.... shall i continue?...

Let say that Freelancer universe is not intended for realism, but for fun and playability...

How Accurate is FL - Cap. Narnatonis - 10-29-2005

Dab,Oct 29 2005, 01:36 PM Wrote:There is a real element called Niobium.

Yes... Just like we have "H-Fuel", "Boron" and "Beryllium", but that doesn't mean that all features that u can read on the game's info are true...

How Accurate is FL - Kane - 10-29-2005

One thing that I noticed... the ships have contrails. Why are there contrails in space? Space is a vacum, with no air for wing tips and such to create contrails off of. So why have it? It looks cool.

And why do we need constant thrust? With nothing to create friction, we shouldn't need the engines to be "on" the entire time we want to go forward. Oh, and the cruise engines arn't very realistic either.

So there you have it. But this is besides the point. Freelancer is about having fun, not being realistic.

How Accurate is FL - Cap. Narnatonis - 10-29-2005

Kane,Oct 29 2005, 02:41 PM Wrote:So there you have it. But this is besides the point. Freelancer is about having fun, not being realistic.

Couldn't agree more... :sleep:

How Accurate is FL - Angel - 10-29-2005

Yeah Igiss, Sirrus is actually a Single System in a group of Stars, and yes you are correct, Nebula's that are close to large gravitational bodie would draw in those gases and either spread into the atmosphere of the planet, or expand it into a Gas Giant.

Well, Niobium in FL is a Substance that, like it says is used in the production of Fusion Reactors, but Fusion Technology is dangerous stuff, one wrong move and you can produce a Black hole that would Destroy everything around it, Blackholes are so kool, There a Rip in spacetime, and there one and can crush a planet with ease... :D

How Accurate is FL - Cecasander - 10-30-2005

Igiss,Oct 29 2005, 10:52 AM Wrote:As you might've seen in the video, the sleeper ships used some kind of warp drive instead.

Assuming they discovered a good way to put people into statis, they might travel for centuries with little supplies. Even at a tenth of light speed they could reach a 10-lighyear distance star within a century.