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Review your favourite ships - Printable Version

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Review your favourite ships - Guest - 09-25-2009

Greetings, this is a thread made by me for people to submid their reviews on ships they are the most experianced in: the bad and good sides of them, loadouts, flight patterns, tips and tricks for other people, who would like to try them out at some point.

You also may want to add to other's reviews, add images ect.

To have your ship review added to the first post, please PM me with with the filled out form:

  • *Ship Name
    *Sell location

    *Brief description of the ship

    *Advantiges of the ship over others of it's class

    *Dissadvantiges of the ship

    *Flight tips



Light Fighters

Heavy Fighters

Very Heavy Fighters

Super Heavy Fighters



[Image: cougar.png]
  • Ship Name
    "Cougar" Gallic Bomber

  • Faction
    Gallic Royal Navy

  • Sell location
    Battleship beuvray

  • Cost
    around 4,5 million

  • Brief description of the ship
    Built upon the back of the lessons learned during the first truly large scale battles in which Gallic forces were committed, the Couger is vastly improved in every conceivable way than the largely theoretical forbear launched against usurped Royal Navy capital ships during the war.

  • Advantiges of the ship over others of it's class
    more manouvrable, slightly better weapons,

  • Dissadvantiges of the ship
    his manouvrability,

  • Flight tips
    for equil and bigger dodge,aim,shoot,
    against fighters, dodge a lot more,

  • Equipment
    best for what I done with this ship is
    2 codes,
    2 musketoons
    1 minirazor (usefull against fighters)
    1 Snac,
    1 screamer mine
    1 adv. CMD
By entrepreneur









[Image: 2rzzx3t_th.png]

Ship Name
ALG "Golem" Heavy Mover
ALG Waste Disposal
Sell location
Dortmund Station, New Berlin, Rheinland
125.000.000,00 credits
Brief description of the ship
The Mover is a transport vessel for all kinds of hazardous material. All toxic, radiating or venomous stuff is placed in the giant containers in the front. Furthermore it can be used for mining scrap metal in dangerous areas. The crew has air fresheners installed in the decks.
Advantiges of the ship over others of it's class
The hitpoints are incredibly high and the ship has several turret mounts, which makes it possible to defend themselves. Two Movers are enough to scare away every pirate. The engine is located within the chassis, so it is hard to hit with CDs.
Dissadvantiges of the ship
It has an incredibly low turn rate. Furthermore all kinds of jealous people outside of ALG want to get this beast.
Flight tips
Do not dock too late on trade lanes, as you are forced to fly around and dock again. The mount point is on the nose of the ship, so dock early enough on the lanes.
Try to use EK while flying it, it makes the navigation more easy.
4700 cargo maximum.
By Ventana



Review your favourite ships - Cyberanson - 09-25-2009

[Image: 2rzzx3t_th.png]

Ship Name
ALG "Golem" Heavy Mover
ALG Waste Disposal
Sell location
Dortmund Station, New Berlin, Rheinland
125.000.000,00 credits
Brief description of the ship
The Mover is a transport vessel for all kinds of hazardous material. All toxic, radiating or venomous stuff is placed in the giant containers in the front. Furthermore it can be used for mining scrap metal in dangerous areas. The crew has air fresheners installed in the decks.
Advantiges of the ship over others of it's class
The hitpoints are incredibly high and the ship has several turret mounts, which makes it possible to defend themselves. Two Movers are enough to scare away every pirate. The engine is located within the chassis, so it is hard to hit with CDs.
Dissadvantiges of the ship
It has an incredibly low turn rate. Furthermore all kinds of jealous people outside of ALG want to get this beast.
Flight tips
Do not dock too late on trade lanes, as you are forced to fly around and dock again. The mount point is on the nose of the ship, so dock early enough on the lanes.
Try to use EK while flying it, it makes the navigation more easy.
4700 cargo maximum.

Review your favourite ships - Captain - 09-25-2009

[Image: cougar.png]
  • Ship Name
    "Cougar" Gallic Bomber

  • Faction
    Gallic Royal Navy

  • Sell location
    Battleship beuvray

  • Cost
    around 4,5 million

  • Brief description of the ship
    Built upon the back of the lessons learned during the first truly large scale battles in which Gallic forces were committed, the Couger is vastly improved in every conceivable way than the largely theoretical forbear launched against usurped Royal Navy capital ships during the war.

  • Advantiges of the ship over others of it's class
    more manouvrable, slightly better weapons,

  • Dissadvantiges of the ship
    his manouvrability,

  • Flight tips
    for equil and bigger dodge,aim,shoot,
    against fighters, dodge a lot more,

  • Equipment
    best for what I done with this ship is
    2 codes,
    2 musketoons
    1 minirazor (usefull against fighters)
    1 Snac,
    1 screamer mine
    1 adv. CMD

Review your favourite ships - Guest - 09-25-2009

First post updated

Review your favourite ships - Exsiled_one - 09-25-2009

I'll write a brief one of Ptrans and give out few suggestions then:

Pirate transport.
Cost: from 50 - 90 million
Cargo: Varies (3000-3400)
Guns: 9 lvl 7 turrets

So we have the overused pirate transport here. It's overused because of four good things. Armor, Cargo, Guns and it manouvers really well for a ship of it's cargo class.

Equipped with shieldbuster or two and lvl x turrets it's an excellent ship to pirate anything that moves goods around (even the ALG mover, yes).

Various builds exist and some use Cap armors, sacrificing 300 cargo for that sweet armor. Some use mk8 regular armor, giving enough boost while maintaining that 300 cargo that sometimes proves to be even 1million more profit.
People argue that using lvl 3 turrets and lvl 4 turrets boils down to the same thing, but that's far from truth. For anti fighter I would actually suggest the lvl 4 turrets while lvl 3 turret ships should shy away from actually taking down a bomber alone.

Against gunboats story changes. One pirate transport can give enough hell to a gunboat or gunship, two pirate transports with cycling bots / bats can defeat gunship or gunboat easily. We are generalizing here people, ofcourse it depends on who's flying what.

Other tips:
Scan your transport targets before you attack, shires with cap 8 armor have been spotted.

Review your favourite ships - Cyberanson - 09-25-2009

Sindroms, why don't you just link to the respective posts, rather than editing everything into the first post?

Review your favourite ships - Bauer - 09-25-2009

*Ship Name

Liberty Assault BattleCruiser


Liberty Navy

*Sell location

Virginia and Juneau in Alaska


300,000,000 million

*Brief description of the ship

Liberty government was always aware that their most dangerous potential enemies are not pirates or smugglers, but other Houses. For the case of full-scale war between Houses, the Liberty Navy has a secret weapon that may unexpectedly turn the tide of any battle - a heavily armored and fast Assault Battlecruiser, capable of breaching enemy formations and quickly taking out key capital ships of the opposing side.

*Advantages of the ship over others of it's class

It can withstand a lot of fire, while dishing out a lot of fire too. With the right pilot, skills and load out, it can be hard to shoot down. Could solo a BS if flown right.

*Disadvantages of the ship

No thruster. If a Battleship gets really close to you, your screwed unless you have support.

*Flight tips

It's not exactly the most maneuverable, in fact, I think the LN dread is more maneuverable. Just make sure your opponent doesn't get above or below you. If you can, try to insta-kill bombers with Light Mortars. Use slots 1 and 2 for effective LM spam.


I recommend using this load out:

2x LM
8x Cruiser primaries
2x BS Primaries.

If you want you could swap out a cruiser primary for a missile. This load out (with cap 6 armour) has killed ever single cruiser it has soloed, including Mon'Star (<3). For anti-bomber, lower their shields and as they come in, hit them with a LM. Sure, it takes skill, but once you have it, they'll be falling like flies.