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Ageira Technologies Feedback - Printable Version

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Ageira Technologies Feedback - Quorg - 09-26-2009

If you interact with an Agiera| ship in space, let us know here how it goes!

Ageira Technologies Feedback - jammi - 12-05-2009

Yay for first feedback. I've been having good intereactions with Ageria| ships for a few days now. Before I'd never really encountered them.

During the times I've been in Liberty with my escort Ausoi.Kyou, Ageria ships have formed the vast majority of my clients. I've escorted the Ageria|Elbrus twice, the Ageria|Slun once, then both another time as a convoy.

They were both good fun, and acted as good soild members. Keep up the good work, and remember to keep hiring me!:P